Why do people who claim to remember their past lives always seem to be reincarnations of Helen of Troy or an accused Salem witch or someone heroic on the Titanic, and never a random cabbage-selling wench from the 1500s who died in her sleep at the ripe auld age of 39 and never learned to read
-People who definitely remember having been Mary Queen of Scots and are eager to tell me about it
-People earnestly attempting to explain this joke back to me
-People very eager to make sure I understand how life expectancy works (I do, this was a joke, sorry)
-People who are sure I stole this from Bull Durham (I did not, never heard of that until today)
Anyway, yay, have fun, this is not that serious, please don't be too mean
* Extramarital sex among adults.
The real answer is it's depressing to remember you're the servant, you remember the queen so you're her. Qhht guys can sort that out usually.
Also souls only choose good lives normally.
(I’m sure you already know this, and that it probably puts me in the second category anyway)
There are apparently no porn character actresses, or supporting roles.
I used to have recurring dreams, when I was very young, of being Asian. Probably dreams but not sure where they came from.
Thereby putting...
But, yeah, that's one of the great holes in the common theory of reincarnation. People just wanting an ego boost. Just basic probability says you were more likely a peasant who died of a now* preventable disease.
But the issue is related to why we see a lighthouse from far out at sea, and rarely a candle. We need more candles day to day than lighthouses, they're invaluable.
But it's the Lighthouse-moments of the past that get seen from a great distance.
How would that relate to reincarnation though?
Of grandeur
Yes I'm aware that disease, accidents, childbirth and malnutrition brought down the averages
A Nigerian friend once informed me that this phenomena of young children recalling past lives is well-known there.
There's a reason I'm not a successful fiction author, clearly.
I was an alchemist Witch in Romania.. And I was an alchemist in Wales..lol
Maybe that's why i'm an herbalist now..lol
I was in the galleys rowing them there, but I stopped rowing long enough to join in with everyone else when we all stood up and clapped
A 39 year old cabbage woman could easily live to 80, especially with her peasant diet of high fiber cabbage.
Besides, I prefer discussing the 1500’s than the 2020’s.
It essentially made me eager to be a main character, to the detriment of anything or anyone else.
She was a drama llama in other ways, too, of course.
Um. Well...
(Although I think trenches were more WW1)
There was also a series about these kids who remembered lives as fighter pilots in ww2 or dying on 9/11.
i'd say because they have disorder as 'king' rump and 'genius' elon.
Like even if you could you'd just go through all this intense esoteric training to figure out you were just some fuckin guy in a past life.
About three days.
Outgrew my shell.
Picked off before I could secure my second home.
Reincarnation, indeed curiously, seems to favor drama over dysentery.
If souls return, they must have an excellent PR team.
She died at 33
I absolutely know I’m her. I’m claircognisant
I get disappointed in my mom. She didn’t turn out how I wanted her to. She’s maga now. It hurts. 33 is my number and I see it CONSTANTLY
And if I kept a log it would be very long each day.
Why do only some people remember past lives? What’s the point?
Who makes money out of this?
Hang on……
As someone who dissociates while doing drudge work, I can imagine a soul not wanting to carry the dozens of plain-lives lives forwards. Boredom is soul death.
Which dog, I don't know. Just feel it in my jimmies.
I think maybe my past life had a Tamil Indian mother whom sung a song I sort of remember, but don't know if I do.
lol, I think it’s just as cool as being famous or something
Real True story.
Accident happened and was reported in newspapers in 1958.
I was born in 1964.
Scary shit when you are 11 years old and vomit at the smell of beer and start having nighmares
My other past life as a mudlark feels only a bit worse.
Crash Davis agrees with you.
I supplied camel dung for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
If it will go wrong, it does. It follows me around like a bad penny. But! Not accepting defeat. Just being realistic to keep my sanity.
I was probably a cashier at Woolworths
I guess what I really was back then was a gnarled-hunchback grave digger waiting for the white lady to come.
Because of how mundane it was, I have to say I did believe it. The more mundane, the more believable imo
Wait, I think that was a book.
This is truly funny.
Humans are vain little twits, aren't they?
Conscience and Reality are still being researched.
But yes, I do think some of them are sus. Exhaust pipe ego breathers getting high on themselves.
That's what they worship????
I was reborn as a woman in Salem, where they burned me in 1692 for reasons i still have to understand, and the next time around, I figured I’d keep myself out of trouble. So, I became a violinist. A quiet life, or so I thought...
Boy, was I wrong.
Now... I’ve barely survived a global pandemic, we’re teetering on the edge of WW3, and to top it all off, there’s an asteroid set to wipe us out in 2032.
So... yeah... good times.
I decided not to enlist. And look at me all these years later. Alive and stuff.
My ex-wife’s kid talked about being the mommy and mom was her kid. These usually fade by 4 or 5 years old.