It doesnt pain him to agree at all. the zionist slime that he is would bend over backwards to these fascists if they werent playing the two party pantomime
Oddly enough, I picked this off my grandmother’s shelves when I was about 10, and read it a number of times in my youth. Didn’t pick it up again for decades, but I remembered it well. It really shaped my opinion of the business world and holds up remarkably well, I think.
as long as everything is clearly labled, i have no idea why you would ban lab-grown meats outright. it needs to be researchable, but not sold as food in an unmarked state. (no printed hot dogs sold as real hot dogs.) that's the middle ground. democrats need to learn this.
Especially like h5n1 is about to wipe out most of the cattle in the US within a year or so. Like nature doesn’t give a fuck about yr politics, if you want meat you got a rapidly slimming amount of options if you won’t eat Cricket burgers and shit
Now. also based on self reporting. If it’s wiping out seals in Argentina like based on how this shit works in America again I’m betting 2 years tops where this becomes a massive thing
I honestly don’t get what the issue is. I’ve served impossible smash burgers off the grill and literally no one noticed the difference. And that shit is just veggies with beet juice and coconut oil beads. I guarantee no one would know the difference on the lab grown shit
i don't think impossible meat is what they're banning, are they? it's just processed biological matter, which would absolutely eliminate 97% of the grocery store if banned.
No the lab meat is different. Like the only people have had access to that are like French Laundry motherfuckers. But like I said, bird flu is about to eat thru the American meat supply no pun intended DeSantis is literally putting Florida on its back foot before it even needs to find its footing
It's an actual free market situation, rather than a grifter capitalists are favored situation.
(I'm making this up; I have no idea how free market or whatever lab meat is, but usually when rich white dudes aren't failing up from something, they're against it)
"Black, a cattle rancher and one of the Republican Florida representatives who pushed for the bill’s passage, told NBC News that cultivated meat is a national security concern. He fears concentrating protein production in factories could lead to famine if those facilities are struck by a missile."
A cow farm could be struck by a missle.. OR a disease designed to wipe out cows. Kind of like how bird flu panned/is panning out. Lab grown meat doesn't get viruses.
I was actually discussing this with someone yesterday. If you grow a steak in a petri dish, it's alive while it's growing, which means it still gets killed at some point between there and becoming groceries. How specifically does that go? And what do you call the living thing before it's a steak?
Yeah, I guess everything we consume has to have been living in order to be consumable. The best description I’ve ever read of this was to say, essentially, life on Earth is just a process of creatures stealing energy from each other for sustenance. Even plants seek to steal energy from other plants.
Not just energy, but molecular supply chains. If I don't need to e.g. produce a protein because I can derive it nutritionally from organisms in my diet, I can focus my evolutionary "effort" in other directions.
This is made even more ironical knowing that 99.9% of Americans (even in Florida) would be viscerally repulsed by the first hand act of butchering an animal for food.
FFS, he didn't need to say a fucking thing, anyway. Lab-grown meat doesn't work at scale, and emits even higher levels of CO2 than the goddamn fart-burping cows. Unless there's some major breakthrough, it ain't gonna happen, and all the pink slime your kids are fed is made the traditional way.
Cons: John Fetterman thinks it’s ucky
At least write your own shitty takes without giving horrible fascists a platform.
I stole the protestors from an Eli Valley comic. I respect him so here's the link -
A meat substitute is a great idea.
(I'm making this up; I have no idea how free market or whatever lab meat is, but usually when rich white dudes aren't failing up from something, they're against it)
Fuck off, Fetterman.
To be clear I'm all this and want to eat it, I'm just interested in these technicalities.