Are you autistic ?
I'd like to connect and follow you.
I have no friends IRL.
Autistic people can find social situations difficult or overwhelming and struggle to make and maintain friendships, leading to social isolation.
Let's connect and build a community where we're not alone.
I'd like to connect and follow you.
I have no friends IRL.
Autistic people can find social situations difficult or overwhelming and struggle to make and maintain friendships, leading to social isolation.
Let's connect and build a community where we're not alone.
But as snooker is on the tele right now 😁
I currently love videos of model trains in model mountains that are plagued by cats.
I’d be happy to connect with more folks. ☺️
Also: It is normal for an autist to be a loner IRL. Just another thing that may make us different from people around us and cause raised eyebrows among those who do not know better. But online friendships are real and valid and can be just right way to meet our social needs.
Sorry couldn't help it.
Following 👍
already following you, nice to connect! 😎
Every time somebody just says hello I instantly think of that song.
Pleasure to follow you back.
And Australian 🇦🇺
I was diagnosed just a few years ago, in my mid 50's
I socialise but have my limitations. Always seeking a sense of belonging but often struggle to fit in.
I was recently (at the age of 22) diagnosed with autism and ADHD. Really explained a lot for me, and I'd love to connect more with other autistic folks. Definitely giving you a follow :)
My first year at the school taught me a lot, but there is much still to discover.
Because I was diagnosed so late, I just thought I was a weird nerd.
Anyway I am a filmmaker and I do not have a filter. I am a truth teller and I cannot understand why some people lie, always.
Ooooo starter pack, love to see them 🙂
this brain 🧠 but not alone
But hello to you.
I just think it's important to point out that it's not socializing as such that is difficult for people with autism; it's socializing with people who are very different from them.
Non-autistics would also have problems socializing if most were autistics.
We’re here for you!
I am late-diagnosed, but it's never too late. I'm slowly learning to be more accepting and more honest with myself through unmasking. I love the idea of building a strong community here where we can support each other, and I would love to connect with you.
Thank you for being awesome <3
I had friends before the pandemic but I've found it hard to get back to after years of calm and no drama!
Feel free to message and follow, in either order.
The struggle is real, no one to blame, and you are not alone.
I'm not fully sure about how they will react to the last part, but at least you can say it internally. 🙂