She managed to move up in class level and shes become less of a human rights advocate while supporting DT who is anti everything she is/was. This article doesnt cover everything about her but its a good place to start.
I was reminiscing recently about a halcyon era where grimes was just a Canadian weirdo that made infectious songs and MIA was a super cool provocative artist. Trump was a mere punchline, Obama was president and not progressive enough.
Simpler, simpler times.
Agreed. Also… hot take I heard recently that’s still slow-motion blowing my child of the 80s&90s mind: We don’t hear about “selling out” any more because selling out won. Selling out is the *only* metric now.
Among other things, she apparently had a vision of Jesus and became a born again Christian. Endorsed Trump in the last election after RFK jr joined his campaign.
She's a full blown COVID denier and general Trump supporter. Absolutely stunning considering her father was the leader of the Tamil Tigers and certainly not raised to support the western military industrial complex.
Incredibly. She also still stands by Diplo as a "good person" even after admitting he single-handedly DERAILED her career when they were dating bc he couldn't handle her being more famous. He's a predator and a general POS.
I wish I cld understand why she went off the rail. Her covid disinformation was horrendous, sigh. I will never understand it. We both sorta went through the Cambridge board pedagogical system in school ( i think , she is british) , so to not understand the basics is WILD.
I believe back in the day she would be called a "problematic fave." Very happy I saw her in 2021 when she was only halfway (maybe 2/3) gone. MAYA will go down as one of the most influential but initially under appreciated classics.
My most millennial-coded trait is how much I miss the remix mixtape era. 95% of it is deservedly forgotten, but some of them (*cough* clipse) are absolute gold and basically impossible to stream legally now
It only takes a second to clock exactly how it’s going to affect the song, but the anticipation somehow keeps growing to increasing levels of absurdity.
I thought it was just going to be a difference in the sound of the gunshot, and then the reload started... and kept going... and the music kept looping over, and over, and over...
Also “O..Saya” from the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack that she sings on is a great running song. Back in the day on my iPod it was my power song I would use when doing speed work.
She went from putting ppl on the map who ain't never seen a map to dissing BLM while cozying up to a millionaire before going entirely off the deep end.
Imagine the all sorts of nutty shit we’d have heard from our musical icons if there had been social media back then…I feel like having awful opinions is forgivable, I don’t really think twice about MIA’s music but I can’t listen to R Kelly or MJ w/o making the association to their bad behavior
You probably know this but the awesome video for Bad Girls is directed by Costa-Gavras' son, Romain Gavras. He went on to direct "Athena," a fantastic Paris-banlieu-revolt movie available on Netflix.
Bamboo Banga ... I can't let go of it, despite MIA's sad decline as a humsn. Morrissey and Grimes are also still on my playlists, though I don't really blame Grimes for youthful bad judgment.
J, I love you but absolutely can not stand MIA and deleted her from my playliets when she turned MAGA and antivaxx. Ted Nugent had some bangers too, but I can't listen to him either.
That said, this is exactly what "Hide Post for me" is made for, that way I don't say anythng rude or disrespectful
I think her initial break was because the Tamil tigers and the misinformation in sri lanka she saw firsthand undercut her beliefs in the MSM. obviously a crank but more based on a real event if that makes sense?
I just can’t quit her. Also, and I wish I could find a longer version, but one of the all time best backing tracks for a horror movie kill.
(Alt text: death of Craig robertson as big al, via barbell in tragedy girls)
I’m just thinking any day I listen to John Prine or a John Prine song is a better day. Right now it’s Angels from Montgomery live with John and Bonnie Raitt! Sigh!
Never meet your heroes etc but god is this video still incredible nearly 10 years later. That aesthetic of elevating voices from outside the US mainstream has passed from this world for now
Simpler, simpler times.
I mean it in the "used to make based political music and is now a straight up traitor to the cause" way.
Unfortunately, I don't think she has the discipline to rebuild her career down the road.
It's a shame. She had a distinctive style and voice.
And her 5g blocking underwear really protects my goods.
Very much pro-vax over here.
- and the video is bonkers
I can blast the MIA of my youth without paying MAGA MIA any royalties!
This and many others. 😂
My current Jan's fir it are Wuki-Sunshine & Edge if Seventeen. Plus whatever pops up in Playlist eith those songs
That said, this is exactly what "Hide Post for me" is made for, that way I don't say anythng rude or disrespectful
(Alt text: death of Craig robertson as big al, via barbell in tragedy girls)