how about you shut the fuck up? If you want to roll over and die, then go ahead, but don't you fucking dare drag anyone else down with you. We need to fight.
The thing is though! All of the people that believe you shouldn't have the right to exist, or hate you just because of something you can't control own a gun, if not SEVERAL
I don’t like guns but I’m in Texas, when our protests get large it’s not unusual for armed maga militia-men to show up. Guns are a functional deterrent.
Also our state has proposed BOUNTIES on trans people which cities are already enforcing, and we’re gonna tell them not to carry protection? Nope.
Everyone’s right to self defense is their own and they can choose to do it in whatever way they wish, if at all.
Keep in mind, that historically, unarmed and isolated minorities are easier to oppress by the armed and coordinated efforts of the ruling elite. Be vigilant and stay safe.
I find the possibility of gun control being effectively put into the US culture without a large scale violent civil conflict to be unattainable. I’m for people having control of their own defense and pushing for responsible ownership, so safes, available safety training, and permits.
Among liberals, maybe, but among the farther left this has long been a topic of debate. Think of the Black Panthers or Brown Berets, or security groups like the John Brown Gun Club for a more modern example
Yeah when actual threats of violence start being carried out like we’ve started to see, hypothetical debates about the nature of violence stop being relevant and people will always default to what they know works. And threats deter threats. I hate it, but that’s life.
This is the cringiest, most misguided shitlib take I've seen in a long time. The reasoning isn't even coherent, it basically boils down to "we know the government is trying to kill you, but don't you know guns kill people?" and "you're funding an evil industry". buy a gun make it rainbow coloured after you have bought the best possible fit for your needs or maybe just use rainbow filament printing it and using parts from
Okay but if the guns are already there, telling people to not arm themsevles is stupid. Also you Canadians need to stop pretending like your country is that much better. Y'all don't exactly have an incredible history either
No laws can absolutely stop violence - it's all a question of degree. Canadian cities (even big ones) have much lower violent crime rates than US cities. Average overall violent crime rate for Canadian cities is around 260 per 100,000.
US is ... eight times higher, deaths by shooting. 😬 This is where I agree with NRA gun nuts on narrow technical grounds.... guns don't kill people; people do. And the US has a gun-killing culture unknown anywhere else in the world.
Even if you die, at least try to take some fascists out before you go. There's a finite supply of people willing to cart off untermenschen to the camps.
Also every piece of data about gun ownership cited there is biased by being from a time of piece.
Correct. Being anti gun means nothing. we are not in a time of peace. the illusion of not needing to kill is not present right now. You will be killing you will be shooting or you will be shot. Under trump you are in civil land race war there is no turning it off. As of today with the tariffs.
The war is between the people and the politicians who no longer represent the will of the people. The race war is a distraction, same as the gender war and all the other culture wars the legacy media has been pushing for the last 8+ years.
Race doesn't matter when everyone bleeds the same color
Telling people to not get guns after the nazi party won is nauseating. The nazi party who always gleefully hopes something happens so they can run out and murder anyone who isn't a white christian? This "they go low so we go high" bullshit is what got us here in the first place.
What kind of cowardice is this? I'm sure your family and friends will feel at ease with how quickly the fascists are able to round them all up without the need for violence.
Nazis have guns. They train to use them. They're not so isolated to rural areas anymore.
Look up Operation Blazing Sword for a comprehensive list of LGBTQIA+ friendly firearms instructors. You don't have to purchase one, but you should know how to use it just in case.
This author has the dumbest, most stupid take imaginable, total trash.
You should look into 3D Printing your own guns, own them, practice with them. The government will NOT take care of you. At the end of the day, the ONLY person that will look out for you is YOU. Take responsibility for your life.
For general purposes you're way better off just buying a gun instead of making a legally iffy 3D printed gun that might blow up in your face after you fire it a few times
Nah, that's thinking from back in 2012. Tech has advanced FAR past that and it's just as easy to make. There are massive, beta testing communities that verify and test things now. This is from a release Black Lotus Coalition did last year:
As a one off, or if you just want to have a gun? Sure. But they're also traceable.
The bigger thing with 3D2A is the fact that we are undermining gun control globally, not just in the US. If just thinking here and now, yeah, buy. For the future, distributed manufacturing is where it's out.
Generally only the frames are plastic. The mechanical components are the same as you would find on an off the shelf gun. Can the frame crack? Absolutely. Will it “blow up in your face”, highly doubtful
"Same as off the shelf gun"
- Not necessarily. Making a Glock or AR-15? Sure in that case. The Decker 380 with recoil assisted reset? No. The build shown here DOES use a surplus .380 barrel from a Bersa pistol, but you can ECM one too. Everything else use raw hardware store or printed.
you got it backwards, gun ownership isn't controlled by the government through 2a, 2a is meant to prevent the government from being able to control gun ownership
You're correct, self defense is a basic human right.
By stating "... the right of the people... shall not be infringed," the second amendment lets our government know that touching that right is off limits.
The constitution places limits on the government, not the people being governed.
If the 2a wasn't in place the statists and auths would have banned and confiscated firearms long ago. I'm not sure what your argument is but just because a right is thought of as fundamental by the people doesn't mean their country will always respect it.
I'm curious, what do you propose instead?
As a trans woman who has taken self defense and firearms training, and survived hate crime+SA in the US before I emigrated - I’m going to need your naiive privileged ass to stfu.
Shelter, dinner, a makeover, mutual aid, internet service, art supplies, clothing, medication, musical instruments, electrolysis, movie tickets, pet toys, diapers, candles, books, video games, shampoo, furniture, sports equipment, tattoos ...
The author admits she lives ensconced in privilege and protection, yet wants to chide people who aren’t so lucky for wanting to be able to defend themselves.
This is why Leftists hate Liberals.
“Guns are scary so you shouldn’t own one!” is a fucking dumb argument.
Yeah, because this country has an incredibly stupid right-wing gun culture that treats them like a status symbol and/or symbol of masculinity, and doesn't prioritize safety or responsibility.
Leftists and people who actually fear violence generally don't have these problems.
Nah, it's actually not 'right wing'. That's a holdover belief from the gun control pushing days of the early 90s, when gun owning was seen as a rural, white, republican thing. That hasn't been true for a very long time. I've been in the 2A space for many years and can tell you we have ALL kinds.
You can't logic your way out of getting shot by brownshirts. And that's where shit's headed in this country. Look, it's great if you're safe, love that for you. But for us queers or for BIPOC or other marginalized groups? They've made it clear they want us dead. Might as well make it harder for them
violence has never been a last resort for any state. america is sustained through the violence of the state. to make this argument against violence unless it is a "last resort" (which is?) is just a blueprint for total defeat, that so many liberals have already walked into the threshold for.
The thing about a last resort is that you have to have equipped and prepared yourself to engage that last resort in advance.
"Hey I know you're kicking my door down right now, but can you come back in ten days once I finish my background check, 4473, and waiting period? Kay thankssss!"
It's true, owning firearms is increasing risk to yourself and people in your life.
Like all risks, we have to evaluate in context.
The military and police are armed because the political power that weapons bring them outweighs the risk to individuals to those who carry them.
Suicides outnumber homicides, yes. “Killed by their own gun” does not mean having it wrested from your grip.
The vast majority of DGU Defensive Gun Uses involve not a single shot but a shouted warning – “I have a gun and I will use it.” However, the threat must be sincere, a gun is not a magic wand
These statistics from everytown explicitly exclude data from times of war and are thus irrelevant.
"Dear French resistance, I get you don't like the Vichy and I don't either but if you start resisting them the Nazis might hurt my winery while they massacre you so please just die quietly kthxbye"
Statistics can be minimized as well. Training on safe storage, handling, range practice overall, awareness of mental health and who isn’t ready for a gun, all are real conversations people can prepare for and balance with their safety instead of shoving their heads under the covers.
Yeah I feel like statistics are great for most people most of the time, but in a time like today, when you're talking about a specific people that often has violence directed against them, that kind of changes how you have to look at the statistics.
I mean shark attack statistics make it really clear that you shouldn't worry about shark attacks, but if your job is to hand feed the sharks while scuba diving in the giant aquarium, I have a feeling the statistics may not be as relevant to your situation as usual
Counterpoint, shut the fuck up. LGBTQIA+ folks should absolutely arm up. There are virulent fascists foaming at the mouth to off queer people and the only thing that has ever stopped fascists is armed communities standing up to them.
I'm under no allusions that I will get the same treatment as Rittenhouse did, nor do I believe that gun ownership is a viable alternative to political goals of equality and peace. But I also think it's incredibly short sighted to write off gun ownership like this.
To me a gun is not something to be used to achieve my political aims or even to some extent for self defense. It is an insurance policy that ensures I have some method of survival if all bets are off. I live in an extremely transphobic state which is already playing with the idea
Of straight up banning gender affirming care full stop for all ages. I don't have the luxury of having neighbors that would stand up for me or even not assist in the state enacting violence upon me. I know many of them voted for Trump and that some specifically are transphobic.
As for gun companies, what are you gonna do? I bet I can find a product or service you wouldn't be willing to give up that has at least as henious an impact on the world as my purchase of a single firearm + ammo.
buying used-only is legitimately one of the few things you can do with that purchasing decision to anger the corporate lobby, whether it's choosing to show its redwashing face or its pinkwashing face on that particular day
Well, maybe the "fuck you I have mine for me when I'M in danger" mentality needs to be addressed. Maybe you need to reconsider that it SHOULD be a tool for long lasting peace and political change, that's how every nation got rights. The community is more united than you believe.
Just because it doesn't look like the first one doesn't mean we aren't in one, or that we won't reach a level of violence that future historians will recognize as a second civil war.
I'm pretty sure I'm older than you are and I stood guard with a bolty outside of my rural queer bar after someone was murdered in the parking lot. That was where I learned armalite patterns come in pink. We successfully deterred the rednecks driving by with traitor flags and rifles out their windows
Portray a hard target, they won't even try because they're cowards. And they don't know how to deal with it when you're not afraid of them, and they start being afraid of *you.*
There's a reason they went for C-Ville and not RVA with unite the right.
This is dangerous. We’ll never win a gun fight with a kitchen knife or baseball bat. The facist right is HEAVILY armed and hates us all. Buy the gayest guns you can find and learn to use them safely, responsibly and skillfully. (Not in that order)
True, but if your tummy shows under your shirt, certain colors are more visible especially contrasting with skin or holster tone. I just think some sort of muted tone makes more sense for concealment if the gun itself is going to be potentially visible in the event of a concealment failure.
LGBT people openly arming themselves will make people think twice before committing acts of violence against them. At the very least, it'll get some gun reform laws passed, like what happened with the Black Panthers. You can't defend against violence and hatred with good vibes.
Mutually assured destruction, as scary as it is, seems to work. Look no further than the Ukrainian conflict to see how feckless western support is and how brazen Russia has been for contemporary evidence.
What's scarier than a gun? Not having one when all the Nazis do and are coming for you.
Owning and shooting guns is literally some of the coolest and funest things you can do that also protect you. We are done with this liberal stuff. We have moved past it. Telling vulnerable populations they are wrong for protecting themselves is insane.
If living in America has taught me anything it's that none of you people are going to use those guns for anything except brandishing at it someone who cuts you off in traffic. You'll never use it against someone who has power over you. Prove me wrong!
but what if I WANT to support the NRA and gun industry and gun lobby and every institution that wants people like me dead and wants any and all justification to shoot me dead in the streets?!
I’m not opposed to guns (just gun fanatics), but never wanted to own one or felt the need. However, that changed for me recently. I hope I never have to use it, but that feels like a dwindling prospect these days.
Armed minorities are harder to oppress.
Look up instructors from Operation Blazing Sword, Pink Pistols, your local SRA or Liberal Gun Club, for training not run by CHUDs.
i have a copy of the instructions! i'm not a machinist but i'm pretty sure i could get one put together as a weekend project AND not blow my fingers off, im just skeptical about that 250 figure for the initial investment
Yeah, there is that.
But so many people from all across the political spectrum tell stories about how easy it is to print guns.
I call BS on most of it. Silly.
tbqh it's not very difficult for an american to get a pistol OR rifle, at least for now, so unless you live somewhere with stricter gun laws (🇨🇦) i controversially think the actual purpose of 3d printing a pistol is because it's a bragably cool and slightly edgy project
Also if you fuck it up you could disable yourself and even if it works the gun you get is strictly worse than what the fascists have. I'm sure the fascists would love us to arm ourselves strictly with printed guns, but what the fuck do we get out of it?
the amount of privilege on display here is insane. a gun isn't a luxury item, it's something people are buying because their lives are being threatened. It's not a tattoo or a new outfit, it's a tool to potentially stop someone from killing you, and it'll last for decades. Delete this trash article
When the people in charge have openly expressed their desire to genocide entire segments of the populace and destroy the nation as we know it, there comes a point when you have to set aside idealistic pacifism. consider fucking listening to what they're saying and responding proportionally.
No. That sounds great, until the #klan comes. Because that's how #USA works. The #RightWingGroups oppress the #minorities & kill #Leftists.
Also #poor #country people feed themselves with #guns.
You sound... Like you've never been in danger before.
P.s. Oregon doesn't have a state gun registery. Perfectly legal to pass all the background checks and then gift it to your "close family members". Just saying 🤷♂️
Definitely. I have a fake account that is in local conservative groups on Facebook. The group members are regularly gleeful at the fact that they think the left can't/won't be able to defend themselves. It's disturbing.
The Warsaw Uprising was backed by the Allies including thousands of guns, mines, a rocket launcher, and air support from B-17s. But it merely delayed Nazis by two months.
It is a glorious symbol of resistance and every one of the thousands of dead Nazis is a victory but it didn't stop genocide.
What a delusional take. You really, really don't understand the gravity of the situation and this is coming from a straight, white, male, gun owner who hates guns. You should've had a gun in 2016.
Two things can be true. I’m anti-gun, and, I don’t live in that world. I do live in a world where perpetrators of DV stalk their ex and kill them, though. I do live in a world where “corrective r*pe” exists. I do live in a world where sex workers disappear. It’s a personal choice. This is so myopic.
You all have a right to bear arms to defend yourselves from violence and tyranny. Don’t let some pansy who’d lie over and let themselves become a victim stop you from buying that Glock to avoid suffering the same fate.
Guns are scary and bad and are antithetical to a functioning, progressive society. But we do not live in a functioning, progressive society and people are going to die unless we are prepared to defend ourselves
Guns are only scary and bad as long as you don't know anything about them and stay fearful of them. They stop being scary and bad when you train with them and learn how they work and what their use cases are. Not every gun is the stereotypical depiction of an AR or AK pattern rifle.
No, they are. Just as cars, or even stove tops, or welding torches. That means you have to know how they work in and out to reduce their potential harms, and you have to learn first aid for when it goes to shit. Being scared around a death tool is a perfectly valid feeling. Bravery comes from there.
You know what, that's fair. You and I have different definitions of scary but you're right that bravery comes from a willingness to learn about a subject that has the potential to hurt you if you do it wrong. I very much agree that it's important to learn the potential hazards and know first aid too
Guns are fun and great for blowing Fascists off the face of the earth, also guess what I'm a perfect world people would still have Guns because some of us like Hunting
Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it.
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. People that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms.
The issue isn't whether violence solves problems. It's that the statistics are unambiguous: gun ownership takes far more lives than it saves. That statistic is indifferent to the intentions of the owner.
About 60% of all gun deaths in the US are suicides.
Those are the stats you're talking about.
There are very, very few, statistically, accidental shootings (either negligent discharges or accidental discharges). Also v. few cases where having a 🔫 makes you more likely to be a victim.
All true but those statistics do not discriminate based on politics or ideology, except to the extent that the states with the lowest rates of gun ownership have lower firearms-related deaths per capita.
I remember my dad telling me about a friend whose father was a black civil rights activist in the 50s. The Klan came for him and his family and the only thing that stopped them was her father meeting them at the door with a shotgun.
A community "granny" of one of my dad's churches had a similar incident after she petitioned the school board to not close public schools during integration. Pointed a shotgun and named and shamed KKK members who she knew from Sunday school.
From the good folks who brought you "don't make more housing, it'll enrich developers NIMBYism", now comes "don't arm yourselves, it'll enrich firearm manufacturers self-disarmamentism"
This is the caliber of reasoning that travesty of a thinkpiece employs for why the LGBT community shouldn't arm themselves.
It's so bad it's almost a work of art.
God I wish it only cost $500 to get comfortable shooting
Hell in Washington State alone they're trying to pass a bill which would cost that much just for a permit to purchase, in addition to over a month of waiting in the best case scenario (likely 3+ months of said bill passes).
Yeah, $500 will get you something like...a starter rifle like a 10/22, basic accessories, and enough ammo for a couple trips to the range depending on how much you shoot.
Very obvious the author of this piece has zero familiarity with firearms.
there's something particularly toxic about taking the author's own self-disclosure about her perspective and using that as a grounds to attack her. take a step back for a second
Not toxic at all when the author comes from a place of high privilege compared to those who she is telling to disarm themselves. "I don't need a gun so why should you?"
Def think it's relevant to know gun safety, especially when owning a gun obviously increases the risk of accidentally (or intentionally) harming yourself or loved ones in your home when there's no danger imminent. But, but. We should learn gun safety and have them. Locked and stored. But owned.
Unfortunately we cannot trust the state because, well, look around at this nation's history and today. As for trusting the community, that would mean trusting people to have some kind of way to defend others. Which would most likely be guns.
The queer lefty aversion to owning weapons and learning defensive skills is only going to get a lot more of us killed. Your community cannot protect you if everyone is disarmed, unskilled and out of shape.
And, importantly, there's plenty to do besides owning weapons. It's not like on the right where you can just buy a gun and then worship it like a totem until your 4 year old blows their brains out, you actually have to respect it, train with it, store it safely, learn first aid, all that good stuff.
It is important to recognize that being a leftist does not make one immune to the American (derogatory) thought tendencies of “more firepower=safer” and “I have problem, what do I buy about it?”
You seem to be saying that political power does not grow from the barrel of a gun, and that attempts to disarm the workers might not need to be resisted that hard
Okay. I’m not saying that. I’m saying that there are a couple of threat evaluation and preparation errors that are common in American minds, across the political spectrum, that lead people to buy guns when their gun ownership does not serve the common good.
Ok, I see what you're saying there. But in this moment, I'm a lot more worried about the targets of neonazi gangs than I am about the common good, I gotta say
I'm pro 2nd amendment, and truly believe it was written for just the situation we currently find ourselves in. Fine, I'll be a liberal instead of a Democrat. Democrats are too far right anyways.
Also our state has proposed BOUNTIES on trans people which cities are already enforcing, and we’re gonna tell them not to carry protection? Nope.
Keep in mind, that historically, unarmed and isolated minorities are easier to oppress by the armed and coordinated efforts of the ruling elite. Be vigilant and stay safe.
The Nazis are armed, we should be as well.
Seems like your laws don't really stop violence.
As an Indigenous person of Turtle Island, I'd never go up there...
Also every piece of data about gun ownership cited there is biased by being from a time of piece.
MAD seems to work. Ukraine should've kept ☢️.
Race doesn't matter when everyone bleeds the same color
Grab yourself one of these, an optic from Holosun or Primary Arms, a handful of mags from MagShack and a case of ammo
Look up Operation Blazing Sword for a comprehensive list of LGBTQIA+ friendly firearms instructors. You don't have to purchase one, but you should know how to use it just in case.
You should look into 3D Printing your own guns, own them, practice with them. The government will NOT take care of you. At the end of the day, the ONLY person that will look out for you is YOU. Take responsibility for your life.
The bigger thing with 3D2A is the fact that we are undermining gun control globally, not just in the US. If just thinking here and now, yeah, buy. For the future, distributed manufacturing is where it's out.
How the fuck do you even aim this?
How would you even mount an optic?
You can mount an optic if you use the side loading variant (it looks more like a Sten Gun) and has an upper rail. You can learn more here:
- Not necessarily. Making a Glock or AR-15? Sure in that case. The Decker 380 with recoil assisted reset? No. The build shown here DOES use a surplus .380 barrel from a Bersa pistol, but you can ECM one too. Everything else use raw hardware store or printed.
Did you know you can 3D print a combat ready weapon in rainbow colors? Go to to learn how!
I can assure you that our adversaries in this state already own unserialized printed firearms regardless of the law
this makes me contemplate which laws I am comfortable dissenting against
But I might get a print for my home office wall.
I support gun ownership
I don't particularly like that the government controls it through the second amendment, but it's what we have.
If self-defense is a fundamental right then gun ownership should require no statement from a government.
The second amendment is meant to limit the people, or at least give the pretext for doing so.
By stating "... the right of the people... shall not be infringed," the second amendment lets our government know that touching that right is off limits.
The constitution places limits on the government, not the people being governed.
I also realize that conservatives have had a pretty good run with the second amendment, but that can change, and it will.
If it's fundamental there's no need to "protect" it.
I'm curious, what do you propose instead?
Ah yes, because every German Queer or Jew with a passport escaped Nazi Germany scott free, without hassle.
And the ones that escaped to their northern neighbors never had to face the Nazis they were running from again.
JFC these people are as dumb as MAGA!
The US is NOT Europe though, and just fleeing to another country isn't a cheap or accessible solution for most people here, passport or not.
Shelter, dinner, a makeover, mutual aid, internet service, art supplies, clothing, medication, musical instruments, electrolysis, movie tickets, pet toys, diapers, candles, books, video games, shampoo, furniture, sports equipment, tattoos ...
Wilderness Lesbian w/ gun
This is why Leftists hate Liberals.
“Guns are scary so you shouldn’t own one!” is a fucking dumb argument.
Leftists and people who actually fear violence generally don't have these problems.
When the MAGA militia comes to your door, you can tell yourself you didn’t fight back because “well statistically speaking…..”
Violence is a last resort not a knee jerk response.
No one is saying “only buy a gun and engage is no other acts of non violent resistance”
you realise we're talking about queer people arming themselves to fight back against militarised hate mobs, right?
"Hey I know you're kicking my door down right now, but can you come back in ten days once I finish my background check, 4473, and waiting period? Kay thankssss!"
Like all risks, we have to evaluate in context.
The military and police are armed because the political power that weapons bring them outweighs the risk to individuals to those who carry them.
The vast majority of DGU Defensive Gun Uses involve not a single shot but a shouted warning – “I have a gun and I will use it.” However, the threat must be sincere, a gun is not a magic wand
"Dear French resistance, I get you don't like the Vichy and I don't either but if you start resisting them the Nazis might hurt my winery while they massacre you so please just die quietly kthxbye"
At some point, you have to ask yourself if the benefits outweigh the risks. For me, they do.
Practice asking yourself hard questions, and if you decide to buy a gun, get trained in how to use, maintain, and store it.
And you and your family won’t ever develop any mental health issues at any time in your life, of course.
Enlighten me then.
Fuk all of that.
Enroll in gun safety and use classes.
Wear your rainbow or drag to the gun range to practice.
Buy several! Arm yourself, concealed carry if legal, get some shotguns too, and a few rifles while you're at it.
Oh, and remember - you have a 2nd amendment right to do so if you're American.
LGBTQI+ - Arm 👏🏻 Yourselves 👏🏻 Now 👏🏻
But two.
When the civil war comes (and it's coming), good luck being unarmed.
Take that, Sparkly Hitler!
Train up and arm up, kiddies. It's gonna be a bumpy ride when the money is cut off.
Portray a hard target, they won't even try because they're cowards. And they don't know how to deal with it when you're not afraid of them, and they start being afraid of *you.*
There's a reason they went for C-Ville and not RVA with unite the right.
Trying to get my trans daughter to feel safe enough leaving the house to take a self-defense class.
What's scarier than a gun? Not having one when all the Nazis do and are coming for you.
Haven't finished but I'm pretty sure you going to need some ChapStick.
Also fuck you, shitlib
More guns leads to more crime, more gun violence, more suicides, and more accidents. Good intentions have absolutely no bearing.
You are more likely to be killed than save a a life in self defense or defense of others.
The gun doesn't care about who holds it. Whether it serves good or evil is entirely dependent on who decides to bear arms.
Look up instructors from Operation Blazing Sword, Pink Pistols, your local SRA or Liberal Gun Club, for training not run by CHUDs.
look around you- if now is NOT a good time to think about armed self defense then it never will be (for you.)
FGC-9 for significantly less but does require effort
But so many people from all across the political spectrum tell stories about how easy it is to print guns.
I call BS on most of it. Silly.
Just buy a gun.
I built one in highschool.
Dazzle those nazis with your nails, makeup, and new hairdo.
Also #poor #country people feed themselves with #guns.
You sound... Like you've never been in danger before.
It'll make the good ol' maga boys stop and think.
minorities that can defend themselves are harder to do a genocide on. be fucking serious.
That does explain some things…
To be clear, I support marginalized groups arming themselves, but the notion that it protects you from genocide is a myth to blame the victims.
The combined allied forces of Europe couldn't stop the Holocaust. No amount of arming Jews could have made a dent in it.
It is a glorious symbol of resistance and every one of the thousands of dead Nazis is a victory but it didn't stop genocide.
Do you know how hard that is?
Not about to go silently into the night if someone threatens my or my friends existence.
You all have a right to bear arms to defend yourselves from violence and tyranny. Don’t let some pansy who’d lie over and let themselves become a victim stop you from buying that Glock to avoid suffering the same fate.
Stick to gun shows and gun show parking lots.
Stick to individual sellers.
Stay off the grid with it.
Get more than one and practice with them.
Practice, practice, practice.
Rounds down range.
Know them inside and out.
Keep'em clean too
Guns are only scary and bad as long as you don't know anything about them and stay fearful of them. They stop being scary and bad when you train with them and learn how they work and what their use cases are. Not every gun is the stereotypical depiction of an AR or AK pattern rifle.
that's the opposite of true
A peaceful society won't need gun control anyways, it'll have the root causes figured out.
Violent anti-black hysteria is bad, actually
Those are the stats you're talking about.
There are very, very few, statistically, accidental shootings (either negligent discharges or accidental discharges). Also v. few cases where having a 🔫 makes you more likely to be a victim.
It's your choice for yourself; your safety (or not), your choice. Don't try to make the choice for others, or try to legislate it away.
An armed minority is a minority that can protect themselves.
Take a class, train, be SAFE.
If you don’t like guns, get a knife and bear spray.
Lucus got his inspiration for the Ewoks and Rebels from the Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, while the US was used as his inspiration for the Empire
It's so bad it's almost a work of art.
Hell in Washington State alone they're trying to pass a bill which would cost that much just for a permit to purchase, in addition to over a month of waiting in the best case scenario (likely 3+ months of said bill passes).
Very obvious the author of this piece has zero familiarity with firearms.
Anyone who pushes law like this should be thrown out of politics permanently.
Print a firearm if you’re worried about supporting corporations
But please remember that Nazi Germany didn't disarm EVERYONE. Hunting is a masculine, patriotic hobby after all.
They disarmed their undesirables.
Yes, we shouldn't have to. But we do.
It is important to recognize that being a leftist does not make one immune to the American (derogatory) thought tendencies of “more firepower=safer” and “I have problem, what do I buy about it?”
I think this piece makes that point well.
The Nazis own them, you should, too.
If you don't want the government knowing exactly how many you have, take a page from Luigi. It really isn't supper hard to do.
I live in the the south, and I'm trans. I helped keep Virginia blue.
Go fuck yourself.
If we are well armed enough and strong enough we won't need to fight.
That's the point.
The 2nd amendment is never going anywhere. You'll never be successful in fighting gun violence
There are things we can do, but politics is the art of the possible.