well fuck Gavin Newsom
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the thing about chasing what you think is public opinion is that if and when things turn you will have made a bunch of statements and taken a bunch of stances that you’ll have to disavow. probably a better strategy just to say what you actually believe and stand by it. anyway, this guy sucks.
Newsom could've taken a cue from the vote on the anti trans people in sports bill that just got unanimously shot down by Dems (thus killing it) in Congress ffs
YOU are why Democrats lose Faine.
Nothing but emotion and enemies. Just to be seen virtue signaling.
It's fucking sick.
democrats are why democrats lose
Empty fucking troll account enjoy the report
His position is not in any way sensible. It’s discriminatory and bigoted.
It will be funny when he runs officially and comes in like fourth in the California primary.
And I supported him for Mayor back in the day.
Unworkably complex.
Every wierdo Dem: Well, lets wait for his PR team to spin this before coming to obvious conclusions.
That's his statement.
If the left ever trusts him again, it will be a deadly mistake.
sometimes it's just a hairdo and sometimes it's an entire synecdoche of the person