I like to hyperfixate on things on like a 2-3 month cycle and then I lose interest in that and find a new thing. Currently it's sim racing and formula 1
Battletech is a fun hobby if you like painting little robots that are actually supposed to be giant robots. And then you play the game with the little robots and the dice fuck you over and you have no fun at all.
About a year ago I was trying to get into tabletop games, specifically warhammer. I have half an army of storm cast primed but not painted. I went on vacation and it messed up my streak of going to the weekly casual match meet-up at the last and haven't been back in 10 months
I know. I had gotten a small spark few weeks back to pick the guitar up again. But after strumming a few ideas, the frustrations and memories come flooding back and I just end up putting it down so it can collect dust again.
I collect pebbles and collage stuff including tarot cards I make on the spot for people and make and send postcards and and and I am adhd and have too many hobbies
Video games when I get a chance.
Currently building a world for a new campaign. Spent an hour writing a thousand words on a religion I made up. So that's fun.
kung fu
schmokin ganj
and so on
ALSO need to drill my barrels
No seriously try me. My adhd ass will not stop until I have collected all the hobbies muahahahahaa
In which case, Yes.
Also pining for spring and baseball season.