He got enough money - go the fuck on. We haven't gotten life right down here, take yo' ass up there - and if there is life on mars, they'll be sending you back...
IF that rocket gets off the ground, and IF it leaves the atmosphere, and IF it makes it out of Earth orbit, and IF it doesn't fuck itself off course, and IF it doesn't have any of a million different malfunctions-That rocket will plant itself head first into Mars and turn the bro-bot into space-spam
thinking about how Mars doesn't have an ozone layer, so basically the entire planet is being constantly bombarded with UV radiation....anyways I hope Elon's team enjoys that cleanup job
Please god let him try though - let him be inside the rocket as it alters its physical state to a collection of molten metal chunks that rain down upon the earth he plagued in life.
For all his grandiose talk of spreading humanity to other worlds, Musk shows little interest in traveling to space himself. He's never flown on one of his own rockets, or availed himself of any other options.
It is extremely important that millions of Americans die of starvation and illness so Elon can get enough tax money to pay for his Mars rocket which will provide no benefit to ordinary Americans.
Yes, this is nothing but horseshit. Most of M*sk projects end in disaster or failure. But his fanboys are obsessed with going to Mars and establishing a Randian paradise and this is their fantasy.
I think it's time we accept that Elon Musk is actually a pretty stupid, maniacal, pathological liar instead of believing that he is a super genius, maniacal, pathological liar.
Even if he wasn't a giant dumbass full of shit, you can't terraform a planet without a magnetosphere even if terraforming was real. I don't know who is still dumb enough to be falling for his oldest moron routine, but it seems to self-select only the most gullible die-hard ding-dongs.
Nice article, only applies to the surface, underground colonies however could work, shielding, water (so hydrogen gas energy) supply meaning, warmth and light, grow areas etc all possible, we have found PCEs which have ice. so its possible just HIGHLY impractical.
It would be the most miserable existence ever imagined in human history, it would make an Antarctic research station or North Korea seem like an Acadian paradise.
Well I certainly wouldn't go that far considering just how many incredibly fucked things our species has done, and continues to do, to each other but Yeah, it would be pretty fucking miserable I would think.
And honestly, WHY? If we want minerals, we have robots to do that. Which, by the way, we have already done. What possible benefit is there to sending human beings to Mars? What's the return on investment?
No, because even our mitochondria evolved under Earth’s gravity. Our brain is soft and spongy, and its structures are responsive to gravity which is why even short periods of space travel affect the brain.
The ping time between earth and Mars is incredibly high. Going to be tough for him. They might even have to develop an actual robot, or come up with an alternative ruse.
i mean, when you understand where the term "banana republic" comes from, coined by O Henry to describe countries exploited by the US for resources and so are dependent on exports of natural resources, it doesn't really describe the US today, but our imperial boomerang has undoubtedly come back home.
yes, but especially if you're an American using that term, it's worth remembering that US corporations like United Fruit (bananas, now Chiquita) in Honduras and Guatemala were ok with dictatorships, oligarchies with state capitalism. these were the Banana Republics, both created and coined by the US
before now when i heard Americans using that term in a derogatory way, it sounded like whistling past the graveyard. like how could OUR government be like that? like the kind of govt we encouraged beyond our borders for economic interests. cartoonish? yes, that's what we wanted, but not for us.
The empire my country is/was/is part of has had its own long set of crimes against humanity it has committed. Heck, just go to the local church and you can find plenty of bodies of dead children just a meter or so down
Y'know something else?
There really isn't enough market for a company like spaceX to exist at this point- all that's keeping it liquid is shareholder speculation based on the expectation that eventually it will turn a profit
NASA exists to allocate money to contractors to build vehicles to accomplish their goals. If NASA were trying to colonise Mars they’d be giving the money to someone (ULA, SpaceX, Lockheed Martin, etc) to actually accomplish it. And Falcon 9 is the most reliable rocket in history
While the entire world has crumbling infrastructure and a warming climate let’s push our tech to it’s absolute limit and spend hundreds of billions to keep a few hundred people alive and miserable on mars, brilliant idea!
Exactly what I said when I was first told the plan by a Musk fan.
What a waste, let's spend it on the planet we have.
It was a ridiculous idea from the start.
Remember that time Melon said he was willing to solve world hunger if someone gave him a plan. Then when someone gave him a plan he donated it to his own foundation and bought Twitter instead. And hahaha, what fun we've all had since.
He would start being fined for missing deadlines. If he says we're going to be there by 2029, 100 Million returned to the government for every month they're late. This goes for that stupid tunnel too.
I'm only every gonna listen to the only group of people to send others to a different celestial body AND BRING THEM HOME SAFELY on when we'll even attempt a human mission to Mars
Dudes the biggest fucking idiot grifter in the world
Tesla is crashing, if this continues, Musk will have less worth than his Twitter loans. Facing bankruptcy, Musk is delivering new promises. Some of his promises have failed in the past, given the circumstances, Musks new promises are somewhere between worthless and actual panic triggered lies.
Of course! HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT GOING TO MARS. This is another ridiculous scam. He has no interest in the NASA discoveries on Mars. And human physiology cannot tolerate Mars’ radiation & low gravity. Our brain floats in fluid. Even space travel fucks up things like eyesight and mitochondria.
you give elon too much credit. he’s dumb and delusional. he wants to colonize mars. that’s why he’s stealing all the money. he thinks climate change won’t be stopped, so he’s trying to get mostly rich and white people onboard. he’s obsessed with human reproduction and eugenics.
that boy ain’t right
This is the antithesis of the type of discovery research pioneered at NASA. None of Musk’s actions are driven by any scientific curiosity or desire to benefit humanity.
It’s all flex, hyperbole, and ego. ‘Look what I can do’.
How does he keep getting away with this? It’s clearly lies just to juice stock price. The guy has obviously done some things right, but the magnitude of his wealth is all about being the world’s most successful conman
I still think this is what's driving his gutting of America; he wants to go to Mars, he wants the US to pay for it. By gutting everything, he'll find the money to give to his own program and his own goal of going to Mars.
Even if he does send a rocket to Mars does he have a landing vehicle? Probably no. And even if he does have a landing vehicle of some sort, what’s the big deal? We already have unmanned landings on Mars. And knowing Muck, his stupid robot will just be trash left behind instead of research.
I totally agree, brother! By the way, why are we being distracted from focussing and investing on repairing and maintaining that singular, self-sustaining, life giving, precious “space ship” called EARTH!!!
Musk is the World’s biggest bullshitter. He’d be laughed out of most bars on earth. Wall Street dumb fucks however just coo ‘wow that sounds awesome’ and never seem to pick up on the fact he doesn’t deliver. Bizarre.
If I were Elon and had a vehicle this valuable, I wouldn't trust anyone else but me to drive. Go Elon go! Mars has a bloated bureaucracy that needs slashed!
He did send his car into space as a publicity stunt. I can imagine him doing this just to show he can send another thing somewhere but it won't amount to literally anything.
Surely, in a few years, he will have figured out how to give Mars a liquid core and magnetic field so people can live in domed cities on the surface without dying from space cancer and then in another few years he'll have a thriving colony there like in "the Expanse" and other scifi. No biggie.
and he'll figure out how to get the carcinogenic perchlorates out of the martian regolith, and let's not forget the 1% atmosphere, as close to a vacuum as makes no difference.
I don't see anyone rushing to colonise Northern Canada, a paradise in comparison.
Or the absolute middle of Antarctica ... also a way better place for humans to live. No deadly space radiation! The right gravity! Proper air with oxygen and everything!
And if people don't like the cold, there are some really fantastic hot deserts too! Start a city!!!! Then again, you can't project religious notions of a heavenly paradise onto these places.
I'm not suggesting that Musk's fans are in a civic-religious cult, but
It will be perpetually a few years away and if it does somehow happen the human ship will go with no QA, redundancy or quality to save costs. Those poor souls will die attempting dreaming to be wage slaves for company scrip on another planet for a ketamine addict.
Until such a time as we have created a #SustainablePlanet for ALL the creatures who call Earth home - humans have no business going to other planets.
As we are now, we're a poison, a terminal cancer.
He doesn’t even have the sense to say 2031, on the possibility he’ll look even better if he hits 2029. That’s because this is more vaporware, so make the lie big
It hilarious that he totally fucked up and Wall Street still isn’t even at the point of saying ‘Wait, what? You NEED LIDAR for safe FSD? But that can’t be right because Tesla fucked that idea off years ago? Oh shit! SELL, SELL, SELL.’
It’s like watching a car crash on Wall Street in slo-mo.
Self driving cars are impossible in an open environment. The only reason people can drive is because pedestrians are afraid of drivers. But nobody will implement "kill pedestrians that don't respect traffic laws" in the self driving cars' code.
1 pedestrian only could create the biggest traffic jam.
A 1 way trip to the Mars would take nine months & a return journey would be around three years. He's saying in 3 months he's ready to head to Mars. GTFO
The elongated South African muskrat wants a colony on Mars in hopes that guillotines won't work in lower gravity. There are, however, engineering solutions such as heavier blade and/or longer drop.
I genuinely don't know what we are supposed to do when even lying this much and failing this often in front of billions of people for years doesn't stop huge amounts of people believing whatever someone rich enough says
If, somehow, the US emerges from the current nightmare intact, I'm all in favor of giving him and the bazillionaires who enabled him a choice of a 1-way trip to Mars or the gallows.
According to the government contract they were supposed to land on the moon this year and they still can't even get a rocket out the atmosphere with a payload.
Humans can't survive long outside of the protection of the Earth's magnetosphere. Cosmic radiation in free space will likely kill humans of new forms of space cancer well before they arrive in Mars orbit. https://www.nasa.gov/reference/risk-of-radiation-induced-cancers/
He hasn't said shit, as far as I'm aware, of how he plans to power the Mars base.
Mars is much father from the sun than Earth, so solar is considerably less effective there; it's sufficient to power rovers, but they're not alive, and their requirements are extremely minimal in comparison to humans.
The solar panel installations that would be required to power a base with living beings in it would also have the issue of dealing with the superfine, electrostatically-charged dust found on Mars; it'll get into everything, as well as physically blocking light.
There's no way they've had the time to radiation harden that whole thing. It'll be fried before or even gets there, assuming they ever actually try to send it. But he'll just say "rockets are hard" again and fools will repeat it for him.
Imagine if there really was an engineer who had to find space on the Mars mission for the robot everyone knows will fall, crish someone, and catch fire 5 minutes after landing.
No human is going to Mars anytime in the next few decades unless they're an idiot and/or have a death wish. The radiation on the trip will kill/mutate their cells. Their is no shielding invented that will prevent this.
I wouldn't put it past him to fling one, with robot on board, in the general direction of Mars - as a publicity stunt akin to the roadster thing. They might even manage enough control to crash it into Mars - but they aren't landing or bringing it back.
Fuckin hilarious. Every time he gives a new product date, they need to print his previous commitments, put it in a timeline graphic when he said shit and big red flags when his obvious bs did not happen
Even if SpaceX could get humans to Mars in 2029 or 2031, those humans would be long dead before a spacecraft capable of returning them to Earth would get there.
Whenever one of his old promises fails and people start realizing what a charlatan he is he just makes a bigger promise and the media repeat it and everyone debates the new promise
Also, the Martians are going to pay for it. They've been playing us for chumps. Coming down here in their cheap flying saucers, forcing us to make bad movies. Have you seen "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians?" Yeah, that's on them.
Missing from the quote: "Oh yeah, and everyone will get a pony, and, and, and, we'll have pizza parties EVERY day, and we'll have soda in the bubblers, and, and, and... "
it’s all coming from ai. they’re using it to alter facts and manipulate the population with misinformation. it’s been very effective. for like the past 4 years someone’s been brainwashing us.
No they've been doing this garbage for all the tech oligarchs for - well ever. You can look at tech journalists reporting 15 years ago and see the same uncritical free PR articles.
Try 30 for Bill Gates. The amount of slavish coverage he got early-to-mid 1990s was amazing. I personally was convinced that Microsoft paid for trolls to infest the very early Internet, and spout Gates propaganda.
I was trying to find a basic fact earlier and Google just kept repeating the unrelated fact they assumed I was seeking, no matter how I phrased it, tagged "AI overview." I fixed it by adding "reddit" to my search term.
I'm guessing reddit will also become unusable soon btw
theyre children on the playground.
"you swear? YOU swear?! he swearded"
Musk getting his unpaid interns to write up fantastical promises for shit media to regurgitate...
Theyr fuuuucked 🤣
Yes, it's surface is incredibly deadly, but it's upper atmosphere is the most "Earth-like" environment in the entire solar system.
And normal Earth air would be a lift gas on Venus due to the atmospheric pressures.
There IS sulfuric rain, but due to the pressure and heat of the planet's surface, that all evaporates well before it reaches the surface.
Besides, is that all that different from Mars? They're both inhospitable death traps.
Martian Morlocks is a great band name
He does not give a fuck about solving serious issues, he just wants the appearance of bettering things for the human good
You guys, I think he might just be dumb.
"But what I'm saying is...what if I could?"
Like... this is the sort of stuff that we'd use as short hand in a Tv show to let people know the current location is a Banana Republic
Part of why countries with names like "The People's Democratic Free Republic" were places to be frightened about
The empire my country is/was/is part of has had its own long set of crimes against humanity it has committed. Heck, just go to the local church and you can find plenty of bodies of dead children just a meter or so down
If the US just funded NASA instead of subsidizing spaceX it would cost less and get the USA a reliable space program again
There really isn't enough market for a company like spaceX to exist at this point- all that's keeping it liquid is shareholder speculation based on the expectation that eventually it will turn a profit
What a waste, let's spend it on the planet we have.
It was a ridiculous idea from the start.
Dudes the biggest fucking idiot grifter in the world
that boy ain’t right
This is the antithesis of the type of discovery research pioneered at NASA. None of Musk’s actions are driven by any scientific curiosity or desire to benefit humanity.
It’s all flex, hyperbole, and ego. ‘Look what I can do’.
He thinks this is soooo clever.
I don't see anyone rushing to colonise Northern Canada, a paradise in comparison.
I'm not suggesting that Musk's fans are in a civic-religious cult, but
His ship didn't manage to fly 15km...
Not to mention the heat INSIDE the ship because of the construction.
Everything inside that is not steel will melt.
They are a loooong way from getting to Mars
As we are now, we're a poison, a terminal cancer.
something to look forward to
“Much more likely that Musk is dead and gone by 2031 than we are on Mars”
It’s like watching a car crash on Wall Street in slo-mo.
1 pedestrian only could create the biggest traffic jam.
- Every single year for the last decade
Does he not have confidence it will work?
and always 3-4 years away from delivery
#slavaukraini. #fuckmusk
#tesler 😁
He’s never going to mars he doesn’t have the balls as a leader
Giant fucking pussy
That sucks.
Musk hasn’t solved any of these problems and hasn’t done the science. NASA has been working on it and they still don’t have it solved yet
He can’t believably claim anyone is going to Mars before this and about 10,000 other problems are solved
Mars is much father from the sun than Earth, so solar is considerably less effective there; it's sufficient to power rovers, but they're not alive, and their requirements are extremely minimal in comparison to humans.
...that was going to be able to fly a bit too, or something? 🤷♀️
Where is the £25,000 Tesla EV?
He's full of false promises
MG beat him to that
Dude has never looked at a tech tree in his life.
Humans need to stop being planet earth dependent, and the technology on geoengineering will likely be essential to future climate change issues
Also, why would anyone want to live on Mars?
Bezos has been getting similar waxing since about that time. They don't need to pay trolls. People were primed to worship them after Reagan.
I'm guessing reddit will also become unusable soon btw