I just heard a podcast interview with Robert Putnam in which he spoke positively about Nextdoor as a site where we can see real life social relationships and online relationships building social capital in a way that creates a positive "alloy" between IRL & online connection...has he seen Nextdoor?
We invited him to speak when I was teaching at Bucknell. He required first class airfare for himself and his wife. Like, sure, get that bag, I guess. But c’mon 🙄
yeah, I wouldn't expect someone that age to exactly be au courant on social media
It means "pedestrians who are not Anglo"
it's a cesspool. the worst, most annoying NIMBY community meeting attendees all gathered on one site.
We used the book as a freshman reading in Cal State and I'm still recovering.
And all the replies agree that this is very suspicious and you should report him to the cops
Anyway, glad I didn't get shot when my dog escaped our yard.
I checked out of my erstwhile "local" one long ago.
It is the hangout for crazies.
It’s not possible
I tried it for 24 hours then purged it.
1. Find a decent plumber or A/C person.
2. Get more info on the accident the police were investigating.
2. Argue about whether that was fireworks or a Haitian gunfight over who got to eat the cats and dogs.
(1) My pet is missing!!!!
(2) My pet was found!!!!
(3) I just want to send everyone blessings on this fine day.
(4) pics of my pet/garden!!!
(5) I'm looking for a job???
(6) I have/am looking for an apartment
(7) gunshots???
Robert Putnam Knows Why You’re Lonely https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/13/magazine/robert-putnam-interview.html?unlocked_article_code=1.K04.O9UM.dtg28rlAVFYS
i’d check it more often if it were actually just my neighbors