The lore is a bit confusing but: it's how he's able to run dispute being indited. The original Trump is in jail but the clone Trump isn't technically guilty of anything so he could run. Genius move on the part of his campaign.
I’m convinced we’ve entered an alternate universe and only if I can find the right color bean to fuel my whirligig, will I be able to transport myself back to 2022 Earth. 2014 is too big of a jump.
It's not really important. I mean it's like going to see Gallagher smash watermelons but you end up buying tickets to see his brother in a Gallagher wig
I think he's new. This is the one who wants to use tariffs on stuff, and I think I heard in a podcast that Tariffs are where China pays for half of your stuff, which sounds pretty cool.
Don't quote me though, I'm gonna get around to googling that soon.
I assumed he was the same person, but the way everyone is talking about him (both supporters and opponents), I can only conclude he's someone completely different.
It’s kind of hard to explain. A lot of the lore changed with the 2022 primaries. Technically he’s the same guy but from a different timeline. But since two nexus beings can’t exist in the same universe he cloned a new body for himself and essence transferred into it.
Different guy with the same name, unemployed LA stoner who loves bowling, got into various hijinks after some goons who confused him with the other guy pissed on his rug and accidentally became President. Hope that helps
infinite presidential power, far less brain power
Don't quote me though, I'm gonna get around to googling that soon.
On the positive side he’s only got eleven regenerations left now!
Not a chance, a vindictive maniac with no guardrails, a leaking diaper and women tossed by the way-side.
This is feeling like, uhhhh…. The polar opposite of that.