Trump didn’t have bone spurs or he would have been able to tell us where they were. One doesn’t forget bone spurs unless one is suffering from mental deterioration, Alzheimer’s, or lying.
It was Marjorie Taylor Green‘s boyfriend who asked that vile question to Zelensky in the Oval office. “Why didn’t you wear a suit today? Have you no respect for the presidency?”
I do get the feeling Rubio is not a druggie unless he's been pulled into the WH cartel...don't think Pence did either but knew all about it....I wanna vomit when I use to see the so called women on Fox say Peace thru strength ...🤮 talking about the 3rd grader painted orange, so gross looking!
Naftali Bennet in an interview said that he personally got assurances from Putin that Zelensky would NOT be targeted. Only after this was communicated back to Ze did Ze start to leave his bunker.
He’s not fighting. No relative of his inner circle is fighting.
2/ Zelensky is NOT a “hero”—he’s an actor and a piece of human garbage who is forcing men to fight & die against their will yet he himself carries zero risk from war. His whole clique’s relatives are abroad; so are their assets. His ONLY risk is if he ever stopped the war.
Do you think President Trump would ever go to war in a battle? President Zelensky is doing what he should be doing. Fighting for financial support, strategic planning, etc. I don’t know of any president who fought in a war! Anyone?
This man is a global hero. A champion of democracy. He deserves all the help he needs to save his country. And I cannot believe Donald's playing cat & mouse with him.
Maga morons
Which bit of measles being a preventable disease don't you maga morons understand . Children dying of measles in Texas is horrific . Vaccine available since 1966
Tell that anti vaxer lunatic in charge of health to resign now
American children deserve better than this shit show
Libertarian eager to bend over to tyrants. There was a time I considered you libertarians as potential allies when it came to social liberties. Now y'all are just eager for a tyranny in the form of Russia gangster govt or corporate fascism.
Not sure this is the platform for throne sniffers or folks who long for the boot on their neck. Maybe go check out the dumpster fire on X. You’d have plenty of other useful idiots happy to fanboy about Putin with you.
Zelenskyy came of age under USSR rule. The horrors he could have witnessed behind that Iron Curtain. He was a comedian in times of peace. To quote Miyamoto Musashi, "It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war." He is showing that he is that warrior for his people and country.
The problem isn't that Democrats are unethical, corrupt, criminal, lying dirtbags. Everyone knows that. The problem is that their voters and supporters don't care.
Nothing will ever persuade me that this was posted by a human with a brain cell between its ears.
Probably a Musk generated Bot.
I will block tomorrow because I would like to see if the bot is programmed to reply.
Actually, it is time for the world to move on. The US is no longer a guiding nation, and making itself quite irrelevant, quite quickly. Add the fact that the US is heading to its imminent economical crash, and it is best to say "Good luck" over our shoulder while running in the other direction.
Europe is already preparing to defend Ukraine and themselves without US support. It does make you wonder tho…Trump is giving up a lot of power by screwing over our allies. What is he getting in exchange for all of this? Maybe more direct power?
But here’s the twist: every attack is a spotlight. For every unhinged troll, there’s a sharp, strategic thinker watching, taking notes, and realizing—this is a leader worth following. The mob doesn’t cancel you; they advertise you.
The loudest fools will fade, but the ones who build, who matter, are already lining up behind you. Let them burn books—we’ll be out here writing history. Keep swinging… the real ones are paying attention. 🔥👊
"Weak" -guy making posts so feeble they dissolve on contact with with reality
"Slander" -guy parrotting every disproved lie
"Predictable" -guy offering zero counterargument to every single post correcting his ridiculous dumb ass
But here's the twist: you're as sharp as a fucking brick. Cope harder.
"peace efforts" try "offered sovereign territory to a warmonging aggressor
"refused to worship" try "spread braindead information"
"hate" try "curbstomped me like the subzero-IQ brainlet I am"
You wouldn't know debate if it slapped you in the face you ridiculous propagandist. Sit the fuck down.
Peace? They’ll have to give up a ton of their country and their natural resources. C’mon, what happened to the non-agression pact? Why are you siding with those who violated that?
You know what‘s a clown show ? The White House, with your clowns in there, several of them. It‘s funny though that a comedian is a 1000 times better president than the orange turd has ever been and ever will be !
Do sit down you ridiculous moron. He is the very definition of an ally and you'd be screaming that from the rooftops if your braindead cult leader didn't say otherwise. What pathetic little excuse for human life you are.
Russia invaded Ukraine and is trying to take the country by force. If somebody did that to us, the free world would not hesitate to come to our aid, because the stability of the world is threatened by an attack on any ally. You want Zelenskyy to surrender Ukraine? Where do you draw the line?
Zelensky & the people of Ukraine have honor and can take pride in knowing they've never cowered in the face of a monster, nor been stupid enough to listen to a con man and betray their own country because they were too stupid to use critical thinking & simple logic.
If only you could say the same.
You’re brainwashed by Putin propaganda if you think they can’t win. The Libertarians I grew up with weren’t wimps who gave up when things got hard…tbf though most are Anarchists now.
I don't think 🦋 has such rules. People've got suspended for various reasons. And obvious haterz and their lists are still very much active. So I mostly block. There's accounts I've never heard of that block people. Ex. Why's Marc Cuban at "top 5 most blocked"?? Makes no sense. Check
Oh yeah. Absolutely. That's isn't that effective. That's my process too. Not mute, though. But "reporting" sometimes doesn't work. That poster had mixed messages. Maga perspective wrapped around "pro Dem" posts.
The first picture might not be, but this for sure is. This + closing borders and not letting civilian men leave, violating UNDHR Article 13.2 = a violation of Human Rights.
And many other things.
Also, ignoring Ze’s violation of human rights shows who programmed you.
Perhaps the war crimes reports and exposures of evidence involving the kidnappings & torment of 20K Ukr children reports, - were too much for the war criminals propaganda campaign to handle?
You would NEVER see Trump be this compassionate, caring, empathetic, and loving to another living being EVER. He couldn’t even pretend. Now we see who the real man was and is. Slavs Ukraine! We stand with you Zelensky, stay strong!🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💙💙💙👍👍👍
The way the little kid grabs his face to get his attention and he just turns right back to looking at him and places his forehead against them. He isn't offended. That is such a typical little kid behavior, and he handles it just like a good father would. Not to mention, that isn't even his kid. 💙💛
I know. That is the sweetest video.🥲 It sickens me the way Trump and his trolls have treated him. Trump is probably so jealous. He could never be as popular and admired.💙💛
Zionist Zellenskyy the actor was coached by zionist Sean Penn the director before making terrorist attacks, by definition in absense of a declaration of war, against Russia. He wore a costume to a diplomatic meeting with our President to beg, which is a disgrace greater than anything libs cry about.
But I'll grant that you may not, in fact, be a Nazi, merely someone who believes the lying claims of Putin and his ilk about what international law does and does not say...
I give that, although the date of Ukraine's vote not to remain neutral is readily available,I can not find the supposed agreement they made to either be neutral or not to try to join western unions such as NATO. Disproving that they exist would greatly affect my opinion of Russia's lawful occupation
You are free (from government intervention, at least) to be a Nazi on a site that was basically formed out of hatred for Nazis, and I am free to publicly notify everyone what you are.
You keep mentioning Nazis, do you know what they did?
Tell me what happened in every single country in Europe (except that of Vlad the Impaler) between WW1 and WW2 before Hitler was emplaced. What "Problem" did every one of them solve via civil war before Germany, and how was it ultimately solved?
Yeah. The Nazis supported territorial encroachment via war in the name of expansionism, just as you do (in your case Russia's, in their case their own), and were filthy anti-Semites just like you are.
Amazing to me that he is asked this by people who have never ever put their lives on the line for this country. Elon left South Africa at 17 so he didn't have to go into the military, & he had Daddy's emerald money. Trump got a corrupt doctor to fake a bone spurs exemption because he is shit.
Yet we are letting them decide what we owe those who actually put themselves in harms way and sacrificed - some an ultimate one - to keep us safe and spoiled at home. Shame on us for allowing this.
I feel so bad for this warrior and his family. Ukraine is very proud of him and should be.
People who haven’t been in battle have no room to talk. Those who have in US should
Know damn well what’s going on and should be saying NO!
Fucking shallow ass Americans
cuz he's on a war footing fighting for his and his peoples lives and liberty and the right be free and left alone by dictators like Chump Putin Ping etc etc. How fuckin dum are these mafuckas! <---- rhetorical
In just three years, this is what has become of Zelensky. Fighting for his country may have aged his body, but not his fighting spirit or his determination. Most leaders would have cracked under this pressure and given up
Hate that video clip of a bunch of spoiled rich pricks acting like middle school age ass holes making fun of his outfit…would they wear the same clothes of foreign countries they travel to that are considered appropriate?
Bless this man and keep him safe. I am so ashamed and embarrassed of the "leadership" in my country. What a disrespectful disgrace they were to a war hero. But that's right he hates military and veterans. Except for Putin. Slava Ukraine!!
From day 1 it was powerful symbolism for Zelenskyy to wear military (style) clothing. But even more importantly, on day 1 he sent out selfie videos to mobilize the country against the russian invasion: "I need ammunition, not a ride".
It breaks all diplomatic decorum to criticize the dress of a visiting dignitary. Will these ignorant buffoons make personal comments about MBS when he shows up in whatever the fuck that is he wears. MBS? Saudi dude - you know the guy who murdered a US citizen and got the nuke secrets from Trump.
I would the same thing; if I were in his position.
Promoting the unity of his country is more important than putting on a power suit, to impress corporate executives.
Zelensky told us he would only wear military garb until the
war is over. He specifically said that he does so to show
his support for those defending Ukraine against Russian
His perfect response would have been, "Why don't you have a brain? If you have one, why don't you use it?" But then Junior Donnie and "the real donnie" might have choked on their Putin Pops.
I’m a rapist who attended Epstein parties who’s had slag after slag for a wife and cheated on ALL of them. I even raped one and still have audacity to say I’m PRO WOMEN. It’s clear I’m a liar, scumbag and you only have to look at my track record to prove it. I’m scum. I’m a liar! 🤥 I’m Donald!
Loved his response about wearing ‘a costume’ after the war is over. And when one day he does wear a suit, he’ll look 1000x better in it than anyone in the room that day.
A lot of high-ranking officers in WW2 shot themselves or broke down. Churchill had a heart attack in DC post PHarbor. Hitler's health broke down. Roosevelt died. Zelensky has been holding together a vast diverse nation against the largest country in the world.
Why aren't you wearing a suit? Jesus.
His response should be I won't spend money for suits while our soldiers need equipment. You see, if he appeared in fancy suits they could better accuse him of profiting.
This "suit" BS is such a distraction. Just like eggs. The Trump cabal is so small-minded. They are in their own echo chamber and suffer from self-adoration, with no clue of the real world. #FAFO #magadowninflames
Absolutely. That is so sad - it's such hard and dangerous work he's doing, lots of people to take care of. Wonder if he ever gets any sleep/rest. He's such an honorable man - so very different from Trump!!
i feel so much for this man. this is what men like putin and trump do to a person. the face on the right looks like he just has his whole family murdered in front of him.
Images of a real man, a man who fights for his people, his nation. A real President, something we don't have in America. President Zelenskyy is the real thing, not the fake president who is a convicted criminal, a felon, who also is a Russian Agent and American Traitor.
Utterly ludicrous fuss - like all heads of state he is the commander in chief of the armed forces - in his case of a nation at war- a battle dress type attire is entirely appropriate.
This is a leader who cares about his people to the extent of putting himself directly in harm’s way. We have some leaders who care as well. I just wish some of them were in the Republican Party.
Zelenskyy is a true leader. Something trump vance and musk wouldn’t recognize because they are clueless how to lead. The world admires and has tremendous respect for Zelenskyy 💛💙
Pedo-Shitler and a lot of 4th Reich Republicans think that their suits somehow offset their corruption, crimes & treason.
I'd rather see people in their PJ's in the white house than GOP shitbags with Crosses on display, but Swastikas hidden under their suits and white robes in their closets.
Wow.. The stress that he mentally physically and emotionally must carry each day....taking leadership accountability is not for orange clowns and #MAGACultMorons
I feel for the guy.
He’s not fighting. No relative of his inner circle is fighting.
I have family in Ukraine.
Can you say the same?
Только полные идиоты игнорируют всё то, что не совпадает с ихними предвзятостями.
Мало-мальски умные люди меняют мнения, если есть новая информация.
Locking civilians inside your country, violating UNDHR Article 13.2 is violation of human rights.
Do you know another “leader” who’s forcing his people to fight & die against their will?
What’s this gotta do with Trump?
It’s time for America to move on.
Zelenskyy is not a partner or an ally.
At best, he’s a beggar.
At worst, he’s dragging Europe into a war he can’t win.
I feel bad for the good people of Ukraine.
Which bit of measles being a preventable disease don't you maga morons understand . Children dying of measles in Texas is horrific . Vaccine available since 1966
Tell that anti vaxer lunatic in charge of health to resign now
American children deserve better than this shit show
People without a heart don't feel bad for anyone. That's where you and Trump are similar
The only clown show is the one at the White House
Probably a Musk generated Bot.
I will block tomorrow because I would like to see if the bot is programmed to reply.
Time to destroy MOSCOW, Putin’s love 💥
A few bold minds stepped up for a real debate—which I live for—but the rest?
Mindless rage, obscenities, and the classic "Go back to
But here’s the twist: every attack is a spotlight. For every unhinged troll, there’s a sharp, strategic thinker watching, taking notes, and realizing—this is a leader worth following. The mob doesn’t cancel you; they advertise you.
Guy with a grand total of 31 followers
"Slander" -guy parrotting every disproved lie
"Predictable" -guy offering zero counterargument to every single post correcting his ridiculous dumb ass
But here's the twist: you're as sharp as a fucking brick. Cope harder.
Fuck off into the sunset.
All you do is parrot fauxbertarian talking points.
"refused to worship" try "spread braindead information"
"hate" try "curbstomped me like the subzero-IQ brainlet I am"
You wouldn't know debate if it slapped you in the face you ridiculous propagandist. Sit the fuck down.
If only you could say the same.
And many other things.
Also, ignoring Ze’s violation of human rights shows who programmed you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
you feel bad that the ukrainians aren't actively being ethnically cleansed?
Roll over and surrender their country?
Only a punk or clueless woman would ever say that to a warrior.
This is the short-form social media platform that *isn't* owned by a Nazi.
But I'll grant that you may not, in fact, be a Nazi, merely someone who believes the lying claims of Putin and his ilk about what international law does and does not say...
Is it perhaps that, rather than an agreement by Ukraine itself, that you are thinking of?
This is America; go fuck yourself.
You are free (from government intervention, at least) to be a Nazi on a site that was basically formed out of hatred for Nazis, and I am free to publicly notify everyone what you are.
Tell me what happened in every single country in Europe (except that of Vlad the Impaler) between WW1 and WW2 before Hitler was emplaced. What "Problem" did every one of them solve via civil war before Germany, and how was it ultimately solved?
So yeah. You're basically a Nazi.
Only one word needed.
People who haven’t been in battle have no room to talk. Those who have in US should
Know damn well what’s going on and should be saying NO!
Fucking shallow ass Americans
He is a legend.
The traitor is just big mad because he won't go down well in the history books like he wants.
T boy: ZERO
Trump can fuck off.
Why aren’t you in the Ukrainian trenches, then?
Yours is a shit virtue signalling — you’d NEVER take a bullet for Zelensky.
If you claim it—go and prove it.
Funny how it’s ok for them.
Promoting the unity of his country is more important than putting on a power suit, to impress corporate executives.
war is over. He specifically said that he does so to show
his support for those defending Ukraine against Russian
The pain in his face for the fate of his country is palpable.
Just look at any photo of the Orange menace.
It's void of anything but evil and hate.
Zelenskyy is a HERO. He is a very strong leader for his country.
🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦SLAVA UKRAINE 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
And if so, does "costume" have the same limited meaning it does in American English?
The costumes of insecure little boys playing grown-up men worn to impress each other.
It’s not a surprise we linguistically borrowed that glorious word.
Why aren't you wearing a suit? Jesus.
We are all Ukrainans.
Freedom, Liberty,
and Democracy will Prevail.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
#Ukraine #Freedom #Liberty #Democracy
It has aged him, but President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will be victorious.
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦.
That orange 💩🤡 isn't fit to wipe Zelensky's boots.
Find your fighter.
The Resistance needs soldiers.
then we have that fat useless sociopath with no soul who thrives on cruelty & hamberders and playing with lives like poker
he never ages, only rots
I'd rather see people in their PJ's in the white house than GOP shitbags with Crosses on display, but Swastikas hidden under their suits and white robes in their closets.