Trump: "Tariff is the most beautiful word in the dictionary. It‘ll make our country rich. You go back and look at the 1890s, 1880s mckinley and you take a look at tariffs. That was when we were at our proportionately the richest."
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"If we burn down all the houses on the block including ours, we will have the nicest house on the block because our brick chimney will still be standing"
And by "we" he means the fucking ROBBER BARONS!! Goddamn it, some people would just read a damn history book once in a while, Jesus Fucking Christ!!!! Use the fucking googler!! Also, McKinley was fucking ASSASINATED!!!
He actually went there and said Tarrifs were good in the 1890's so 134 years later it still must be as good of an idea.
Holy fuck - I know we're in a bad way for the next four years, but how is it actively getting worse every day? He hasn't even fucking started his term yet
Literally his entire mental effort, such as it is, goes toward acquiring money. I don't care about being the richest country. Will that cure our homeless problem? Will that give us health care? Will anything make DJT not an utter douchebag? No.
If we are returning to 1800s economic policy how about we start selling cannabis, opium, and cocaine over the counter without a prescription? Only seems fair for the poors to have some fun before they are tossed in the meat grinder.
"They made him into the most amazing mountain, the tallest in the world, some will say that's Mt Everest, but Biden and the woke left let the Chinese use the metric system to steal our elevations, and the name too, but my tariffs will put it back, make Mt McKinley great again, it's a genius idea."
Back in 2015 he did an AMA on his subreddit; I went in there and asked him that question. I wasn't expecting a serious answer and already knew I'd never vote for him, but I was curious to see if/how he'd respond.
Yes. The Gilded Age. From the 1870s to the 1890s. A time of rapid industrialization, economic growth, and wealth creation, but also of political corruption, exploitation, and extreme poverty. A time of monopolies and robber barons.
And a time when average lifespan was 50 years and anarchist vigilantes and nutjobs abounded. Presidents McKinley and Garfield were both assasinated during this time.
Damn press corp—just moving on after he says that stupid shit. I wish just once someone would ask him for a source—who told you that/where did you read that, etc? Our media is 💯 responsible for this debacle.
When he says "we," he doesn't mean "us" as in all of us...he's speaking to his mafia brothers. If the voting public gets confused and thinks that he's got great things in store for "us," we'll too bad so sad.
His first venture into tariffs killed the farming industry in record time and we had to bail them out. Imagine how bad it’s going to be when his tariffs affect everyone individually.
Our country was booming in the 90s, but he won’t mention that because, well Dem President
Funny, I am just completing a draft on the healthcare industry, using quotes from the 1880-90s, landing finally on robber barons to name the phenom. and yearning for Lina Kahn to come back and blanket the economy with Sherman Antitrust busting.
US heading for inflation by self inflicted injury unilateral imposition of tariffs on imported goods... But wait was he not supposed to fix inflation among many other Promises
Dude is literally pining for the era in which robber barons, oligarchs, and thieves engaged in monopolistic dominance of the economy. Their excesses killed thousands impoverished millions, created unions and the progressive movement after working class people said "enough". Populist my ass.
This is what happens when you’re not allowed to teach accurate American history anymore. People believe this and will plunge all of us into another depression.
Lol! I see a president who is saying 'shoot me shoot me!' This is what you get when you only read snippets of history and don't actually consume the whole book where at the end the guy who advocated for tariffs was assassinated.
The world and our nation hasn’t changed at all since McKinley so we can go right back to that economy with tariffs right? Right? The expert in business and industry is saying tariffs will make us independent of other countries. He can’t be wrong, can he!
I really do abhor people who believe him.
I for one am not going to spend one penny on anything that has tariffs. We should demand of all retailers that they post how much of the price is due to tariffs!
No, no we weren’t. That was the gilded age. There was extreme poverty. Slums everywhere. The Triangle Shirt Factory fire. The age of the robber barons. Just insane. I hate the Republicans.
Right. That's what Trump means by "proportionally".
The proportion he's talking about is not, as most people would mean it, the wealth of an average citizen in the 1890's as adjusted for inflation, but instead the wealth of a typical Gilded-Age plutocrat as a multiple of the average citizen's.
These guys have one of those mansions in multiple countries and yachts so big they need a fleet of smaller yachts to maintain them. They make Hearst Castle look like a double wide. It’s insane that they think they need even more.
This person has no clue about any sort of economic policy whatsoever. As long as it benefits him and his grifting buddies, he could give a rip less about anything else.
Dope is apparently unaware of the financial meltdown in 1894 that crippled the US economy. Worst economic depression of the 19th century and rivaled only by the Great Depression of the 1930’s, triggered by the Smoot-Hawley tariffs and Wall Street speculators. Buckle up.
There were financial meltdowns like every 20 years in the US, until the Great Depression and the subsequent regulations that stymied such things. Good thing politicians started dismantling those in the 90s/00s in the name of “competition”!
Douglas Adams: “Many men of course became extremely rich, but this was perfectly natural and nothing to be ashamed of because no one was really poor – at least no one worth speaking of.”
The "we" he's referring to are the wealthy elite during the Gilded Age. Rampant political corruption, growing poverty, exploitation of the working class, lack of education--that's what Trump wants. The country won't be rich, his billionaire friends will and will control everything once again.
Tariffs are a tax paid by the importer who most likely will pass along those costs. Plus tariffs can lead to lower exports. DJT please take an Economics class.
Not 'most likely' ... they *have to* in order to continue attaining record profits. If they don't, their P&L takes a massive hit and their stock collapses.
Noteworthy: Trump doesn’t believe this. His objective is to lower taxes on him and his friends, decrease services & to make American workers more dependent on their employers. Tariffs is just an answer he gives to ppl asking how will he pay for gov services? He’s not planning on paying for services
It was also peak union participation, and great home loans, for white people at least. But yeah, the US being the only place not in cinders was a huge part.
No minimum wage, no income tax, no Social Security, no food stamps, no workplace safety regulations, the use of United States troops and police to beat the shit out of workers trying to organize, what’s not to love?
Is there no one around him that us capable of educating him on who pays the tariffs and how this policy will destroy the economy? There's history to back up this claim.
Only an illiterate thinks tariffs are paid by the exporter.
My middle school history and literature teacher who had lived during Mussolini’s fascism as a kid used to always repeat this phrase to us when talking about the masses and populism
: “il popolo é imbecille”which means ”the people are imbecilles”. So often nowadays I am reminded of his words.
Tariffs will make his billionaire buddies rich and ordinary citizens poorer. Say good bye to the free market and welcome to the monopoly, a Trump edition.
Btw...our country is already extremely rich. He is super rich. He needs to look around and pay his own damn "tariffs" if he wants to make the country richer
He sure didn't use the Internet to read about William McKinley so he's read at least one book on one of the man most famous for making Theodore Roosevelt POTUS.
I honestly don't think he ever actually read it, I think he just kept it by his nightstand for what he thought of as 'prestige.' If he had read it, some version of the Big Lie quote as if he'd invented itself would have been said here.
The head bobbing from the sycophant on the left is priceless. Thou shalt agree with the Dear Leader at all times, even when complete BS is coming out of his mouth.
Now The dummy is a student of history. he can’t remember what he said a few days ago. The tariffs will start in two weeks. The tariffs will also end in two weeks.
Trump's concept of tariffs is upside down. US citizens pay the extra fees/costs of foreign products imported to the US that have a Trump-imposed tariff placed on them. That extra money paid by US purchasers/consumers of foreign-tariffed goods then goes into the US Treasury account.
Tariffs are not taxes on countries. Tariffs are paid by the importer in the United States who turns around and jacks up consumer prices in order to pay for those tariffs.
Look at lutnick’s reaction. Literally laughing at him. He knows this man is a clown but is more than willing to abide or to add to his several billions of hoarded dollars
this shit is repackaged to us every generation - with Reagan it was "trickle down economics" - like, that was literally the stupid ass concept - that money would just trickle into poor folks pocket if they just stay near rich people. Republicans sure hate poor people!
Hegseth already said that he answers to Trump, not the American people. I suspect Hegseth plans to create his own version of the SS or the Stasi that he will use as a wedge between the FBI, Congress and the military
I sooooo hope he puts tariffs on everything but he won’t, this was just orange fat ass talk to get the media to put him in the headlines which they did exactly that & to get votes. He played everyone like a fiddle & fortunately or unfortunately he won’t do a damn thing.
What you DO NOT UNDERSTAND about the word TARIFF is that the regular will be saddleD with it. Tariff Does not mean on incoming goods from another country, fool. It means "We the People..." pay it. Educate yourself.
2) Who is “we”? Robber Barons?
appropriate avatar of social conservatism's end point
Holy fuck - I know we're in a bad way for the next four years, but how is it actively getting worse every day? He hasn't even fucking started his term yet
Actually, I don’t wonder at all. Of course he doesn’t.
Six months into his second term.
His mods banned me for "trolling".
Deep down, I'm not sure he's sending the message he wants to send, especially after McKinley went to the World Fair...
Our country was booming in the 90s, but he won’t mention that because, well Dem President
What a dork!
unfit comes to mind, also prescient. look it up, donnie.
everyone else:
I really do abhor people who believe him.
Could someone teach Trump history?
Remember - In Trump’s mind, nobody with under $100million in assets even exists on a level above cattle. He doesn’t care about your problems.
Because that's where the incoming administration absolutely intends to take us
The proportion he's talking about is not, as most people would mean it, the wealth of an average citizen in the 1890's as adjusted for inflation, but instead the wealth of a typical Gilded-Age plutocrat as a multiple of the average citizen's.
Just eating endangered birds, looking dapper as fuck.
Only an illiterate thinks tariffs are paid by the exporter.
What does one tell such a man who, despite all of the above, has still found himself IN CHARGE OF EVERYTHING...TWICE?
They only believe propaganda not facts.
: “il popolo é imbecille”which means ”the people are imbecilles”. So often nowadays I am reminded of his words.
For the good.
I wish wilful stupidity was at least as painful to the bearer as it is to the witnesses.
Occupy Airbnb’s.
5 finger discounts at all Wall Street owned companies.
You take my health care, job, savings.
You will find me hungry and ungovernable. If you’ve never been actually poor- you’re not scared enough yet.
Use cash
Grow a garden
Know your neighbors
Yes, say five decades of data from 150 countries☆
Trump tax tarrif.
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