My thought here is that money doesn't buy happiness, it buys *margin*: The ability to deal with the shit the world just throws at you. If you have no margin, life is extremely stressful. With margin, you can deal. Lack of stress is not happiness, but it leaves more emotional space *for* happiness.
- Automate house chores with appliances = more time for everything else
- Need to work X jobs < one job < part time job < no need for a job (aka. working out of passion)
- Better self-care = hopefully more time on this Earth
It can get us lots of the accessories."
- Black Lipstick, "Ease Back"
Sorry, misheard
Margin is terrifyingly important.
It's like how being healthy doesn't make you happy, but being sick can make you miserable.
Once you're on your 3rd yacht, the margin diminishes.
And this cycle happens multiple times a month because people seem to think because I'm online I have money so they don't have to pay for my art? (The govt pays for my internet.)
For example, a few years ago, trying to decide what bill I'd have to skip to get my A/C fixed would have been tremendously stressful. Had to do that this week, but more available $$ made all the difference.