I would walk/bike to work at my first job after college and there were 2-3 persimmon trees on the way and I'd collect enough for a big pudding in a couple minutes
can't be said enough how much tastier the american persimmon is than the asian species
I never ate or even saw one—or even knew what persimmons looked like!—until I moved to Japan. They’re very popular here. My partner prepares and hangs out to dry a variety that not meant to be eaten straight. In a few weeks of drying, they’ll be delicious treats!
They look weird though. Like…something mummified. But they taste amazing.
We also eat the more easily edible variety often this time of year. Just peel and slice up. Big seeds, but that’s no problem.
There are 2 common varieties, Fuyu & Hachiya. Sounds like you may have bought a Hachiya that wasn't fully ripe. They're very astringent & horrible unless they're so ripe they feel like a water balloon. Fuyus are crisp, sweet & pretty tasty even if not super ripe. See, https://www.seriouseats.com/persimmons
Persimmons need to be soft and mushy before eating them. They will seem over ripe but are not. Ripe persimmons taste somewhat like very sweet apricots and have a texture similar to ripe papayas. Dried persimmons from Japan are divine.
Someone jumped the fence TWO YEARS IN A ROW at my old place and stripped our tree. Totally changed my relationship to those persimmons. Tiger persimmon mom appeared.
Persimmons need to be soft and mushy before eating them. They will seem over ripe but are not. Ripe persimmons taste somewhat like very sweet apricots and have a texture similar to ripe papayas. Dried persimmons from Japan are divine.
You haven't had a full life unless, as a kid, you had an older brother convince you the green ones are really good!
And then he actually bit a green one, to convince me..
When I was a kid horseback riding with my parents, my dad plucked one off a tree on the side of the road and handed it to me, telling me it was sweet and I’d love it. Oh Dad…Puckered is as good word as any. Weird unpleasant sensation.
I got an excellent box of persimmons from an online fruit vendor in Florida. One still ripening and only one out of about ten didn’t ever come to live before it disintegrated. That’s a great record for American persimmons or persimmons in the northeast US.
Oh my gosh! Persimmon bread and persimmon cookies!!! They are easily frozen with the pits out skin still on. Hope you can enjoy them. The trees are very scarce here in illinois. They used to be well appreciated.
Persimmons aren't meant to be eaten until they fall from the tree, at which point they're incredibly sweet. They're second only to pawpaw for gifts from the forest.
They have 2 varieties, astringent & non-astringent.
The astringent ones (Americans persimmons) are meant to be eaten when they are soft & fall off the tree. If you eat them when they are hard, you will get an unpleasant dry mouth feeling.
I grew up in the Ozarks and persimmons were a favorite of mine. My granny even made persimmon beer. We once had a dog named Jack that would climb the trees, brace himself in a vee, and gorge himself on them. Jack was a weird boy.
They look ready to eat. My dad loved them, but I have to admit I never picked up the taste. I blame it on my unknown, at the time, Autism. They are a gorgeous color, though, don't you think. By the way, I love your photos.
can't be said enough how much tastier the american persimmon is than the asian species
We also eat the more easily edible variety often this time of year. Just peel and slice up. Big seeds, but that’s no problem.
yes, i only bought one once that looked deep orange and ripe but not rotting.
i don't know what to look for, should it be less ripe?
what flavors should i be looking for?
(No reason at all)
New homeowner moved in last year and just fucking cut it down because they did not like the way the fruit fell on their driveway. Entitled Pricks
I planted one ~3 years ago that died in this year's drought. This is so nice to see.
Muy Yum
Remember Muy yum spelled backward is muy yum!
And then he actually bit a green one, to convince me..
You know I’m right. Fight me!!
DJT still sucks, however.
The astringent ones (Americans persimmons) are meant to be eaten when they are soft & fall off the tree. If you eat them when they are hard, you will get an unpleasant dry mouth feeling.