How much of your finger would you say you have to cut off before you try to take the piece to a&e to reattach?
Like if it's just a little tiny little piece it's not worth it, right?
It's just... I already panicked & threw it in the bin
Like if it's just a little tiny little piece it's not worth it, right?
It's just... I already panicked & threw it in the bin
I cut into my thumb.
I learnt
(x) do not chop when angry and
(y) it's really painful. I am surprised knife crime is as popular as it is. People would think twice if they knew how much it hurt at the sharp end.
Though I did cut off half of my thumb digit as a kid and lost it below the stairs (it grew back)
Take it outta the bin 😬
Get yourself to A&E please Zoe. 🙏
Ooof. Nearly took a chunk out of myself when grating the remnant of parmesan on a microplane the other day. I won't go near a mandolin without a pair of knife proof safety gloves.
If not, no bone was involved & it stopped bleeding, it's probably OK 😀
I can still identify where I drunk-sliced a bit of my left index finger 25 years ago. I went to A&E with a tea towel wrapped around it, they rolled their eyes. It's fine.
My brother came over & looked at it (which was beyond me) and bandaged it up and said it really is just a tiny little bit that’s gone…!
(Hope it doesn't hurt too bad - a carpenter friend's injury was too painful to resume their trade for 9 months following an accident with a circular saw, but got there in the end)
high four
The NHS hasn’t been digitised.
A & E glued it back on & taped it securely and that fixed it healed good enough. 👍
That little finger is also slightly longer and thinner at the tip than the other so the nail looks a bit weird but who cares? Not me!
And put the finger piece on ice, a pack of frozen veg, anything cold
Best chance of reattaching it. ( ugh)
Have no idea but 111 probably better than soc media. Breathe deep, ask a medical person.
Staple it!
But if anything like me, the temptation to “shove it up your nostril” will, at times be somewhat overwhelming?
The look on youngsters' faces😂😂😂
Best get A&E to decide if it can be put back on.
Good luck 💕 said in her show 😬
My thought: If any finger nail is attached to the bit cut off, maybe take it to A&E.
Expert battlefield surgical tips as seen on M*A*S*H
I once cut most of the top digit of my little finger off. When I got to A & E, the receptionist took one look at it and threw it in the waste paper bin.