It's wild how bad UI/UX can be in a game while still getting high review scores. It feels like every other interactive industry is trying to make improvements in UI/UX and in games you can have an aggressively hostile input scheme and That's Just Fine, Actually.
There is not a single good menu in that entire goddamn game.
Persona 5 had a notably glorious, stylish *interface*, but the controls themselves were utterly invisible within an hour. if that's homogenized, sign me tf up.
I was recently replaying the ape escape games and they certainly don't play like anything else out there, and yet they're still tons of fun and would probably not be as interesting if
MGS5 and hell, even death stranding have controls that that absolutely pack function after function into every single button. You could probably carve out a big chunk of those functions to streamline the controls, but that wouldn't make the games-
I've played a lot of games that follow good UX practices in player interaction, despite their traditional UI/UX being way worse.
I literally stopped changing armors because of how much menuing it took just to swap 3 pieces
Neither of these things should be challenging to implement if they wanted to.
Some benefit from a minimal UI, like Gris and Monument Valley.
Some like Stalker, Dead Space or Call of Cthulhu benefit from an UI that is in-game.
Some let the UI live & be a part of the game experience, like Persona/Metaphora or Resident Evils.
we’re about a decade behind traditional software interfaces, and even then I think we’re still far to reliant on them for inspiration
But there's exceptions on both sides.
At this point I would take Cruelty Squad's UI over the things Microsoft comes up with.
It was a formative experience in rage.
Change for change's sake to sell the same old shit.
No tabs, no categories, no sort, just 500 things on a grid you can move around as you please!
And don't even get me started on the food system....
One might argue that you shouldn't need them or that they're not obvious or seamless enough, but they are there.
On top of that, the game gives you so much ammo that you never needed to be stingy when the shit hit the fan.
I only have few hours free per week to play, I don't want to spend them on youtube tutorials to understand how a game work...
Adaptive controllers largely rely on being able to change keybinds, and that’s my main issue with it.
But I tried Elden Ring and it still way too obtuse for me.
I guess it's just not a good fit for me, and that's okay
like if you love a person even their negative traits could become quirks you appreciate about them
hasnt changed.
Does the “confirm” option go on the left or right side of the modal?
Every team is caught in "we can't change we have to ship" and that is why you are struggling!!!
A game that springs is Cruelty Squad, where the UX friction explicitly underlines it's themes.