Bloody hell.
more and more politicians of my Country copy the damn republicans. What a fckng desperate time to live in. It seems to be the Medivials are back again.
Bad News: Late 1930's
Long story short, Louisiana law works very differently than any other US state, or even the federal government, as it's a fusion between common law and civil law systems, instead of just common law; it's much harder for most of us to predict what might happen here
Denying any reasonable counter to venal, retrograde politicians’ messages must be stamped out.
All sarcasm intended, and I hope the librarians shush them to shame.
'The west' has been under attack for a good while now
This is the country you're talking about.
It's my country.
The one I'm in right now.
It's this one isn't it.
Why is everything bad
it’s all so bad these days 😭🫠
Oh yeah: The Nazis.
Books, librarians and libraries are criminalized while guns and mass shootings are allowed in schools?
Xtofascists and the GOP are an existential threat to our nation and democracy.
Vote Blue.
I know America can be a bit idiosyncratic at times, but surely freedom of association is guaranteed under The Constitution?
The shitty part is that if they DO pass it as law, then the state will use taxpayer money to defend it against the inevitable lawsuits that follow.
And that money could have been used for better things (like books.)
I imagine Katrina kinda wiped them out for a long time.
"For an organized Librarian is an abomination unto the Lord, and an educated child brings fire to His eye." ~ 2 Bigots, chapter 6, verse 3
Also, have fun at our book bernings! Bring the fambly!
These people are as shameless as they are dangerous
We see that you are unhappy at the steady but seemingly sure creep of fascism, as it further entrenches its position and power. Boldly showing its contempt for intellectual pursuits that do not confirm to its worldview.
We would be upset too if that happened to us,
Customer Support
History WAS being remodelled. (e.g. former comrades erased from group photographs)
Ignorance WAS being encouraged by the Powerful.
What's happening in the USA is just more obvious: they're no longer scared of being discovered
Before I retired, I was at times critical of some of the things ALA did, but certainly didn't wish the organization any harm.
But this is waaaaay beyond the pale and seemingly unconstitutional. At least it will hopefully be ruled unconstitutional (free speech and association and all that).
Medieval ages blending with totalitarianism.
Ain't science something.
“Louisiana law mandates that state inmates... are required by law to work while incarcerated. Each inmate who is capable of working, is assigned a job duty, which may include working for the prison, or for Prison Enterprises.”
People with means thus have no freedom and they like it that way.
I guarantee this woman here would be perfectly okay if public hangings became a thing again
She'd probably prefer for them to be held in exclusive venues rather than being freely accessible by the public.
Pro child labor
Anti union/workers rights
Anti education
Anti book/library
And the party that thinks school shootings/mass shootings are an 'acceptable risk' when weighed against 'gun rights'.
#Fahrenheit451 📚
It truly is cruelty that is the point.
Take me with you.
Perhaps they're right.
University was a big awakening.
You really think that we could win an ARMED revolution?🙄