Today I lost an NIH grant training clinicians to do research about intimate partner violence with perinatal women.
More women are murdered in the perinatal period than die of obstetric complications.
I didn't just lose a grant. We lost an entire cohort of people building careers to prevent that.
More women are murdered in the perinatal period than die of obstetric complications.
I didn't just lose a grant. We lost an entire cohort of people building careers to prevent that.
as they work to make sure they'll have plenty of docile, homebound women to replace any casualties and accept their place
They’re the evils to all the men, apparently.
I would say these MAGA men cost this country more than any of these other groups because they’re involved again and again in the judicial system (they can’t help it, they’re assholes) and/or their evil ways lead to health issues.
The words "women" and "females" are already banned per DT/JV...
That would make your study about violence with perinatal lower animals or slaves? No one cares.
If trump wants to play king let's name him Czar Nicolas Romanov. Who fell.
By 1938 Stalins USSR defeated capitalism. the bourgeoisie& oligarchy lost their heads. BernieAOC are not to be taken seriously. Just libs. Don't trust the liberals they will betray you V Lenin.
Maybe women need to form alliances and information circles. And men need therapy/drugging.
They don’t care if baby lives or mom dies or how many die…they want the 💰💰 & us to feel “grateful”to them
Daily we are on edge wondering if grants already awarded but not completely distributed will actually be sent/pain in a few months.
The firings then rehiring …freezings then isolating at the NIH is not only stressful & not efficient but I’d argue it’s emotionally abusive too..
They believe our social safety net was run by an oppressive Deep State (which DJT is dismantling). They don’t realize their already-wealthy leaders are gonna impoverish everone else.
Hopefully you can eventually restart your research abroad.
They are as opposite as can be on the political spectrum.
Women have been attacked and murdered forever when they are pregnant.
Men are the issue here, and non-violent men stay silent.
so so sorry.
Not to be flippant but they're so concerned about growing their numbers, how are they going to do that when they allow their child bearers to be killed? I know I'm being sick but I'm also being serious. At least be concerned about the women who boost their #s.
Those fvkers will have their day 😡
We’re back to the dark ages
This is organized, planned misogyny micro-targeting every grievance they've created for themselves over the years.
It's also ironic projection when the conspiracy theorists hunting the 'deep state' are in fact a conspiracy 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 a deep state right before our eyes.
This is another "pro-life" hypocritical action.
Good luck on other grants for you and the others.
so we all can tell him how much we, uh, appreciate his principled stance
You may think I'm making fun or being facetious, I assure you I am not. I'm serious. Their willful ignorance is terrifying.
Then they move on to the next easy cliche. Pro-life is easier to comprehend then Pro-Choice which connotes too much decision making & responsibility
I’m also sorry for all the women who will suffer.
The cruelty of this administration is unmeasurable. 😢
they just have to convince enough people that advocating not-killing women undermines the traditional family
I’m so very sad and angry at this devastation.