So there’s a law that protects affinity groups - the Equal Access Act (1984). If you restrict those, you cannot have any non-academic clubs or groups. I know following the law is not high on this administration’s priority list. Just putting it out there.
Surely the nationwide loss and criminalization of black history courses can't compare to a comedian losing a few gigs for doing a Chinese waiter gag Buddy Hackett voluntarily abandoned in 1962.
If you can't teach an African American history class, then you can't teach African American history in a US history class, and if you can't teach African American history in a US history class, then you can't actually teach US history either.
My kids went to a public high school with 30% black students, 40% white students, 20% Latino, and 10% a broad mix of other ethnicities. Some of the curriculum was geared towards black students, which was great for my white kids. The curriculum would be gutted if this is true.
I hope we pick a president that will fix a good bit of this with their own executive orders than I hope they add an amendment to cap off the amount of them to put this to rest.
Next time Linda McMahon is doing a press conference, someone should just ask her if she didn't know her husband was as bad as we now know, or if she just turned a blind eye because the money was good.
I think that's also called a "scavenger."
he told them the Ice Age was really just
the Chilly Age. . ."