I'm still stunned at the number of people on social media who celebrated the cold-blooded murder of a health insurance executive. Online activism is attracting some of the most cruel and self-righteous people in America. There's a remarkable lack of grace and compassion.
Wait until you see what Trump and the GOP wants to do with Old Age and Survivors Insurance, Medicare, ACA, HeadStart, and other social safety net programs
If the law says I get to kill you and take your stuff, there are plenty of ways to change that. Does it make it just for me to kill you and take your stuff in the meantime?
Humans don’t exist in those terms. They exist as a product of their time and context.
People seem to see this as a killer who killed legally for profit, being murdered, which is definitionally illegal.
People cool with this are broken.
There’s a real, justified grievance here. You don’t have to like the situation to see that. My own feelings are complex.
There’s a remarkable lack of grace and compassion in the collective ruling class, and it looks like we haven’t seen anything yet in that regard. Who are the most influential cruel and self-righteous people in America?
It's not new, social media just tore the veil off and made it easier to voice and easier to hear.
That a spark final found a pile of dry grass clippings.
That a mass of uranium got just big enough for fission to become self sustaining.
What started as the justifiable rage of China's rural poor at the profligacy of dowager empress Xixi ended with my wife's grandparents, a lawyer and a school principal, spending a few years on a collective farm.
Glad to see you are spending your time on the right stuff
I just hope that most people who talk this way online don’t believe it in real life.
That one gunman injected more accountability into all the CEO’s than all the politicians combined.
Vigilantism is the product of institutional failure.
You concocted a simplistic explanation that’s convenient to your preferred ideological position based on a counterfactual representation of the state of the law.
Americans have already seen proof that the wealthy can break the law without consequence.
Profit should never be the motivation behind health care.
But we live in a society where insurance companies kill countless people every day, and they currently get no accountability for that -- so I fully understand why people are happy that some level of accountability has happened.
Whether it's the product of governmental shortcomings or not is immaterial; it's important we oppose such vigilantism and not be a culture that celebrates death.
If you want vigilantism to stop, then fix the system. You can’t demand peace without first ensuring justice.
Absolutely not preferred or encouraged, but that shooter gave more justice to the victims of the health insurance companies than they’ve ever gotten from the government.
He also became obscenely rich doing so.
What is it that you do for a living, that you've never met a person?
So those who execute decisions that lead to death aren’t murderers?
Im convinced he is a full blown transphobes that would prefer to hide behind the guise of state power.
People: I will, with God’s help.
I am a smart ass by nature, but crap like this is inexcusable. I am so very glad to see those with platforms call it out! 👍
It's the wrong response, but the problem is real.
Now then, that's not to say that I would be upset if/when bad things happen to terrible people 🤷♂️
But also can’t fault the sentiment.
It’s completely fucked that we are even at this crossroads.
These are not mutually exclusive: ideologically motivated MURDER is always unacceptable … AND the American healthcare system is a slow moving catastrophe killing many.
I'm against celebrating anyone's death. But my mourning for a plutocrat CEO who profits off denying care to vulnerable people who cannot advocate 4 themselvs
Skip me with your "you have to be polite while corporations kill you and your family"
Don't wanna get murdered on the street don't murder people for profit.
Cool bit of hyperbole though
fuck them all.
You could go to Threads if anodyne anecdotes are your preference.
I’m not OK with the fact that I’ve become the type of person who would be ok with this… but I’m not going to lie and say I’m not. Too much rage.
I most often repent for the wrongs I have committed through my inaction: the pleas I ignored, the problems I called unfixable, the systems I upheld.
Inaction causes harm just as surely as direct violence.
But someone who profits off of the misery of millions?
That sin is between them and their God.
And sometimes God's timing is perfect.
They are disconnected from the fact this is a husband and father.
In which case, how is someone responsible for both deaths and familial tragedy, while profiting from and obviously aware of his role, out of bounds?
So I predict we'll see a rise in vigilante justice. People have lost hope that our current system is capable of delivering justice.
We’re talking about this on social media, so we love distractions.
Americans need universal single-payer health care like every single other developed nation on the planet.
My late wife, our kids & I are victims of health “insurance” decisions.
While assassination isn’t the answer, I have zero sympathy for him. He’ll be made martyr by corporations now.
Murder is the wrong answer.
Trump has threatened to imprison and execute his political rivals. This glorification of violence has now taken one of their own, reaping the whirlwind.