Nigel Farage on LBC repeatedly refusing to criticise Trump and Vance's attack on Zelensky. Accuses the Ukrainian President of being "rude" and showing "no respect" to Trump.
Says Zelensky should have worn a suit
Says Zelensky should have worn a suit
Didn't think so
These arseholes want to return to a (mythical) past England.
I say, let's give it to them.
We can start with the traditional punishment for traitors.
Hanged, Drawn and Quartered.
In public.
I'd go & l have been against the death penalty all my adult life.
If he's in agreement with selling Ukraine out, then he would do the same for the UK. He should be nowhere near power.
JD Vance and Musk blatantly interfered in the German election.
All these petty objections and issues this 'administration' raise are utter horseshit for the people not paying attention.
Anyone paying attention knows exactly what's going on.
Reform voters are the one group you can accurately generalise as thicker than a stack of paving slabs
The facts were freely available.
If he steps off the path Russia has prepared, it will end very badly for him.
"Those who provide reliable supply can expect to enjoy positive attention from the narcissist, and be lavished with rewards & benefits. Those who do not provide admiration, inevitably find themselves ignored, or subjected to humiliating & cruel assaults...
Farage = suit without man
Good job, I'm a nobody.
If I had the power, I would have him and few others picked up and detained for extensive questioning. He is a national security risk.
No really, he said that.
Fuck off, Nige, you predictable Thundercunt ! 🖕
Who exactly is pulling his strings now?
He is out of touch now with the wave of support against Russia 😩
Let’s hear him say that out loud or is he afraid of Musk?
He is so weak. An appeaser who never takes responsibility for his own calamities.
Farage would probably have blamed Poland as well.
Farage and Trump are fighting their own countries.
Zelensky leads an army.
Farage has a grudge mob of lumps and grannies.
Trump has a shingle of fragile rich men.
Please check and share my song "Reverse Evolution" about Dictator Adolf Trump Krasnov.
Bandcamp Link (the fair shop):
Spotify Link (the less fair shop):
An openly dishonest puppet.
Always tries to dress the part and often looks like a cliche
And people still actually take him "seriously"?
So... it's not just American that are stupid.
Trump and Vile Vance know that, as does Farage.
Farage coming across as the superficial lightweight that he is.
I could really do with that edit button 😂🙈
Farage: See C**t.
Definition: A felonious ugly lying shit, who grifts his way through life, appeasing right wing fascist ideology.
Use In a Sentence: "Oh God is that c**t on the radio/TV again?"
#farage #lbc #nigelfarage
People who don't share his feelings are fascists and their lickspittles.
Loves unelected Felon Musk and his ripping up of US government
Anyway America is not known for sartorial elegance in fact most Americans i’ve met dress like they are in a cartoon….. and don’t get me started on the Musk double standard!!
So Farage will critise Churchill for not wearing a suit. No
But will Zelensky why ?
Maybe because of his past commitments about Putin and the fact he took the Russian Ruble.
ok with TRUMPERS
Dictator wanted
Must look like and act like blubbering idiot and do exactly what we tell you salary vast based on performance