By replying civilly to a post insulting me and addressed to me? I didn't quote tweet. I was hoping that she'd stop calling me Dracula and we would talk about copyright.
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It's extremely funny to me that they called "shut the fuck up you fucking culture vampire" a legitimate critique, as if we're in some kind of literary left bank salon but for angry middle school children.
The most unfortunate thing is that we didn't learn anything about copyright from the back and forth, unlike the time someone tried to explain Spotify's royalty structure to one of the Buggles without knowing who he was.
We can hold an honest discussion about the problems and challenges of copyright (especially in modern digital times) and agree that people do have a right to protect and profit from their ideas and creative products. The all or none argument rarely stands up to any scrutiny.
Yeah I don't understand where the OP is coming from. There's a difference between an artist wanting to control their work for a reasonable amount of time, and Disney lobbying Congress to push the copyright extension to several generations after an author's death.
Yeah. I don't like the extension of copyright terms either, but the alternative is... what? No copyright and people are free to steal your work and you have no recourse against them? We tried that, it sucked, that's why copyright was invented.
Sure! I'd love to see copyright terms restored to the original, which was either 50 or 70 years after death of the author. It's just that achieving that is going to be a massively uphill battle against the lobbying money of Disney. And currently we're all a little busy fighting the AI behemoth.
HEY NEIL I LIKE YOU also I've seen you in the sunlight, so you're probably not Dracula, although you didn't look happy to be IN the sunlight, so let's say it's an 85% chance of you not being Dracula
Counterpoint. A few years ago did a book signing at a local bookshop. He stayed until late into the night and signed every book, showing superhuman stamina, grace, and charm. Perhaps the of the sort that only the undead possess?
But he dresses all in black! All he'd have to do is duck his head into his elbow crease and he'd *disappear* right before your eyes (assuming his shoes were shined).
I’m so confused? My dude was super nice and seemed genuinely interested in why she thought as she did. What the rest of the internet does is not his responsibility and it’s weird you try and make it that.
Assholes gonna asshole, Neil. Usually I find it preferrable to just block them and let them cry into the unhearing void, pooping themselves in impotent rage.
When people ask me why I didn’t and don’t want to be famous (or even geek famous), I tell them, “There is a lot more to being Neil Gaiman than writing well.”
I am writing the "Neil Gaiman is Actually Dracula" comic right at this moment. I just wanted to make it public, and time stamped, so nobody else tries to beat me to it.
In a related note. Is Dracula in the public domain at the moment?
I have a whole thesis about this with transubstantiation/vampiric transformation and this being part of why chocolate Christ and piss Christ were such transgressive works of art but the blood self portrait was just seen as weird…
Chocolate Christ was an Easter installation with a crucified Jesus made of chocolate that the artist and visitors consumed over the Easter weekend and you can imagine how the church called it sacrilege
Funny thing, this person is the one quoting people on bsky, harassing them and accusing them of harassing.
Blocked them for conflictive. I don't know how this person can live like that.
This is getting weird. They're retweeting wanting attention, just like twitter. They aren’t willing to have a discussion, I'd recommend not responding to people like this any further.
You have 60k followers, even if someone's being a dickhead you have the responsibility to use your platform.. well, responsibly. You have to be aware that responding to these posts at all will get the person dogpiled, regardless of what your reply is.
When I yelled at a brewery on Twitter for making a beer I hated they rightfully ratioed me and I deserved it, maybe the people slinging insults should take a chill pill when they’re called out on their behavior. (In fairness I was drunk, not sure was Elle’s excuse is)
Also spent several hours as his informal "servant" and not once did he stare into my eyes and order me to sacrifice myself protecting him when the people with torches came. Just asked me to run to the drugstore for a particular type of lozenge.
Being a dracuninja would be problematic, because not only can't they come into your house without invitation, you can't even see them to invite them in.
Also, being doubly-invisible in mirrors probably cancels out, so that the ONLY place you can see a dracuninja is reflected in a mirror. Weird.
Don't corporations need copyright law to protect their own profits? I can see the "they'd like to take everyone's work" argument but I have no idea how that balances against "gotta wield a big hammer to make sure only we profit off this stuff"
I feel like there’s a nuanced discussion to be had here though, right? Like, I am pro copyright in the economic system we are in, because artists need their work to provide income to live, but would you be pro copyright with UBI or even in a system without currency? I’m curious to hear!
Yeahh... If you were doing this in an alt to have discussions I'd be on your side, mate, but right now you're Neil Gaiman beloved author publicly telling someone they're being mean to you.
You carry weight with you, man. You're not just a dude, sorry
Of course you can. Gaiman's replies were, if anything, excessively polite and all it got him was further insults and THAT is what prompted the current wave of responses. Gaiman, or any other individual with a large following, is not responsible for the rudeness directed at them and what that begets.
The part you seem to be missing is that Gaiman did not start beef. Other people started with him and he replied, again, with more politeness than they deserved. It absolutely is not his fault that other people saw them trying to start shit with him and reacted to that.
Can you imagine, you’re offered the attention of someone whose attention commands hundreds of dollars by the minute, because they took a chance on interacting with you, and all you could think to do with it was start a trash fire.
Newsflash: most celebrities don’t give one half of two fucks about us
So the ones who stop to platform people who have things to say? And bother to be transparent with us? And take public criticism *every time* they step out to be a part of their own communities?
Show a little appreciation or STFU. I’m confident that Neil Gaiman has *never* been their big problem.
I mean, I don’t know, some people probably find him problematic because no one is universally loved. So what. Other people are enjoying the interaction. Unless you know something everyone else doesn’t, it’s free to just stay out of it.
People are human. And we all do things poorly sometimes. But I’ve seen Neil be thoughtful and kind and go out of his way to be so to folks. The vitriol directed at him is inexcusable.
Maybe it's just because I've been less online than usual, but I've had the opposite experience. Either way I hope the rest of it goes better for you. ♥️
I just logged on and know nothing of this discourse other than this lone comment but I can say, without any other evidence, that you and your friends were at fault and deserve whatever is happening to you.
That you hang out in discords to plan brigade attacks with your Internet chums doesn’t mean that Neil Gaiman, world famous author and 62 year old man does too, and he’s not responsible for other people in a public forum being an asshole to someone who started by being an asshole in the public forum.
::wiggles garlic just in case::
Agree with Neil, and may have misinterpreted.
That’s sortof cool.
Otherwise, he is 'sparkling vampire'.
Maybe 40%.
I mean, definitely power dynamics are something to be aware of, but Neil was quite polite imo.
In a related note. Is Dracula in the public domain at the moment?
You know, what with the people drinking blood to get eternal life, there's not a cigarette paper between them and Christians, really.
Blocked them for conflictive. I don't know how this person can live like that.
Responsible posting here is to tell you to grow up
Sorry about the shitshow in your mentions.
Also spent several hours as his informal "servant" and not once did he stare into my eyes and order me to sacrifice myself protecting him when the people with torches came. Just asked me to run to the drugstore for a particular type of lozenge.
In fact he may be a ninja.
Or possibly a dracuninja.
Also, being doubly-invisible in mirrors probably cancels out, so that the ONLY place you can see a dracuninja is reflected in a mirror. Weird.
Also, there's no way that this anime doesn't already exist, right?
That’s a comfort to me.
You carry weight with you, man. You're not just a dude, sorry
It's ok if you just don't care but you can't really act like it wasn't your fault
If you do start beef knowing it will get them harassed, you cannot claim it wasn't your fault
It's not that hard
Newsflash: most celebrities don’t give one half of two fucks about us
Show a little appreciation or STFU. I’m confident that Neil Gaiman has *never* been their big problem.
hey look me not being an ass its *almost* like ppl choose to do it on purpose.<3
"I have no idea what's going on but I smell blood! I WANT A TASTE!"
We all have our skills.