We eat cantaloupe after dinner all the time. Helps that my family has owned a produce store in kentucky for over 60 years though.... but I've never heard anyone say they only eat cantaloupe in the morning. Till now.
Now Hank, what do you mean by this? I'm trying to understand your humor. Are you referring to beautiful women and their beautiful breast? Something we enjoy and love. Thank you.
Your friend Bob
Genuinely asking, why do you associate them w breakfast? Do they commonly get served on the side in restaurants? I think the only “morning fruit” I think of is grapefruit
I thought of that and also oranges (even though plenty of people have them with lunch, they *feel* breakfasty to me), but then realized we’re specifically talking *melons* here. Unless “melon” is Montanan for “citrus”?
Winter melon is the only non-breakfast one that comes to mind. Watermelon seems like an anytime melon, so it's not specifically non-breakfast. Same for horned melon.
I was pleasantly surprised when we spent time in Tuscany with my Fiancé’s Italian family and we had cantaloupe as an appetizer for lunch and dinner each day! It was soooo good, and I loved their appreciation for melons
Ok but has someone written a short story about an alien who doesn’t know he’s an alien bc he like, has amnesia or something, (he got it when his UAP crashed, but his tech automatically cloaks him in human skin, obvi) and him trying to navigate the world? I would totally read that
Not about aliens, but Terminator Salvation kind of has that, and it brings a bit of “what does it mean to be human?” and “is someone what they were born as vs what they choose to be”.
Boy this brought up a long-buried memory of visiting my aunt when I was a kid and her eating melon for breakfast and I was like BARF BARF BARF. I think I'd still have a tough time sitting down to melon first thing. And I like it now. With prosciutto!
I thought grapefruit was considered a breakfast melon moreso than honeydew or cantaloupe? Although grapefruit is definitely too acidic for the morning, you really shouldn't eat it on an empty stomach
I thought you meant boobs for a moment and I was just sitting here like:
I unno what he's talking about, these things are basically just in the way at breakfast ..I mean they are cute though .. OH he means like honey dew 0.0
Oh no, no no no I am fully 100% American and I am utterly clueless!
I mean I also do not eat melons. I hate them.
I thought he was talking about an orange lol 🤷 I know I don't think it's a melon
I'm American and I don't get it either. Based on other comments, I think he's referring to honeydew, but I'm not aware of people specifically eating honeydew for breakfast 🤷♀️
Many of us are ashamed to be amerikans and wish we had moved to canada b4 the present takeover.
it's embarrassing and shameful to live in a cuntry that is hell bent on destroying itself.
It’s always as a snack.
More like “honey, don’t!”
Your friend Bob
One of the vacation movies?
Less than patriotic in 2025… safe to say.
melon is an always food
What are the specifically non-breakfast melons?
Tasty prosciutto.
What if I was a robot and I didn't know it
Naw dog!
How does the saying go?
Bury friends in the morning
Protest in the afternoon
Dance at night
And keep dancing cuz it's the dance you're fighting for
Also, a good Pyle is like 60-75$
I unno what he's talking about, these things are basically just in the way at breakfast ..I mean they are cute though .. OH he means like honey dew 0.0
I mean I also do not eat melons. I hate them.
I thought he was talking about an orange lol 🤷 I know I don't think it's a melon
Before the kids wake up ✅
Before the kids get home from school ✅
After the kids go to sleep ✅
it's embarrassing and shameful to live in a cuntry that is hell bent on destroying itself.
Only berries please
A master stroke.
Breast and fruit.
I bet Jordan Peele would know.