One of these days we're really going to be truthful about how this entire cultural/political moment is about men with no game being mad that women have better option than of those options being "happy and alone."
Women get rejected too! We just don't make a whole movement out of it and think we are entitled to 100% acceptance. Men do think that. Their rage is getting women killed.
Yeah, "game" is used pretty loosely there. The bar is being set just above being a feral misogynist. But it is true that not being a feral misogynist greatly improves your game.
If I lined up the ten most misogynistic men I've ever known & the ten with the least game, I'd have a lineup of twenty different men.
YMMV, but IME, whatever handicap misogyny puts on a man's game is weak enough that they can make up for it by taking more shots or whatever else they do.
Maybe Zoomers are different (I do remember seeing some pretty feral Zoomer lads in the classroom when I was teaching) but in the "dude, you have no game" contest, it's hard to beat the classic shy guy wombo combo of (A) clueless + (B) not trying very often.
I think it's specifically referring to men who hate women that *also* complain that they can't date/hook up because women are a vapid, shallow, gold-digging monolith. That's fully a 'them' issue. Misogyny is clearly not going to hurt any guy's PUA, love bomb, stalk, drive-by "game."
Women aren’t totally innocent. I have experienced women with an attitude of superiority to men, including myself at times. I’ve learned a lot about how harsh men’s culture can be and despite that I have decided to act with dignity and be
respectful to everyone. It’s a recipe for my own happiness.
People on the other app really do think that they’re owed a woman. And seem to hate women in response… which shockingly, doesn’t make women want to date them any more.
I can't say it's entirely about that but it is shocking just how many dudes in the gaming spaces I'm in are young 20somethings who think feminism is why they're alone and not, like, that their only hobby and social interaction is playing world of warcraft
Well said. I have listened to the rant-rage victimhood some “Grand Theft Auto/Warcraft” gamers spew. It’s a turn-off for women. These games programmed them to have an unrealistic view of “how women are”.
I mean, back in the late 90s and most of the 2000s, IT WAS. Go check out how many movies came out in the period that taught young men that you can be gross, creepy, rapey and women will find it hot. Too many dudes internalized those messages and emerged enraged to find out it wasn't true IRL
And as a woman who played a lot of World of Warcraft - it’s not even that their only hobby is video games (a lot of us love those too, and comics!), it’s that their hobby is video games and they made it a hostile he man woman hater club and harass women out of it professionally and as gamers.
Agreed. It's always funny to see how many attractive women go to nerdy cons and such and still listen to these dudes talk about how women don't like the things they like. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
yeah i think that's the thing: it's not that they want women to like the things they like, it's that they want the hot blonde cheerleader from high school to approve of the media they consume and validate the way they, personally, engage with said media
I’m old AF, so I remember the industry even had female founders like Roberta Williams and Jane Jensen before the John Romeroes of the world took it over and made it into what it is today. So yeah, exactly - boys, it’s totally that women don’t like the same things and not that you suck 🙄
As a nerd with 'game', I can confidently say the 'easy' way to meet women you mesh with is to just treat them like friends. "There is no friendzone if you value women as friends."
There's a reason 'incel' and 'alt-right' go hand-in-hand.
Deadass, i dont got a girl either but I don’t revolve my world view around hating them. I get meeting new people can make people nervous, but where does the misogyny come from. It’s really not that hard to respect women.
Decades telling women they need to step up, they do the damn thing and now dudes are like, “well could you fall back, some, I actually didn’t really want to try”
Cultural anthro 101, early lesson on patriarchy & matriarchy, seeing the shift as possessions increase and ancient men want to make sure their offspring get their stuff, but, oh no, who can be sure it's his kid? Solution: lock down the means of production (women)
Basic but eye opening to young me.
Whole lotta the under 40 crowd is waking up to the realization that unless they have more than a dick and a bank account to bring to a relationship, we don't need 'em, don't want 'em, and can absolutely live without 'em.
It is more than “no game”, there are guys who have no game but are still reasonable and decent dudes.
But these incel guys also have repulsive personalities.
Not saying they are evil just that they have shitty personalities. Which to be clear, they could start to fix by unplugging from their incel networks.
They do have agency.
“I simply wished for voters to reject idea, pushed fervently by Trump’s side, that women should be subservient incubators, passively raising next generation of men who disdain them. Nick Fuentes, posted. “Women threatening sex strikes like LMAO as if you have a say,”
There are niggas out here who are really aligned with whole-assed white supremacists because they are *that bad* at getting a woman to pay attention to them.
Whole-assed articles were flying around two months ago about the "loneliness epidemic affecting men." They're called "losers." They need to be told they're losers so they can work on not being losers. Starting with, you know, learning how to treat women like actual people.
if you did stupid shit in school or said racist stuff there was a possibility you would get your ass kicked. that had to be accounted for in your risk calculations.
there is no longer any threat of violence to keep kids in check and they just grow up spouting garbage on the internet.
The numbers say that gen x is actually the most conservative generation in America and most of the most batshit insane MAGA Republicans are all gen x, so while the threat of physical violence to keep them shut up sounds nice in theory, it obviously didn't fucking work
They look at Trump, who has a horrible personality with a hot wife, and say to themselves, “I’ll be more like him and maybe I’ll get laid by a hot chick like that.” That’s how dumb they are.
You have explained Pete Hegseth and his "woman/marriage" problem perfectly. Women, beginning with Meredith Schwarz, are better people than he is, smarter than he is, more accomplished than he is. He wants to be the "It" guy, but he always falls short on every metric. He can't stand it!
Yes exactly, start by recognizing women as fellow human beings and just make friends with people who are female that you dont even want to fuck, what a concept. I tell these guys if you can just BE NORMAL AND MAKE FRIENDS WITH female human beings, you will become more lovable to all.
I ran a Twitter called "I think I know why you're alone, dude" on that very theme. They didn't want to hear it bc they aren't after women who wanna fuck them, but women with no choice but to fuck them.
And that’s why so many need to go searching in poorer countries! Make her be financially dependent, with no family or friends nearby (because they’ll take the women home), younger, less educated…
Speaking as someone who's had multiple awkward one-sided discussions with my late-20s male offspring about the loneliness epidemic affecting men, that's an instant follow, sir
I ain't exactly the smoothest myself; I dance like I got a condition and I'm rockin' that wal-mart drip, but by being a decent human being I am happily married for 26 years and counting.
And then when you challenge them to up their game, their response is "Don't you tell me what to do!" The masculine virtues include a lifetime of self-improvement that too many of these guys want to ignore or, worse, "lifehack" into immediate reward.
It seems like 1/3 of Reddit is women dealing with men who are jobless slugs that still don't clean or do anything in the household but play video games and watch manosphere trash that tells them they are awesome.
I have a few woman friends who were the primary breadwinners who ended up divorced bc their husbands literally refused to do anything around the house or with the kids (except “babysit” as a “favor”). Then the men blame feminism for making them feel inferior bc their wives made more $.
Thank you Caleb.
I don't hate men, they just don't give me very much to hang my hat on
I don't want one in my house
but I'd settle for being able to conversate in public, at least without it devolving
"Hey that's a cool pic"
Girls learn pretty early on that just smiling at a boy/man is interpreted as an invitation. Like, no, a-hole, just smile back. And then they wonder why we don't FKN smile more!
And it's about men having "game" to compete with other men,
instead of being people that are fun to be around and make people around them happy,
and treating women as score tokens in their game, not even as NPCs, much less equal players.
Torties are the sweetest cats. He also has her demon brother who’s black. They were the only two survivors of a black feral we rescued. She was in a warehouse that was about to get demolished. She’s now my sweet half house half garden cat.
I love your quote - it’s true. I’ve seen them on the other place talking about having mandated women, like we’re assigned to them or something. Half their problem is they’re mediocre at best but think they deserve a Taylor Swift. When I was a teen, it was Raquel Welch, Bo Derek, they judged us by.
Oh yeah - that ten point scale was very popular in the 80s. I went on a date & the guy (who wasn’t all that physically attractive) said “I’d never settle for anything less than a 10. There’s always someone hotter around the corner.” So that was fun.
It drives me crazy. Back in the 80s there were so many not conventionally handsome but nice/funny guys I would have dated but they had no interest in me. When I started dating my now husband, I learned why---they only wanted super hot women.
It was (still is?) an entitlement issue - every man felt he was entitled to a “hot” woman. And men feel they’re entitled to comment on women’s bodies as if we wanted their opinions. I’m not sure much has changed unfortunately except it’s slightly less socially acceptable in some spaces.
Yeah, I doubt it has changed. I have 4 brothers and for the first 40+ years of my life I heard them all talk like that, until they all got a bit chunkier and less…virile?
For "80s", substitute "at least from the 60s on", and my counting skills only got to numbers above 10 at the tail end of the 50s but I'd speculate that it wasn't new then either.
Though a lot of shallow guys were at least able to say
"I'm a 5, I'll have better luck with 4s-7s, 10s out of my league."
As the mother of sons who have survived the challenges of dating and married women we I adore, I can confidently say incels are incels for many reasons. Dating is NOT easy. If incels fail it is on them. The women rejecting them are smart. Self-preservation is an instinct for a reason.
And remember - cats are cute AND funny!
Recently finished this book's real out here
Men can have "no game" and be great guys or have "great game" but be absolutely atrocious to be in a relationship with.
YMMV, but IME, whatever handicap misogyny puts on a man's game is weak enough that they can make up for it by taking more shots or whatever else they do.
respectful to everyone. It’s a recipe for my own happiness.
Super not the point
Who tf does he think he's talking to?
There's a reason 'incel' and 'alt-right' go hand-in-hand.
Basic but eye opening to young me.
God was created as a man because men wanted to claim the power to give life. It's a clear tell how unimportant they know themselves to be.
But these incel guys also have repulsive personalities.
They do have agency.
We CAN do this my fellow women
What a time, what a time.
if you did stupid shit in school or said racist stuff there was a possibility you would get your ass kicked. that had to be accounted for in your risk calculations.
there is no longer any threat of violence to keep kids in check and they just grow up spouting garbage on the internet.
"Losers" is a kind word for them.
Because yup, mediocre dudes seem to prefer blaming women for them being single rather than just learning how to be nicer
Two, so they have something interesting to say
I don't hate men, they just don't give me very much to hang my hat on
I don't want one in my house
but I'd settle for being able to conversate in public, at least without it devolving
"Hey that's a cool pic"
No I do not.
I was in a store the other day and asked someone I thought worked there to grab something on a high shelf
He proceeded to follow me around the store in a creepy manner before asking me out
(Spoiler-I don't date. Ever)
Next time I'll save myself the trouble and just scale the shelving myself
I just don't know why "Hey give me a hand" turned into anything more than that.
If I was a man, it would have been "Oh sure bro"
and that would have been the end of it.
I'm a pretty straightforward person.
If I want something
I'll let ya know
I don't keep it a secret lol
instead of being people that are fun to be around and make people around them happy,
and treating women as score tokens in their game, not even as NPCs, much less equal players.
I’m certain Tom Brady voted for Trump, and he’s got game—by any definition.
Definite truth to this. It's like they all payed for one of those $19.99 youtube courses and when it didn't work—at all, they blamed women.
Though a lot of shallow guys were at least able to say
"I'm a 5, I'll have better luck with 4s-7s, 10s out of my league."