Dark Matter is the best and worst branding in science. Best because “DARK MATTER” kicks ass, but worst because dark matter physics sounds like it is an /explanation/ for something weird about the universe when actually it is just…something weird about the universe.
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That guy was an asshole. He gave me an F.
Take THAT, D.A.R.E. program!
Get it? Please laugh, I need this.
It’s not about the content of the first video being wrong in any way, just a question of what she could have done, if anything, to communicate it better.
It’s just that YouTube comments are a cesspit and not everyone there is actually there to engage with content in good faith.
She's like the opposite bad spectrum of Sabine Hofstadter but probably equally bad.
2 variables....
To explain what we don't understand.
Assuming the universe works the way our little corner does is foolish.
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A much simpler explanation.
That's like adding chili powder to your brownie mix because it doesn't taste right.
I fully believe in science. I don't like extraneous variables posing as known science.
I decided that my take away would be “welp ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ “
Is there just more money in detecting subatomic particles? Or more potential exploitable value in discovery, if not black holes?
There, now people will think it’s aliens.
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Such an interesting topic
This leads to the smallest particle of our light regime being equal to the biggest particle on the dark matter regime. And,
the above is just a thought, not a claim of reality
Of course, mathematically, it solves the problems presented, but I just feel like in the future - once we learn more, we’re going to look back and go “dark matter, really?”
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Happy thoughts.
Merry Christmas! 🤩
I was confused as to why Hank thought those were poorly branded.
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Plus it makes for nice holiday spirits to remind people that the universe is full of fudge.
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It's science fiction. You can make stuff up, but you can't get the science we know right now completely backward.
Free version:
Why is the gravity "dark"?
Because we can't see where it's coming from.
Could it be a form of gravity unknown to science? Equally, matter?
What then of e=Mc*c .
Wait that is taken and also weired.
Because it can show it is
without showing you it is.
Me: ... 'cause it absorbs light?
Sci: No it kinda doesn't interact with it.
Me: Ah, dark 'cause imperceptable mystery.
Sci: Ye!
Me: Not "Clear Matter".
Sci: No ring to the name.
Me: Eh, fair.
It's a poverty of our models.
The poverty of our models says absolutely nothing about the universe.
The poverty of our models only informs about the models themselves. It's always a mistake to take the map as the territory.
We just don't understand it.
Perspective is weird.
It’s not about the content of the first video being wrong in any way, just a question of what she could have done, if anything, to communicate it better.
It’s just that YouTube comments are a cesspit and not everyone there is actually there to engage with content in good faith.
Dark Matter is an observation! She says that in the video right? 🤣
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He also wrote several highly recommend and readable books about this and other physics topics.
Universe playing Push and Pull