Skinner and Chalmers at the oven
Picard: I’m sorry I don’t understand
Skinner…through the window! His ruse begun!
Picard: Your words are mysterious to me
The Borealis! Uncovered!
Picard: computer begin self destruct sequence Picard 4
Picard: I’m sorry I don’t understand
Skinner…through the window! His ruse begun!
Picard: Your words are mysterious to me
The Borealis! Uncovered!
Picard: computer begin self destruct sequence Picard 4
Dathon: It's a regional expression
Picard: What region?
Dathon: Upstate New York
Picard: Well I'm from Utica and I've never Shaka when the walls fell
Dathon: Oh no not Utica no it's an Albany expression
Picard: I see