When I wrote for Law & Order, we fake-murdered more people on all three shows than were actually murdered in NYC that year. And that was just three shows on one network.
Murder mysteries make good stories. But they’re just stories.
You’re safer than you think.
Murder mysteries make good stories. But they’re just stories.
You’re safer than you think.
Explore this gift article from The New York Times. You can read it for free without a subscription. www.nytimes.com/2024/12/30/u.... The right continues to create false narratives to further divide us.
As per usual, his statements were never addressed with corrections.
The right pushes the “cities are full of crime” narrative constantly because it gets them votes. Once in office the narrative changes to “look how safe we made it” even though nothing actually changed.
NYT after the election: you know, actually things aren't that bad... hey, where are you going guys? Guys? 🥺
No, I take back the maybe.
"What do you mean you're not drunk and living on government money?" I heard, directed at the adults then later at me
Adams is spectacularly incompetent at that basic task.
Went downhill when they started phasing him out for Chris Noth and lost me entirely when he left. Vincent made it the best L&O.
I know writers need to eat, and that they frequently have to take what they can get, but yeah, US TV/movies launder a lot of really bad things.
thanks for answering, I was genuinely curious.
And without Jack Bauer showing us torture works (it doesn’t), would Abu Ghraib have been bigger scandal?
[Though the show's very very last image of conservative icon Jack Bauer taken away as a Russian prisoner proved prophetic]
A small english village with a bigger bodycount than some slasher films.
(True confession: my dream is someday to be one of the Legal Eagles, marching purposefully down the hallway and toward the camera, under the opening credits of an "L&O" franchise!😎)
..but to maga it doesn’t matter …it’s all a lie unless Trump says it , or Fox News says it …
MAGA live in an alternate universe or spin and disinformation
Solving murders is important, but without a constant supply of apples — the whole city shuts down!
(Inspector Lewis fan)
But the vast, vast majority are people in the drug trade killing each other, which is basically never what Law & Order is about.
If you include Staten Island, no amount of murder shows would be enough.
(but you're not)
And I’m still surprised people invited Jessica Fletcher *anywhere.*
I need to get back to Shetland. It’s one of the series we lost doing home hospice for my f-i-l. We could only show him classic Hollywood, Poirot, and Murder, She Wrote.
Because I honestly believe these shows do. I believe they do SIGNIFICANT damage, so as a writer for them, that means you have done so.
cops purposefully keep shitty records because they don’t really clear many cases, and “unknown” often means it was not determined.
about 1/3 are designated, but likely lower.
(It was 20 years ago and I’m not doing the math again to prove it. Don’t @ me.)
That said, we do seem to have a high rate of gun crime but they can't hit the broadside of a barn.
(trying to find out if you fake murdered me). 😬
In the three years I lived in Oxford, there was one murder, the investigation was led by a chief superintendent (three ranks above Morse) and had 100 police on it.
Two days later, police lifted the floorboards in his flat and found the body. Case closed.
They would say 'have you checked', or 'who is checking'
In 2022 it was 12 times higher.
I’m reminded of Justice Scalia bringing up Jack Bauer & ‘24’ when defending the use of torture by the government.
Fiction is more influential than fact.
330 million residents.
330+ million firearms.
Just sayin' son.
How people continued to tolerate Jessica Fletcher after she left a multitude of dead bodies in her wake is beyond me.
I thought it was a documentary
SLAUGHTER a Classroom full of Children, get the useless rounds of Thoughts & Prayers, some media/politician discussion about GUN violence & back to business as usual within the hour.
And you wouldn't want that, now would you?
And that writer lady is very suspicious - she's there every time a murder happens. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.
An absolute horror story, day in and day out. And often the official response was "oops/awww, it was an accident".
Now that is truly worthy of a story. Get in, David.
My wife is a prosecutor and she sees this unrealistic thing all the time.
TV sets our expectations too high for good and bad.
Happy New Year
"If it bleeds, it leads" is their SOP. You'd think blood was flowing down Broadway.
I can't help but imagine the TODAY show items on a bunch of bodies being used as a mushroom farm, y'know?
I keep being reminded of what Irish writer/musician Larry Kirwan wrote (in a different context) in 2009: Americans are "easily conned, as befits a populace that’s over-entertained and under-informed."