Something we haven’t focused on enough is that the Trump administration isn’t just deporting people without process, it’s deporting them & incarcerating them in inhumane conditions in a third country. And we are paying for that cruel & unusual punishment that our government is imposing.
There is ZERO
Oppression must be resisted and the power of the current “regime “ removed
literally... how do you get out? You were not charged with anything, so there's no rules for how long they are supposed to stay. And we have to pay for them to stay there
Goring gave the order in writing to Heydrich, who assembled the 14 underlings at the Wannsee Conference.
If Hitler were captured, he would deny it. ha ha
Just sayin'
Now what?🤷
The good news? We will rise from the ashes of the Trump era stronger than ever.
“My friends and my family and the media are the reason, I think, that I’m home," she added.
And of course the Senate leadership is "very concerned" about this abuse and waste of gov $$$'s.
Right Mr Thooooone?
Stop legitimizing it by calling it an 'administration '.
I am curious where the money for the payments are coming from. What fund? Should Congress have been involved?
"But the Admin is clearly spoiling for a fight. (It picked an unlikely target. Boasberg, a Yale Law School graduate..former homicide prosecutor so well respected as a judge that he was tapped by the Chief Justice to serve on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.) "
It's an international slave trade.
US Citizens, Dual Citizens, Permanent Residents, Visitors from other countries, the list goes on and on!
It not only needs to be stopped, someone needs to be accountable!
ask for justice or that he (the president) and his administration be held in contempt, if Congress is ignoring us and hiding?
Deportation implies a legal reason was used for removal.
Other than that, you can throw your constitution in the toilet.
The voters allowed a Nazi Party to control everything.
Indivisible is one of the groups behind the "Hands Off!" march, which will take place on the Washington Monument grounds.
What happens if trump sends women and children there next?
What is it going to take to make the country give a f?
Some Dem best get quick to pointing these out and offering a solution not
Just condemnation
Trump is DETAINING them indefinitely until the mythical "war" that does not exist somehow concludes.
Say bye bye to the 26 & 28 elections
My problem is the lack of due process. Otherwise horrific asshole gang members, once convicted, can rot.
Fuck trump.
And that's just 1yr.
The drug gangs go in for
kidnapping too.
Seems like it.
I think that includes US citizens. He’ll just declare us enemies of the state.
Again, giving them until tomorrow - Wednesday - to respond under seal to his court order.
CATCH here and RELEASE way over there in another country. Many just labeled as gang members with no proof provided.
Again they are separating families and denying them access to legal counsel.
What we need to do is assemble a well-regulated militia, as it is NECESSARY, per the founding fathers.
There MUST be money-making involved?
Give the lady a prize
Call it was it is.
Government human trafficking.
An American concentration camp is an American concentration camp regardless of whether or not it's within our boarders.
It's still done in our name.
It's fucking BOTH sides my guy. They LET them take this control despite having immunity themselves. They are IN ON IT.
It's inhumane. The ICC should be involved
Tax time is next month.
What would happen if everyone refused to file their taxes or file for an indefinite extension??