He gets the Emmy every year, he's got just about the only show on "Max" people still like and respect, and Zaslav just refused to give him a raise in his contract renewal (after which Oliver fired the agents he's had since moving to the US), he may be feeling rather freed.
there *is* one good thing he did. As Governor of California, he signed no-fault divorce in California into law in 1969. if he'd keeled over in 1970 his legacy would be really different.
My daughter and I were having a conversation about a number of things that are problematic in the US at this point (and the world in some cases), and I walked her through how they could all be traced to Reagan.
I think he betrayed his own administration’s hardliners with how he ultimately interacted with Gorbachev. That probably had a net positive effect on winding down the Cold War as it did. But other than that personality fioble a track record of shit.
Unfortunately he did exactly one other good thing pretty directly: threaten to withhold funding from states that didn't pass laws making drinking and driving illegal.
It's just too bad he didn't die a slow, horrible, flesh dissolving kinda death. Even that woulda been too good for the likes of that trash. ALL THIS MESS is because of him.
Now now, let's not absolve the long list of traitorous GOP sycophants of their responsibility...putting it all on Reagan lets the rest of them off a little too easy. Cancer starts with one mutated cell, but it's the whole tumor that's the problem.
Yeah ever since the panini started I've been like "oh cool, John's overtly moving left!" And with S1 and S2 uploaded to YT it turns out he's always been cool and based, I was just a teenager at the time who didn't understand what was happening LMAO
Not Reagan per se, but the bland lack of reaction whenever he said something insane went some way towards dislodging me from Republicans and even libertarians.
Oliver Sacks (in THE MAN WHO MISTOOK HIS WIFE FOR A HAT) wrote about two types of brain-injured people who weren't fooled by Reagan's delivery. Ones who couldn't process speech laughed at his phony mannerisms. Ones who couldn't read faces laughed at his nonsense. But "healthy" folks bought the set.
I noticed at the time that transcripts of his speeches read much differently than they sounded. "The Great Communicator" rarely actually communicated anything meaningful.
One shouldn't expect substance in political speeches, but even so, his were mostly cotton candy with rancid swirls.
...and took away the tax deduction for interest on credit - except for mortgages - the kind of deduction most Americans could use, as opposed to the moneyed class. One of the baby steps to inequality. I never noticed people digging through garbage until halfway through the Reagan administration.
Strike Force Five was the weirdest thing because on the one hand you had John Oliver who’s had such a positive impact on US legislative and judicial proceedings he has a whole effect named after him, and then you’ve got Jimmy Fallon who patted Trump on the head.
But without Fallon's complete devotion to being the podcast idiot we wouldn't have had the wedding game episode, so his ineptitude is a slightly redeeming factor
Yeah that was weird. Fallon is really obviously not even vaguely as smart or as engaged as the others, he’s just a doofus (although the spouses game he came up with was excellent)
and then democrats constantly lionize Reagan over the decades. I've stopped thinking D's are playing some smart game of attracting so-called independents by doing so and have concluded they just like Reagan: Clinton/s, Obama, Biden
John Oliver is a God. When He hurls words & stuff we hear it, knowing it has been done, which is more than the other mere gods. My thoughts & prayers are with only Him.
I remember 1987 when Reagan cut student AID for college for my husband.
One shouldn't expect substance in political speeches, but even so, his were mostly cotton candy with rancid swirls.
Jimmy "best friends with alleged groomer and rapist of a teenage girl Horatio Sans while numerous people on SNL knew" Fallon?
Sadly, I think they've settled now, but it's important to remember.