Actually, we have an INJustice Department. It allows extrajudicial, unconstitutional actions. It ignores Court orders. And it acts at the behest of a dictator
All our checks and balances are gone. Congress is absent. Unelected people are running the show. POTUS is either demented or is just for show, he knows nothing of what’s going on. Half of the department heads are in close communication with Putin. Yeah, we’re fucked.
Was it a crime.
Really, this coverage of this issue is getting stupid.
Hegseth doesn’t understand security. He failed to classify a significant piece of intel…that’s the story; he’s your man.
What has not been said, is that these communications are confidential because they show people's writing style, people who normally communicate, and more. This is gold for the foreign intelligence community. The harm is done and continues!
Invoking "the end justifies the means" argument here, where Trump and his DOJ get the public to focus on how successful the "end" was, is how they're covering up their law breaking. It's like saying "we made America safer" deporting these bad people even though we had to break a few laws to do it.
Their full disclosure is that it doesn't matter what you have to do, legal or otherwise; safe or otherwise; lawful or otherwise, to do what they want done. The rule of law is a very thin line being stretched into oblivion.
This was my first thought also when I seen the successful sound bite. I don’t think it was very successful if more innocents are hurt than primary suspects.
Because they're all working on a lawless project together. The law is no obstacle to them. If any of them commit crimes, that is brushed aside because the law has no meaning except as a weapon, and the project of destroying the U.S. and remaking it so the dictator is the law is the only priority.
It’s clear we are no longer the land of the free and home of the brave. Our government has been infiltrated, and we are no longer safe. We need to fight like hell!!
Did we find out what important meeting Witkoff had with Putin at midnight while raid in Yemen was happening? Kinda odd time of day to be meeting on Ukraine
the mission killed 53 innocent women and children to get their bad guy. That was the only way they could get him? Not that successful considering casualties
The mission was successful in spite of not because of those morons on the chat. Do they expect us to believe that a military strike on a foreign country was organised by chat show hosts?
OMG, head of the DOJ is going to cherry pick the application of the rule of a minimum the Signalgate crowd perjured themselves not alone broke laws applicable to handling classified information. Looks like all Republicans support this. America, you alright with this?
Well these are people for whom the ends (making themselves rich or looking important) justify the means. No logical person would think "success" of the mission had anything to do with compromise (which will be long term) of US intelligence. That's just Bondi thinking like the rest of them,
Ah yes, that success. Killed 31 people, only two of them Houthi members. Net the Yahoo is sending trump a congratulatory email on gmail, for trump's eyes only, of course.
The last time we found such a huge security breach, I believe we hung both Rosenbergs
and recently.. I like the bank robber analogy. They have sold their souls..
Great Presidents surround themselves with honest people that will tell them the truth.Presidents that have problems with self esteem will surround themselves with lapdogs and yes men
So Garland never investigated Trump's inner circle because he thought no crimes were committed. You know, I suspected that all along but you all told me I was wrong.
Seems like ketamine poisoned his brain and Musk thinks he’s the center of the universe. Great wealth seems to bring out the narcissistic sociopath/psychopath personality traits in some. Gates, Melissa and Mark Cuban, are exceptions.
Pam, are you sure that you don't want to investigate some on the chat were known paper straw users. Given the recklessness of their behavior, there is a high likelihood that those nefarious straws may well have been used as drug paraphernalia. I recommend Don Jr. as a CI to locate this staw cache
Not only refuse to acknowledge the existing laws in place that have been broken, but to also reduce your definition of success to be “We got our target, AND we destroyed an entire civilian housing complex”
She’s completely useless.Her only role is to enforce a vendetta, a personal vendetta that Biden’s DOJ dared to prosecute a career criminal who repeatedly broke the law and flaunted breaking the law and is now a convicted felon no one should be taking orders from.The DOJ is just a shell company now.
I just read that the Americans got intel from the Israelis re: location of the target. The Israelis are very upset about the Signal Chat being in the public arena. Do you blame them?
how can anyone with a heart and a brain work in that department under that lying pos! that place should be empty saying that it’s the most corrupt place to be in
I did steal a car yesterday because I had to visit my grandma at hospital 1000 miles away, luckily I managed to get home without the person I stole the car from did see it, only because he saw the miles on the car was 1000 higher he did suspect anything 😅
Oh looks, it’s the gutter slut that king piss pants made attorney general because he knew she lacked a moral compass and soul . May her grave wreak of piss for eternity.
So we have an AG that doesn't want to focus on the crimes involved in Signal-Gate because the mission was successful? WOW, she is doing exactly what a Trump attorney would do, representing her client. However, in this case, her client is the people of the US, not just one individual. Corruption....
Maybe that's why it took so long for Merrick Garland to prosecute Trump. Trump's mission to give classified documents to our adversaries was already successful.
Yeah I was just going to say how far did we fall from the corruption of the last AG? About 6 inches. If we weren't already so far down the corruption highway it would seem shocking. But we'd already been forced to accept a crooked AG.
The reality is this. Washington is full MAGA now. House, Senate, FBU, CIA DOJ….do not look at them for rule of law. Look to the courts that are still not in control of MAGA. That’s the only hope we have now.
MAGA is in control. Too many who can do something won’t. They are afraid, have been threatened, had family threatened, think they will remain in power, some other stupid reason. Courts are not going to save us. Convince me we are not totally screwed.
Here's the deal; Hillary lost in 2016, Biden won in 2020, and Kamala lost in 2024. What's the common thread here? Seems to me that sexism is still 'alive & well' even in the Democratic party. MORE people DIDN'T vote in 2024 than who voted for either candidate.
Her press conference today made perfectly fuckin clear ( as she railed against HRC emails and Biden's classified documents issue) that Signalgate is a non issue. Don't expect Anything different from these people . They are,at once, Trump's weapons and his defense.
Precisely. She was so desperate to please that she started stammering about how successful the mission was and that that should be the focus.i didn't expect any more from her but it's striking to hear the AG speak like that.
Or because there clearly has been a crime(s) committed. If only everyone on the Houthi PC Signal Chat had done their job as well as Pam Bondi. /s
She understands the assignment.
Bondi should be investigated she’s the real criminal. Making up rules as she goes along to benefit the felon and his criminal cabinet members. Who would investigate her Joyce? Who has the authority to do so?
She's compensated to deflect administative scrutiny. Insulting people who see through the ridiculous lies tops the resume. Anyone capable of sentient, independent, thought is an enemy.
There aren't a lot of jobs out there for someone like her. I wouldnt hire her to pump gas.
We have no Justice Department
are the only check
and we failed in November.
Really, this coverage of this issue is getting stupid.
Hegseth doesn’t understand security. He failed to classify a significant piece of intel…that’s the story; he’s your man.
Stop posing arguments they will fight against 🤯
Their careless attitude about human life is shocking.
Criminals investigating criminals - oh my!
The Head of the Department of Justice of the USA is lying to protect the administration.
There is no more separation of justice and power.
Your country is indeed fucked.
Only president, vice president and other Officers of the United States (Fed court Judges, SCOTUS, cabinet secretaries, etc.) can.
I mistook whom the idea was about- AG of the Justice Dept IS a Federal Officer for the purposes of impeachment.
She just serves as a "get out of jail free card" for any republicans doing criminal shit !
—Trump regime
and recently.. I like the bank robber analogy. They have sold their souls..
This all sounds like...such a scandal, am I right?
It's all about the power to do the wrong things and get away with them.
These people are low bred pieces of 💩.
If I drive 80mph to get to work, all is good since I was "successful" in getting there, no matter how many speeding laws I broke?
How Long Has #Hegseth Been #KOMPROMAT?
That the logic of US administration 🙄
Well she can believe in that tooth fairy idea or concept
Which one sounds better concept or idea ?
with early symptoms of dementia
being prop-up by complicit people
like Stephen Miller, that surround the mad-king,
to carry out a dead-letter-literal-interpretation
of the Bible authoritarian
theocratic government
under “Project 2025” blueprint.
White Cult.
incredible resistance art
BONDI was appointed for one reason only: To be Trump’s Consigliere
She’s one of many appointed professional / pathological liars. She constitutionally incapable of caring about the welfare or lives of others people.
That is obviously not the point. What are you doing about this?
She understands the assignment.
Her job is to protect Trump and his administration, not enforce the law
Remember, she dropped fraud charges against Trump U after Trump donated to her campaign
There aren't a lot of jobs out there for someone like her. I wouldnt hire her to pump gas.
the face of shame.
Was the journalist authorized ? Nope! The info was classified, yes! So it was a crime!
Once this is confirmed in court, Pam can't refuse to take action
Bondi is part of that swamp circling the drain.
YET nobody on the GOP side has had the HONESTY to acknowledge this; instead, they've TRASHED him!
Would a FOX reporter kept silent if potus had been Biden?