yes. and while this state of affairs has many authors, i’d say that the problem became terminal thanks to mitch mcconnell’s efforts to try to torpedo the obama administration, making it his most ignominious legacy.
Reposted from
Aaron Reichlin-Melnick
IMHO, a large portion of this failure has been caused by the collapse of Congress over the last decade. Congress, in essence, no longer functions as a co-equal branch of government.
-ban partisan gerrymandering
-give all staffers and electeds a pay raise
-move to 2 year budget cycles
-pass ethics reform
-legalize 3rd parties
-expand the crs and cbo, fix budget scoring via statute, give every cmmte a non-partisan department to write bills that don’t suck
-pass voting rights legislation
-campaign finance reform
Do it in 2 years, abolish the filibuster, threaten the courts and hold the line for 8 years and you will have solved a bunch of problems
Just so it’s clear, I am not comparing him to Trump in any way, shape or form.
I remember that scumbag Cawthorn who publicly proclaimed that he deliberately put PR over constituent services.
Without those two things, you're likely to not have as much accountability.
Obama owns the delusional attachment to decorum.
Immediately. Right there. These people look at compromise as weakness.
- Mitch the Bitch
And he tried like hell to fight him on every piece of legislation. Even when on TV and bragged about it. With his squirrelly little smirk. I hope he suffers going forward. That may sound mean, but damnit it, he a racist old fucker . I've never liked him.
The simultaneous death of hope, and the birth of something sinister. It felt like it at the time, too.
In the end, it will be written that it was Mitch McConnell’s lust for power, for himself and the Republican Party, and *not* the United States of America, that set the final playing board for the effective entry and establishment of a fascist government supplanting a fabled democracy.