Heads up for anyone reading the thread, replying to any of these pictures with a visual description of the information conveyed by adding them to each post would probably be a helpful accessibility tool for some of us disabled posters
100% there's a process that is supposed to be followed (for the bldg, the city) when you tear giant stuff off a building - permits, paperwork, etc. - & Twitter - er - "X" ignored all of it. Now ppl are endangered & taxpayers pay for public intervention & Elon dgaf.
Much ado about nothing - more hilarious that the dysfunction of SFPD met the dysfunction of Twitter/X and there was not some sort of Carl Sagan like negative ion fusion reaction.
idk how it works in SF, but NYC DOT would've fined them $10-$15k for this only. If they don't have a permit at all (which is likely) the fine would be 10x more (multiple parties) and the contractor's license could be withdrawn.
sometimes I leave YouTube autoplaying random shit and I'll hear someone say something like this and look up to see what it is and it's always something like "idiot sovereign citizen eats total shit" so maybe don't use this one on the road
The way I've got my YouTube algos configured, it's usually some dude who tried to design his own airplane because a hundred years of aviation advancement has allegedly been conducted entirely by booger-eating morons.
Surely, since there's no permits and no building owner permission, it's vandalism, and they should be made to put everything back and in working order.
Which would REALLY piss Musk off.
background: as a tenant, you can’t just make changes to the exterior of the building without permission. this includes signage which is affixed to the facade
cite: my company used to rent an entire ground floor of a commercial building
The blue checkies in the comments on Twitter complaining about how SF is a craphole because cops would rather bust Elon than fix the city give me life.
So did elon just tell them to change it w/o talking to the building management? Changing a sign seems like a run of the mill business thing that doesn't necessitate confrontation
Elon just thinks hes a literal godking. Actual historical feudal kings had to consider the rights and privileges of their vassals before doing stuff. Musk is so weird and dumb
He just destroyed the brand and has like halved its value, with plenty of twitter alternatives popping up to compete. Usually social inertia and reticence to rock the economic boat is what keeps capitalists from going after other capitalists. Hes painting a big fat target on his own back
Which would REALLY piss Musk off.
I avoided being brained by the Twitter sign, and was almost run over by a Cruise!
cite: my company used to rent an entire ground floor of a commercial building
Twitter never dumped me and married the girl it dated right after me.
and if it isn't his building, even messier.
Really sums up his time as the owner of twitter (not calling it X)
yeah, messy makes the most sense. i can't wait until he gets evicted one day
and you mean, he's painting a giant X on his back?