Just how old is this guy? He has never been in a book store or library if he thinks the Manga section is new.
For all those suggesting he needs to go to a library, he would still be upset because they want to stock books people will actually read along with the classics and important books.
Loves his Thucydides, though!! Who doesn’t love to just curl up with a fat volume of the Peloponnesian wars? (I did Google that). Give me some Hemlock.
Try a library...what doesn't he understand about capitalism? The shit he's looking for doesn't sell. The Thomas Aquinas aisle doesn't exist because nobody's buying...
He tried to repeat the names he spent all day memorizing so he would look like an intellectual but he just couldn’t hold onto them when he started recording.
Even truly popular authors don’t have all their books shown on the shelves because it’s a competition for shelf space which is not infinite just as it’s not in the library buildings.
Same here man! I will say, he’s actually really fucking deliberately hilarious, even if he’s peddling the kind of political viewpoints I’m directly at odds with
Hate always sells well. Hating people smaller than yourself is easiest, hating people who are not there to say something, hating foreign girls, hating people younger than yourself, hating people really gets people engaged. Ask any guy with a moustache, I bet his book wasn't there either.
Heard someone is trying to get this guys address and send a couple of those books to his house. This is a terrible ideal and should NOT be done under any circumstances. DO NOT DO THIS.
If only everything we have of Thucydides' work was out of copyright so freely available on the Internet, instead of people having to buy it from B&N. Or, if he really wants to buy it, he could order it in. Or go to a library and get it, again, for free.
Going to the library is commie coded. The only patriotic way to get a book to virtue signal that you are a marble statue type guy is to buy it from a woke company for capitalisms sake or something.
It's like 65 million people didn't vanish overnight, no matter how hard they are trying to pretend, and he just uncovered evidence of a secret society of readers.
Imagine that. A bookstore stocking shelves with what sells. While I would check out the world history section at any bookstore, I would not expect that section to sell as well as Manga or YA at a Barnes and Noble.
Shh! Libraries have enough trouble getting funding and keeping from being labeled woke or groomer. Let's let him think the only places for books are on Amazon or B&N. 😆
If he’d actually read any of the philosophy he claims, he would understand that philosophers are the main source of woke, it is why they were called philosophers. Being woke is their only real qualification
So start your own bookstore, bro. Last I heard, B&N is a private enterprise. You have diddly to say about how they do business. Go make a protest video at your public library 📚.
it's a business, they're gonna carry what sells. if you want theologians and philosophers of old, go to a fucking library. also, the manga section isn't "new".
They didn't say that they don't have manga (thankfully they have a little of everything), just that they're not businesses so they can also stock the Classics that not as many people want to read.
That’s an oversimplifies way of looking at it. Marketing and advertising are ways of controlling what sells, and B&N do a great deal of marketing manipulation to sell things well that are previously unknown. There’s just a whole lot more nuance than saying “B&N just put good sellers on the shelves.”
You miss my point. The market can be manipulated. Dan Brown sold a shit load of “DaVinci Code” and two companion novels besides. Those in turn sold a shit load of books by those “ancient theologians.” You are oversimplifying a nuanced subject. Not an exact science, but it’s a complex recipe book.
In other words, You’re right! A library will have more variety. Yet, B&N said they would be more inclusive, but have yet to truly be inclusive. That’s all I am saying
Barnes and Noble 100% had a manga section when this guy was in high school, but he looks like he probably didn't start reading books until he found some weird Jordan Peterson-inspired book list online a year or two ago
This guy is like a 70 year old man stuck in the body of a 30 year old. Mad that people aren’t reading ancient philosophers while simultaneously not knowing what manga is
Toss in a healthy dose of Christian conservatism and a home library full of books about masculinity written by white men who were alive during WWII and you have yourself a recipe for “warrior poets“.
Brazilian here: something that has surprised me in recent years is how common it is to see LGBT books in central position in bookstores!
And bookstores do it because they sell, these are the audiences that still buy books in this day and age (especially here, Brazilians don’t read a lot on average)
B&M have explicitly stated their strategy is to stock books that actually will regularly sell. The books he is talking about are so easily and cheaply available online, that B&N have realised that there is little point in prioritising shelf space for them.
Sigh amazed Barnes & Noble still exists - worst bookstore on earth and not because of woke or children's section this bozo is going on about it's just a crap bookstore
They didn't have Van Halen Rising at the one I was in either. I didn't make a protest video about it.., but I should have... : )
history? philosophy? boring old tomes that don't sell?
sounds like he wants one of those "library" things that this exact kind of guy wants funding slashed from.
This might not make sense but it has the same energy as that old interview of Woody Allen asking Twiggy who her favorite philosophers are. Just super smarmy and condescending.
Dontcha know? Forcing people to buy stuff is when people make the conscious decision on their own to buy a book they want and freedom of speech and ideas is when we threaten to kill people for expressing the “wrong” ideas and than burn the bad books afterwards. Then we celebrate by getting mad when…
…people compare us to Nazis, then we call them woke, commie enemies of Capitalism for daring to want to use their free will to buy a book and threaten the companies that want to capitalize on that want. /s
It’s strange to me that these guys proclaim to love freedom of speech and capitalism but get angry when practiced. They get mad that the various books in bookstores or libraries that are present and write it off as an attack on capitalism just because there’s books they don’t like or understand.
Seems a little petty for a guy who probably boasts about capitalism. I can be petty too - Thucydides lived in 400s BC - aka the 5th century BC, not the fourth.
It’s so simple. If you don’t like Barnes and Noble book store then don’t go in. I love Barnes and noble. What I hate about it, is all the choices. I could spend a day in that book store.
Funny how they love capitalism but then also hate it. This is capitalism, which means they stock what sells, and people aren't flocking to the bookstore to buy books on world history or his 'favorite theologians'. Just like their cries about 'big pharma' when they exist because of capitalism.
What a goober. IM GONNA SHOUT THIS CAUSE ITS IMPORTANT: HAVING A LARGE YA SECTION MAKES ME THRILLED THAT THE YOUNGER GENERATION IS READING! so stfu about that and sit down. Furthermore: woke? Didn't realize caring about others/environment was OFFENSIVE
Not sure what he’s on about with Greta “not” writing that book. I can’t help to feel like that’s some kind of ableist jab or something. Maybe I’m reading it wrong…
I just have to wonder, was he convicted of something and given a creative sentence that requires him to spend time in Barnes & Noble? Because, otherwise, he will find that it’s shockingly easy never to see any of those books again.
I looked at it. I read some of it.
She didn't write it."
Clearly some kind of literary genius!
It's peak MAGA and it's hilarious and sad at the same time.
For all those suggesting he needs to go to a library, he would still be upset because they want to stock books people will actually read along with the classics and important books.
I could write a book.🙄
But then some asshat customer would complain about it.
What they hate is free access to information.
As soon as he said theologians I was like uh huh.
What an idiot.
But woah, the full video is even more insane. I don’t know where to begin
I will bet 5 units that he is a big fan of Bezo and the ‘Zone
Yeah, all that woke radical leftist propaganda called books.
But @jazzpomegranate.bsky.social is right, this is highly just profit driven.
"Thucydides I think in the fourth century B. C. said ... so you have all the kind of woke stuff"
Would have loved to see his reaction back when erotica had a whole section at B&N.
And bookstores do it because they sell, these are the audiences that still buy books in this day and age (especially here, Brazilians don’t read a lot on average)
But when you have a large group of readers generating income by buying LGBT books, then suddenly demand doesn’t matter anymore to them.
Which is kind of the point.
It's been around quite a while, I guess he was busy doing something else.
Yet he complains about the world history section.
What a TW@
sounds like he wants one of those "library" things that this exact kind of guy wants funding slashed from.
He hates.
Books store stock books that sell.
Of genji in its original hardback!!!!