It is quite fascinating to see the level of Pokémon X & Y love and nostalgia now.
The artwork of AZ last week is one of the best performing Serebii posts on this platform of all time.
People often tell me the Pokémon cycle isn't real but I've seen it so many times.
The artwork of AZ last week is one of the best performing Serebii posts on this platform of all time.
People often tell me the Pokémon cycle isn't real but I've seen it so many times.
After there was no Pokémon Z, and the ideas for it were pushed into Sun and Moon, it hit home how little of Kalos we got.
I've NEVER understood the hate for them. Fans have acted like they're half-finished tech demoes, and I've never felt that way. They're great games, with lots to do and enjoy.
a third version would have the entire kalos region + southern kalos
imagine if they'd given it another year and left it until 2014 like they planned
I spoiled it with that but I did like how alive it felt. Sadly I forgot one day where I was going, got lost and dropped it before returning the 3DS to its owner.
The cycle is real.
Looks like a Pokemon game I thought I’d only ever dream of.
I really, really miss the PSS.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED Pokémon B&W, but Gen 6 needs a lot of love now.
And it may have a small dex, but those few Pokemon are a lot of my favorites!
It being easy as hell doesn't really matter, fennekin was worth it lol
the reveal of a Legends game set in Kalos made me really happy, especially now with the real-time battles!
A third version really could have brought it to life.
Everything else was just white noise at best.
People hate change and thus will hate the new thing until it's no longer new.
Particularly with pokemon, the public opinion seems to rely almost exclusively with personal experience and disregards the actual quality so I wonder if the new XY love comes from people who grew up with it
Good pokemon game= whatever you played as a child
Everything else that was released in less cherished moments of your life = bad
No content, terrible level design, terrible plot, and runs like shit.
It has less content than red and blue.
But I guess as time moves on, people gets nostalgic, and thus the cycle is real.
This isn't unique of course, the same phenomenon happens with other fandoms like Sonic and Star Wars.
They honestly look like they were designed for the Gameboy and then were forced to stretch to my 75" TV.
Maybe I've been spoiled by Big RPG™️
I'm glad it's now getting the nostalgic love that it deserves... and a second wind, thanks to Legends Z-A!
Brings me lots of college nostalgia where SO many people on campus were playing the games at once. It’s the gen that got me into competitive, too!
I think all the 6-12 year olds are now 18-24 therefore whichever game they played at the time is “good” now lol
I was also really sick around that time so I was doing nothing but playing it at all times + it was the first game where I finished all dexes (even national) but I recognize that bias lol
There's way more to gen 5's recent rise in popularity than "The Pokémon Cycle" like how some write it off as, and Gen 6 just doesn't have those same factors.
People literally grew up with these games (myself included)
While w/ Gen 5 its the play experience, the polish, the endgame
Average 5’11 v 6 foot player model.
Pokémon game launches -> People dislike it -> People praise an older game -> People get confronted about their opinion -> People deny liking it because of the cycle -> Pokémon game launches.
For reference, my faves are Gens 5, 7-9.
X was the first game I got to play and regardless of its shortcomings I had a blast with it. Megas were cool, man.
Just the story with the fashion police enemies and that my "rivals" just wouldn't stop yapping was.. oof.. xD
Source: X and Y was my first pokemon game when I was 8 lol