Musk: “…what we’re adding here is caring and competence."
Ugh, no, that’s what the thousands of federal workers you fired did. Musk’s 20-30 DOGE workers add only fraud and felonies when accessing federal records.
The SSA already does this when someone reaches 112 yo.
They have done this for decades. He's just a liar.
He doesn't know enough about social security to even make criticisms that make sense.
The government has never looked for fraud before a billionaire paid $250M to unwrite an election in order to “root out” all this new found waste so that it can be funneled into his own government contracts - but that’s entirely unrelated
100 percent drug addicted, Botox injected, mind-addled nonsense that Fox is injecting into its addled-brain base. There are market bubbles waiting to collapse, but none greater than the cult collapse when reality hits.
I’m thinking he *knows* that the entire Social Security budget is approx half a trillion dollars, and he’s planning to cancel ALL of it and rob us blind, all whole claiming he’s “saving” the country money.
If there's any data he's basing this on, it is probably because of a 10% disparity between SSNs in total from the SSA and the amount appearing in other agencies. Would we be surprised to find out 10% of the people holding SSNs never apply for any form of federal aid or programs?
So, that would mean 90% of living SSN holders submit their info to some other agency in their lives - like I'm sure my Dept. of Agriculture 'farm loan' on a previous house puts me in that 90%. Tons use FHA loans, even if they've never sought other social benefits from the feds.
Elon must think Americans are stupid, and will believe any filth spewed out by Elon, Trump & minions. Is it the ketamine or is he too sure of his “brilliance”?
He always sounds like he's completely making up whatever he's saying, like he has no idea what the next words coming out of his mouth are going to be, and then he's shocked to hear them.
He is using “mirroring” in this interview. He is attempting to “mirror” Trumps speaking, pauses, rambling and body language. This is typically used by coercive controllers and sociopaths because they do not know how to communicate authentically because they have no personal insight or emotion.
I don't want to defend Elon but we need to be careful with this kind of pop psych armchair diagnosis using traits that are also extremely common in autistic people. I mirror extensively and I have no personality disorders.
My only concern is that people are idiots and throwing psych terminology around haphazardly in a public arena has already caused so much cultural brainrot that we don't need yet another symptom of a personality disorder that is similar to an adhd or autism symptom entering mainstream consciousness.
Helping identify the malignant mirroring informs the public to get a better understand his motives. He is choosing to emulate Trump. He is deploying it as a feature to manipulate and harm, not to better express himself.
I respect your lived viewpoint. I disagree that we shouldn’t discuss it.
You'll notice that at no point does he cite a formal diagnosis or provide any corroboration.
He claims to have Asperger's both because he wants to project an image that he's an autistic savant and to promote the Nazi Hans Asperger who believed some autistic people were useful.
He very well could be a narcissist but he's also autistic and we're assigning meaning to a neutral behavior he's exhibiting. Let's focus on the actual heinous shit he's doing instead of engaging in dangerous pop psychology.
My diagnosed NPD father cobbled his personality together from several film characters, often Jack Nicholson roles. This chucklefuck has been doing an “exceptional child” schtick mixed with “gamer bro” and people have just been buying it.
Nazi saluting Musk, who has called Americans "too retarded," lazy, and mediocre, labeled Social Security & federal aid recipients as "parasites," is actively gutting safety nets, betraying our allies, and has raked in at least $38 billion in taxpayer money, is complaining about where OUR money goes?
No wonder he only does interviews with friendly media. If ever there was a moment for the interviewer to laugh and go “liar liar pants on fire” this is actually it.
There is simply no proof of this. It is an outlandish lie to justify making outrageous cuts to benefits people have earned. If there is that level of fraud it would be so pervasive, they would have reams of evidence. It would be spilling out the door. But they have none. Insane.
Also fraud is obviously a crime. Where are the criminal complaints against people involved in what would have to be a vast criminal conspiracy.
It’s all bullshit. And everyone involved knows it.
If anything there are many people paying into Social Security that never take a dime out of it. Undocumented workers have Social Security numbers created for them by their companies and pay in with no benefit.
He thinks if he says "trillions of dollars" that it's more believable. It is not! I'm surprised his nose isn't a foot long by now with all the lying he does.
If google is right and federal expenditures last year were $6.9 trillion then 10% is $690 billion, about $150 billion less than the entire defense budget. Total social security expenditures were $1.5 trillion in 2024, this is about 21% of total federal expenditures.
Musk calls Social Security the “biggest Ponzi scheme” and inflates fraud numbers with no real evidence. Why? The playbook is simple: manufacture a crisis, then sell the cuts as “saving the system.” Who benefits when public programs collapse?
I say that 90% of the words that come out of Elon Musk's mouth are untrue, which makes him the biggest producer of fraud in the known and unknown world.
You are the DOGE of Blue Sky. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to demonstrate that none of them are actually required and should be terminated. Wait! Maybe the Ukrainians beat you to it?
The guys are distracted - trying to do two jobs. Destroying the USG and X at the same time. Oh, and don’t forget that some of the engineers in DOGE came from Space X.
Imagine how dumb you need to be to give a big, complex change project to tech guys and only tech guys.
I stayed on Twitter after it became X but I was never a paid subscriber. The postings became more inundated with Musk’s bullshit as the 2024 election grew ever closer. I removed the X App on the day Trump was inaugurated, never to return. There must be many millions of others like me.
I’m similar. I stayed a couple of weeks longer than you but it’s been destroyed by the same method he’s currently applying to the USG. Sold my Tesla too.
Hey but wait pls can i check that, 54% of Americans ages between 45-64? ?? What about all the people who did not vote? Do you mean 54% of the total number of voters were aged 45-64? Just need to know
I got the number from exit polls. So, sorry, that's 54% of a computed representative sample of people who actually voted, aged 45-64, according to NBC news exit polls.
I didn't analyze the polling methodology. I just quickly looked up the number from a source that I don't think has a strong bias.
Trump got a higher % of the vote total from voters aged 45-64 than from older or younger voters.
However, overall, despite mixed characterization in the media, Trump's margin of victory was slim, voter turnout was lower than 2020, and Trump got < 50% of total votes cast.
They're really going hard on this "big lie" thing, aren't they?
So many things straight out of the Hitler-Handbuch, but so many people afraid to call it exactly what it is. The GOP has gone full Nazi. Be better than the Germans who stood aside or worse, abetted. Fight now while we can. #RESIST47
It would be nice if the sheer absurdity of the hogshit he puked back up would auto-debunk it. Instead it will immediately become common ostensible knowledge. "10% of federal expenditures," for fuck's sake. And I'm Milton Friedman, you jumped-up drug-addled dumbshit Nazi parasite.
Elon Musk has committed massive stock & tax fraud, violated labor protections, committed racist & misogynist discrimination & that's not a full list. How dare he accuse decent Americans of fraud? #DeportElon
or roughly 1/5 of what TSLA lost in value in a single day ... today heavily impacting the Dow and everyone's 401K. About the total amount lost by TSLA since December. So let's point to the fraudster and his name is Elon. Evil starts with Elon.
seems like straightforward arrests/prosecutions are in order. I look forward to reading about them...although, why aren't they already happening? why wouldn't such arrests have been happening for months/years?
That is definitely the plan Stan. But due to the fact that millions of people, both Trump/MAGA supporters and those who are not, rely on that money for their very survival, any serious attempt to cut it will be met with a potentially violent revolt.
Remember the guy who sued a cleaners for $100,000 b/c of a f-ed up button on his suit? TORT REFORM PITCH.
Plus, it likely never happened or was thrown out of court
There would have to be a privatized replacement in place to make payments. The political reality of that is pretty much non-existent. Any significant disruption to Social Security will be met with absolute hell fire.
Best faith answer I can of, the idiot is mixing up 3 things in whatever part of his brain isn't pickled. The can't understand COBOL stupidity from earlier, undocumented immigrants using someone's SS for work (which adds money to the government since they can't make claims) and the actual legit 1/
SS issues where death records aren't recorded and money keeps getting sent (note the SSA found 31 million ish in 2024 in total using a new program to fix this, nowhere near what the idiot claims). So ignorance idiocy, idiocy, and something that would be fixed by more civil workers not less. 2/2
I also ask how many people here had to contact SS when a parent died? I did not and those checks stopped quickly. The error above would be internal, thus the solution is exactly as you suggest.
Yup, most of the time the reason you are contacting SS over a family death is if they already sent out the check for this month and want it back. I remember reading a years ago about groups that were harvesting SS numbers just to submit false claims but the answer again was hire more people.
Oh completely agree. Best faith in this case is more how to answer it for someone who worries what he claims may be true and/or how someone with likely multiple personality disorder he doesn't admit to who thinks he is a genius could have twisted it all together into what this because he is an idiot
Edit: ugh proofread after midnight. Disorders* (not trying to claim he has multiple personality disorder the condition) and whatever all this is* not "what this"
This is just floating the propaganda trial balloon to give them their talking points for eviscerating SS to the tune of $500B+ per year as part of their $880B "savings" nonsense mandated to that committee.
In 2024, the Social Security Administration paid out a total of $1.233 trillion in benefits. Total 2024 federal budget $6.75T. 10% of that budget is $675B. So Elon is claiming that 55% of all social security benefits paid are fraudulent? So stupid it hurts.
He has mastered the dodgy art of getting all explainy and helpful-sounding, letting you in on stuff that he generated inside his ketamine-addled brain. FSD = full-scale deception
This is obviously a flat out lie, but if it were true then Social Security can be well funded into the future. No need for cuts to personnel or services. 🤷🏼♀️
Social security is self-funding and cannot add to the deficit, statutorily. This is bait and switch bullshit. Any cuts to it to “stop fraud” do not fall under DOGE’s bullshit mission. He wants to claim he stopped the waste and apply those “savings” to the discretionary budget to hand out tax cuts.
Elonia MuskcRata is a fu_king assine moronic idiot who absolutely has no fu king idea what the hell he's talking about it's why he's losing billions of dollars in business, he's a complete pendeho,& has shit for brains...
Just like Trump, if Musk opens his mouth he is lying. These people have made lying as easy as breathing and our media has knowingly supported this misinformation to proliferate.
And note, “improper payment” isn’t all or even mostly “fraud”. It includes errors on SSA side. That doesn’t create loss because when SSA accidentally overpays, they take it back later.
You're dealing with a troll who argues in bad faith...
They'll be skeptical of data that says they're wrong, but they'll give Elon the benefit of the doubt as long as it coincides with their bias as long as they can couch it under the guise or "I'm just asking questions", or creating a strawman...
Some of the so called fraud is from people dying near the end of the month. My dad died in the last week of the month, and the govt took a few months to stop the direct deposit and do a clawback of overpayments. It wasn't fraud, just that he SSA isn't psychic or able to read the future.
And trust and believe they catch every single one. Every single dime, dollar, nickel and penny is caught when there is an intact secure professional Inspector general.
There is no bigger waste than this moron who makes rockets to nowhere that simply explode. A 50% failure rate is unacceptable.
This is, of course, fucking made-up nonsense. Why does no one ever challenge this chaos agent to show his work? Where are the RECEIPTS, Elon? Publish them or STFU.
Let's just run through some basic math. If 1 out of 10 Americans were scamming SS like this. That's 33 million people. That's on average $15,000 a year per person. That would make SS a kick ass system of basic income ON TOP OF PROVIDING retirement insurance! This is so outlandish!
How difficult is it to pretend to be an economists to poorly educated hillbilly MAGAts? All you do is throw a few "economic" words like "recession", "supply side economics", "tariffs", "like never before".
Elon Musk is, simply and irrevocably, an inveterate liar, fraud, leech and reprobate.
His fraud and criminality is now being recognized by even the most MAGAfried Americans.
State AGs need to figure out ways to prosecute this bastard and take him out of the White House and off the streets.
How can someone file a claim for SS benefits, to the SSA, with a fake SS #? If there is no such number, the SSA would know! He's just making things up! And, if someone stole another's number, they are committing fraud indeed, but any payments due to that # are not fraudulent!
In the 1990s, Elon Musk obtained a fraudulent Social Security number while he was an illegal immigrant. Just because he's a criminal doesn't mean everyone else is! Fake Social Security numbers cannot be used to receive benefits. The number may be used to get fake IDs and that's about it!
But the maga lunatics would never fact check him because in their little brains, he's fixing the government. An ignorant society is what they want, so no one can check their bs!
Bull shit. People who don't put anything into Social Security or who can't prove a disability to a doctor are eligible to draw anything from Social Security. If fake numbers exist they don't matter.
Ugh, no, that’s what the thousands of federal workers you fired did. Musk’s 20-30 DOGE workers add only fraud and felonies when accessing federal records.
The Dunning-Krugerrand effect.
I haven't programmed code in years, but let me make it simple for you:
if (RecipientAge) > 115 then
There. Problem solved.
They have done this for decades. He's just a liar.
He doesn't know enough about social security to even make criticisms that make sense.
"This of course...was complete bollocks"
"Are you lying or just epically unqualified to speak on this topic?"
Maybe he feed the data to the wrong Gronk!
When you think of Trump deploying this tactic on his followers, you can understand his base. He is mirroring them!
This account is a burner so I can express myself freely. Malignancy is what I studied and treated for over three decades.
Thank you for your contribution. It’s strictly the malignant abusive use.
I respect your lived viewpoint. I disagree that we shouldn’t discuss it.
He also has an ASD diagnosis which has nothing to do with him being a dick or his SUD.
He claims to have Asperger's both because he wants to project an image that he's an autistic savant and to promote the Nazi Hans Asperger who believed some autistic people were useful.
Because the mirroring is a choice. You choose to mirror positive traits and ideologies because you are likely inherently a good person.
Musk CHOOSES to mirror malignancy because he is a narcissist at best, dark triad at worst. It’s complicated by his SUD.
I am so sorry that you had a primary relative with NPD. It’s so exhausting and damaging for kids.
It’s all bullshit. And everyone involved knows it.
Fight me.
He either outright lies, makes shit up, or obfuscates the truth with spin and convincing doublespeak.
Imagine how dumb you need to be to give a big, complex change project to tech guys and only tech guys.
(to be fair, I may have invented that stat when I posted it 😉).
Max is very concerned about all this, Jeremy is seeking heat like 93% of cats).
54% of Americans between ages 45-64 voted for Trump. I wonder how they'd feel if asked about their retirement security.
Federal social insurance programs are under attack while the stock market + 401ks are falling.
I didn't analyze the polling methodology. I just quickly looked up the number from a source that I don't think has a strong bias.
However, overall, despite mixed characterization in the media, Trump's margin of victory was slim, voter turnout was lower than 2020, and Trump got < 50% of total votes cast.
Some good numbers here:
So many things straight out of the Hitler-Handbuch, but so many people afraid to call it exactly what it is. The GOP has gone full Nazi. Be better than the Germans who stood aside or worse, abetted. Fight now while we can. #RESIST47
maybe because this is all bullshit?
Plus, it likely never happened or was thrown out of court
There's no fucking way that's true.
(Ketamine, please save us from this deranged fascist…🤦)
Think about it.
Social security fraud is less than $10 billion a year
The Federal budget is about $7 trillion
That’s less than 2 tenth of a percent
He has not shown proof of his claims.
They'll be skeptical of data that says they're wrong, but they'll give Elon the benefit of the doubt as long as it coincides with their bias as long as they can couch it under the guise or "I'm just asking questions", or creating a strawman...
There is no bigger waste than this moron who makes rockets to nowhere that simply explode. A 50% failure rate is unacceptable.
Mostly its not even malicious its just timing concerns and human error. It happens all the time in private pensions too, btw.
The answer isn't paying people on ss less, or privatising it etc.
Good times! When lying scum bags got kicked out is when America was great the first time.
Do this every time he presents a fact
(reposted to fix typo)
We care that Musk is not Competent.
Reporters can’t just nod in agreement when he’s oozing bullshit.
Oh yeah …
His fraud and criminality is now being recognized by even the most MAGAfried Americans.
State AGs need to figure out ways to prosecute this bastard and take him out of the White House and off the streets.