I'm rewatching The Wire. A character in the episode I'm watching says, "A lie ain't a side of the story. It's just a lie." For some reason, that speaks to me these days (as do a million other lines from the show.)
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I'm almost thru the first season for my very first time. I'm enjoying looking back to a more simple time before smart phones and all the attendant changes technology has wrought.
I never saw The Wire. I do occasionally rewatch The Pelican Brief. There are some scenes that are so prescient they take my breath away. Same as I felt when I rewatched it in 2017.
There are two sides to every story and both can't be true. Just like fine people on both sides. There are no true stories nor fine people on Trump's side. If they tolerate his lies and actions, they are not fine people.
Thank you for this quote. I recently had to say the same thing to a friend who has drifted Right...she tried to get away with: It's just another viewpoint....No, it's lies and disinformation.
“Now all we got is bodies, and predatory motherfuckers like you. Out where that girl fell I saw kids ‘acting like Omar’, callin’ you by name, glorifying your ass…”
The “man must have a code” crap exposed for what it is; self-aggrandizing, romanticizing, excuses of a sociopath.
Omar’s self-mythologizing created the children that want to emulate him, act like him. Omar had to die because that is how he lived, and he is killed by a child with a gun - one of his own creations.
“…makes me sick, mutherfucker, how far we done fell.”
That’s a powerful line! The Wire has so many memorable quotes that make you think. What do you love most about the show? The writing, the characters, or the way it tackles real issues?
I only got into The Wire fairly late into the Obama administration, so I didn't see what everyone's problem was with the newspaper focus because, well, look what passes for journalism now.
I read a couple of books by Ed Burns. They were too full of casual violence and racist characters for my taste, so I haven't watched the show even though I love Michael Chiklis.
The Baltimore cast universally said she was the most accurate representation of the city and the life.
She does feel a bit like someone written for rather than made up.
Way Down in the Hole (Jemele Hill and Van Lathan) is a good episodic deep dive podcast. I also enjoyed The Wire at 20.
Going to make time for a third re-watch!
This clip just be sent to every major media company in the country. They have forgotten how to report the news & now allow lies to be reported as a “side” with no pushback.
Stoopid autoincorrect. I typed "its" correctly and even manually changed it back after autoincorrect changed it the first time. It apparently changed it a second time while I typed the rest of the sentence. 🤬🤬🤬
Watching The Wire for the first time and just got through S3 a week back (taking a bit of a break because of how heavy it was)- the show has truly been a sobering experience… wish I’d gotten on the bandwagon a lot earlier!
This morning I watched The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo at 4 in the morning when I couldn’t sleep. Watching Lizbeth kill Nazi’s who abuse and murder women was deeply satisfying.
was just telling my daughter that I want to rewatch The Wire. I have a low tolerance for glib sitcoms, over produced reality shows and vacuous romantic fantasies, right now(okay, most of the time) Might be weird, but cotton candy doesn’t distract my mind;I need something gritty.
Just finished a rewatch, the show is even more relevant now I think then when it came out. The wire at 20 podcast has some great behind the scenes stuff and some of the casts thoughts on this very issue.
“The Wire” is incredible. I have watched it twice. A definite classic as is “Homicide:Life on the Streets” with the late great Andre Braugher. Both written by David Simon.
Yes!!! And she is David’s wife. Such a brilliant show that never got the credit it was due.
I am going to have to watch it again. It’s been awhile.
Different writer, stars etc, but also
love The Killing with Joel Kinnaman.
So much goodness in that show. Really, the first scene of the first episode got me. "If Snot Boogie always stole the money, why did you always let him play?" "Got to. This is America, man."
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I see political speech these days, specifically from the MAGats and Putin's people as "words arranged to achieve a result". You could argue it's always been like that but in modern times the pretense that truth matters has completely gone.
There was a recent tax case about a guy named Munzon I blogged about for my firm’s website. Wanted to post a picture of Brother Munzon on the blog. My coworkers didn’t get it and I had to explain the guy with a bow tie is the second most feared man on the streets of Baltimore in The Wire universe.
That being said, I’ve since watched The Wire the way through twice. Season 1 is still breathtaking, Season 4 is obviously the strongest, but they’re all timeless and excellent and worth watching over and over.
Years ago, back when I was an interesting person & paid writer, I attempted a NaNoWriMo satire of “NaNoWireMo” and set out to watch the entirety of The Wire in the month of November. I got halfway through S3 in 10 days before the cumulative toll of its gritty brilliance sparked actual depression.
The opening lines of the "Chernobyl" miniseries, spoken by Valery Legasov, are: "Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid. That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes. Lies."
Makes me think of Trump & his administration of toadies.
You look good, girl.
And it's gripping! I look forward to Season 2
I still haven't gotten over my antipathy for Cheese, which has overflowed towards Method Man, bless him 😱
It's dark but seems so close to what medias like Murdoch's is all about
Yeah; now its come for all of us.
Herc concussed arse not knowing which way the desk was going in or out😳😂😂😂😂😂
The West Wing was there for about four seasons.
“Now all we got is bodies, and predatory motherfuckers like you. Out where that girl fell I saw kids ‘acting like Omar’, callin’ you by name, glorifying your ass…”
The “man must have a code” crap exposed for what it is; self-aggrandizing, romanticizing, excuses of a sociopath.
“…makes me sick, mutherfucker, how far we done fell.”
It's worth the watch
That fits right now.
And, it's just one of the best shows ever
*Frank Sobotka
She does feel a bit like someone written for rather than made up.
Going to make time for a third re-watch!
Loved "The Wire" so much. I may do a re-watch up here in communist Canada, apparently. 😂
‘It is what it isn’t’ 🙄
Sums up so many different circumstances around the globe.
Excuse me now while I go rewatch the entire thing. 😬
I am going to have to watch it again. It’s been awhile.
Different writer, stars etc, but also
love The Killing with Joel Kinnaman.
And maybe “good journalists” while we’re at it.
Thanks for the reminder.
Also my cat is named Omar.
Makes me think of Trump & his administration of toadies.
-Slim Charles
Also, where do you get those caps with the bills on the side?
Let’s hope that resilience is real.
#Bourdieu #Gramsci #TheWire
“You come at the king, you best not miss.”
Merrick Garland dallied, then missed, and we’re all suffering for it.
And as a former cop, much more realistic than most crime dramas.
We The People. Right now! 32 million signatures or bust!