oh yeah thomas sowell and clarence thomas, those heroes of black america. every AME church basement has a portrait of thomas sowell and clarence thomas, our most revered Toms
George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas in 1991 to replace Thurgood Marshall. It was a calculated move—Republicans wanted to maintain the illusion of continuity by replacing one Black justice with another, but Thomas’s judicial philosophy was the complete opposite of Marshall’s.
It goes even further than that, he only passed thru a Democratic Senate because Southern Democrats relied on African-American voters and polls at the time did show that Black voters like him.
Thurgood Marshall was a civil rights icon, the lead attorney in Brown v. Board of Education, and a staunch advocate for racial and economic justice.
Clarence Thomas, on the other hand, has consistently ruled against many of the principles Marshall championed.
Reading the Tiger Woods name drop was the first time I ever felt like he demonstrated good writing. Not intentional but it carries so much meaning, mainly atavistic racism, that it reminds me of a term David Foster Wallace used to describe what made writing art: “magical comprehension”.
For a moment it won’t. Then there will be some contradictory declaration from Caitlyn Jenner about how the real threat to the LGBTQIA+ community is “radical Islam.” The point isn’t consistency. It’s intimidation.
why would she stop anything, they have class solidarity, this is all "yes, and" against marginalized people, they're already trying to paint us as radicals and terrorists, we're all going together
This isn’t about being consistent. It’s about doing things “for the lulz” as we used to say. They view annoying their supposed enemies as an end in itself.
I know that American military personnel are now forbidden to recognize Martin Luther King Junior Day. I guess if anyone asks why they're taking that day off it's "don't ask, don't tell".
What a list. I wrote my thesis about post reconstruction creation of schools in Virginia. With a focus on the difference of ideology of curriculum and the future of black folks between DuBois and Douglas. Of course Douglas promoting industrial arts; DuBois liberal arts
There is a long history of conservative yts trying to pick our leaders for us; usually the most corrupted, co-opted, sellout Negroes. Tubman and Douglass, both heroes, have been dead long enough to have been sanitized and rendered harmless. Sowell and Thomas are two of the Sambos of the hour
Did we all forget that he signed an executive order that Black History Month was no longer to be celebrated? This man is really trying to back pedal. He pissed off too many folks and this is his attempt to buy us all back. NOT ME!
Of course, we need to ignore Martin Luther King, Jr., and John Lewis, and Rosa Parks, and Maya Angelou, and Andrew Young to make sure the white nationalists know we're not really serious (surprised at Harriet Tubman, though).
Yet Trump is purportedly so anxious to have his undeserving, ugly face carved on Mount Rushmore. And now that Muskrat has taken over the U.S. Treasury, can we expect him to say he wants his or Trump's face on the currency?
"This National Black History Month, as America prepares to enter a historic Golden Age, I want to extend my tremendous gratitude to black Americans for all they have done to bring us to this moment..."
Because of course the guy manages to make all of Black History subservient to His Goldenness.
"We will also never forget the achievements of American greats like Tiger Woods, who have pushed the boundaries of excellence in their respective fields, paving the way for others to follow."
Didn't he get traded around in the Dave Chapelle sketch about membership in a racial group being decided like players on sports teams? Can't remember which "team" Tiger Woods ended up batting for.
"We will also never forget the achievements of American greats like Tiger Woods, who have pushed the boundaries of excellence in their respective fields, paving the way for others to follow."
I’m betting this is an attempt to get Sowell, who like Vance was originally a Trump critic, fully over to his side. But I think the guy’s more or less retired?
I'm sure Trump only knows of him by the references that right wing twitter has of him as he's both the only black guy and the only economist that they tolerate
I remember reading an article by Sowell he wrote before retiring claiming that Trump was better than Hillary on foreign policy and all I can say is I hope the sound of the UN assembly laughing at Trump replays in his head every night as he cries himself to sleep.
Thomas Sowell is from my hometown and at no point ever in Black history month was he ever mentioned at a church festival or a school function honoring him. Ever!!!!!
lol, yeah, I hadn’t heard of him until around 2016 when I was still on Facebook and some random trump supporter brought him up as his reason-he-couldn’t-be-racist, because he liked Sowell, so I did the same search and just came back laughing at the guy before blocking him.
I just went to find a gif for “I see what you did there.” And it’s Trump. Like a BUNCHA Trump GIFs. Trump looking at the camera, pointing with the caption “I saw that”. I use GIFs almost as a second language on SM. I feel sick.
I have never heard anyone articulate what Thomas Sowell has ever actually done besides be a mouthpiece for Republican talking points on Black people, and obviously token Black friend.
It's super-common in white nationalists to talk like their giving Leonardo DiCaprio's 1 in 10,000 speech from Django Unchained. While they hypothetically allow for the existence of an intelligent black person, they are also constantly talking about how well-regarded black intellectuals are frauds.
I mention it, because the only exceptions they allow are for hardcore conservatives, and more specifically, the two names that you invariably hear in these circles are Clarence Thomas and Thomas Sowell.
Can you explain about Thomas sowell? My dad reads a lot of conservative black writers to justify his own racist tendencies. And he’s like “but I read Candace Owens and Thomas sowell and they’re black so I can’t be racist”
Oh, hell no. I read one of Sowell’s books to argue why his teachings are so off base with a cousin. I hate when white people cling to “well, this black person said it, so surely they speak for all.”😡
DOD said “Identify Months are Dead” to include Black History Month earlier today. Looks like the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing again.
Wow! Is he seriously trying to pretend that he gives a husky f*ck about anybody that’s not an old white male? Oh please! He will probably rescind or “disappear” it after a day or so. The shit stain spreads - please, somebody contain that orange toxicity. Can we all just pray that he has a stroke?
Unlearning economics has a good couple of videos on Thomas sowell. They're very long, but oh my god that guy's entire worldview ends up being "I got hurt so others must hurt worse."
They can keep it.
Seen here hugged up on his massa Harlan KKKrow. ⤵︎
Clarence Thomas, on the other hand, has consistently ruled against many of the principles Marshall championed.
But Thomas Sowell?
Because of course the guy manages to make all of Black History subservient to His Goldenness.
I can't.
It actually says this!
It was never about eggs and gas, it was about hate and fear
Are they ever NOT gaslighting?
…oh jeez
*Checks notes*
Convincing conservatives he was an intellectual, despite lacking even a shred of wisdom.
Fucking hell.