They are lying, and they know they are lying. They even know we know they are lying, but they don't care. They are butchers, they are Gengis Khan killing millions, they are Attila not letting grass grow after their pass. We have the right to defend ourselves.
These people don't understand what empathy is, that's my takeaway. So to them it looks like a programmed response. But empathy costs MORE than selfishness, the thing we're actually programmed for by nature.
This is where I come in and say that Joe Rogan has a podcast because “Fear Factor” was cancelled after a segment where they tried to feed contestants animal semen. Don’t take advice about empathy from someone who would feed you semen.
He was a crappy actor too. I remember that moron from a decent comedy called News Radio. He played the stupid one on it that show was funny and would have still been funny even without him
These are broken people who are unable to either give or receive love. As such, they see empathy as affect. To them it’s not possible to authentically give af about anyone else but yourself. So they view it all with suspicion
If you have 20 minutes, watch this video⬇️⬇️ Brad Meltzer, who gave the 2024 Michigan Commencement speech - Make Magic. We all need empathy - giving and receiving. Elon is a sad soul with an enormous hole where his heart should be ...
If you do not have empathy, then you are not a useful piece of society. Therefore you are a leech, just living off the blood of others. Actually, that’s probably not fair to actual leeches.
2/2 these are the folks who find pleasure in others pain and suffering. Like killing one’s own pet for example. Starving kids just because you can. These are sick twisted individuals that think only of themselves that you can’t fix and will never see your side of things.
This is the issue when you are dealing with narcissistic sociopaths they have no empathy. It’s not on their menu. I’m not talking about neurodivergent people as I have many of them in my family and love them dearly. The best people I know, frankly. No this is a different kind of person(s) 1/2
Crash his stock. He uses his stock as collateral for loans to avoid CG taxes. If sales drop by 30% the stock will tank and his loans become precarious. Also, the robotoaxi is a joke, who would trust Tesla for actual FSD. And his robots can only be operated remotely. They are a scam.
We have a right wing parents group trying to take over the school board here and they like to accuse people of “toxic empathy” if they don’t agree with their anti-DEI agenda.
These anti-ethics aren't coming out of nowhere. There is a long, long, history of authoritarians looking at the misery they cause and justifying it with a shrug.
We let this thing metastasize because it attached itself to a carrier wave of conservativism. We thought we had it tamed.
Sociopaths always believe that empathy is a weakness. It is a quality that they do not have any cannot understand. Elon Musk, Donald Trump and JD Vance are all sociopaths. I honestly don't know about Joe Rogan, but if he's not a sociopath, he's greedy to the point of amorality, which is worse.
"They're exploiting a bug in Western Civilization...but you need to think it through and not just be programmed like a robot," says the guy explaining social issues robotically.
Well that and if you were to get on their level and try to figure out what reality talking points they are concerned about your brain would melt through your ears in self defense.
G.M Gilbert, the appointed prison psychologist for the German prisoners during the Nuremberg trials said "Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy"
He who was given face to face access to unfiltered, pure evil concluded that the absence of empathy is the root of evil. I fear we've abandoned empathy
Elon doesn’t have any empathy. If he had a crumb of it, he wouldn’t father children he doesn’t intend on parenting. His baby mamas are being ignored on social media, yet he feels the answer is more babies. He’s a selfish piece of crap with poor taste in companions.
Empathy is the natural result of humanitarian values. So of course those two have no idea what they are talking about. It would be sad if they weren't so dangerous.
Don’t buy one, sure, but also tell the CA pension system to invest in real green tech not “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday so I can drive this ICE car alone today” bulls***
Just to be clear, Musk thinks empathy is a PROBLEM, not the foundation of human decency. What is the purpose in life then? To amass wealth? To what end if not to love and cherish and enjoy each other and our beautiful world?
Elon is on some part of the spectrum. Added with his childhood treatment from his father, I don't think he is capable of knowing any form of feelings, sympathy, empathy, love. He is essentially a robot
It's straight up Ayn Rand and Nietzsche! But these maga people can't make the connection that rejecting empathy is a full and total rejection of Jesus/Christianity (which maga world still wants to hold on to for gross power reasons - and pure ignorance of what Jesus actually lives and taught)
"Close your hearts to pity! Act brutally! … The stronger man is right… Be harsh and remorseless! Be steeled against all signs of compassion! …Whoever has pondered over this world order knows that its meaning lies in the success of the best by means of force…"
(Adolf Hitler, before invading Poland)
Empathy is the distinguishing factor between most of the current GOP and the Dems.Has been for a while. Repubs want to keep as much of their money as they can. Regardless how it affects others. Dems want to help others so long as they keep some of their money. We could never be as cruel as they r.
Not just programmed like a robot. Love that it’s coming from the guy who called his wife’s grieving of the death of their infant to SIDS “emotional manipulation.” Just go to Mars alone- name yourself king- do some apocalypse larping.
Men like these are our enemies. I used to think a 90% tax rate for the rich was way too much. Now I see why they started it. Men with too much money start thinking they're god-kings ... And it's downhill from there for ALL of us.
As a corollary, women with tons of money generally don’t keep it but rather donate it to invest in their communities and make the world a better place.
So since we’re talking about bugs, is there something on that Y chromosome that’s a problem?
The MAGA mindset in a nutshell. To men like these, compassion is weakness. Vulnerability of any kind, disabilities, poverty, are conditions to be mocked, despised and rejected by these “master-race” throwbacks.
yeah that was possibly the strangest part of that short comment of his. short but packed with bizarreness. it is perhaps unintentional poetry on his part, having so few words containing so many clanging juxtapositions.
BTW, can’t grasp the congnitive dissonance of nearly half the American public — drugs are bad when poor, desperate people take them but so cool when rich people take them.
"Be more sociopathic, like me, or work somewhere else."
Most sociopaths know to keep their lack of empathy and remorse on the down-low. MAGA encourages flaunting it as good business, and, especially, masculine.
Oh my god, this is sick. Seriously, antisocially sick.
Is this what happens when entitled young men never, ever, have to work or feel any sort of hardship?
Then, as a reward, they are handed millions?
Where the fuck is the merit?
They were both accidents of birth.
Of course they believe they're just that special. Rugged individualists who did it all on their own, with no help at all from the Russia-supported right-wing media sphere, or from $38 billion in govt money.
The throwaway "I think empathy is good, but" is programmed for deniability. musk's
a sociopath, and Rogan can't get's enough of giving their airtime. He's not one himself but he's drawn to them, wants to be remorseless, wants to push that out more and more in his personality. Hosting the worst examples of humanity for the audience to model. Normalizing manosphere sh*t. And musk
Yes. I'm half-expecting musk to send an email w subject line "become more sociopathic like me or find somewhere else to work."
It's not just that he lacks empathy and remorse; he is sadism-forward. On brand for this admin. Implying that anything less is womanish. A "win-win" is for pussies. CRUSH.
Stop listening to Rogan, that’s a first step, he’s not a comic( bad ) , got lucky to be on a television show( worst actor on it) , made famous on reality tv ( peeps eating bugs and stuff-unwatchable ), Now is dick riding Rich Dickheads…
"Toxic" here, means "destructive" and it's what psychopaths do: Victim-blaming is their biggest tool and it works by re-directing people's attention. It's not changing the narrative or moving the goal-posts, it's invoking empathy to silence the victim and magnify the imagined pain of the criminal.
Rogan also supports our conservative leader in Canada, PeePee. That should give us all pause, yet he has supporters. We will all have to ensure that those voting against him in our next election get out in full force.
According to an American psychiatrist who interviewed Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg EVIL is the absence of empathy - exactly what these mother fuckers and the vast majority of the Republican Party are
Empathy and compassion are THE defining traits of human evolution. They are the reason we were able to build communities and discover language, medicine, science, everything. Anyone who denies or decries either is rejecting the core of their own humanity
A robot has no empathy ! Musk has no love in his heart? Does he even have a heart? Or is he a robot! Empathy makes us human !! No empathy = psychotic nature, I would say ? To deny empathy is to deny love! H8 is the new watchword in America! It can only bring disaster and destruction ! Sorry
Darwin & others would strongly argue against Musk's view about empathy.
Not a 'bug' nor a 'weakness' in humanity, but rather a strength & critical for our species to flourish.
“Within groups selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals.”
And what gives Elon's opinion more weight in the public square? Nothing except that he has money, and, in the USA at least, we have substituted money as an indicator of value, instead of being a simple device of exchange.
I think the image is mislabeled -- is this not a conversation between two teenage boys who just finished reading Atlas Shrugged and are going to let it define their personalities for a few months?
We let this thing metastasize because it attached itself to a carrier wave of conservativism. We thought we had it tamed.
He who was given face to face access to unfiltered, pure evil concluded that the absence of empathy is the root of evil. I fear we've abandoned empathy
- Captain G. M. Gilbert after the Nuremberg trials
Nearly all their profit is from just that
A good recent read here
Don’t buy one, sure, but also tell the CA pension system to invest in real green tech not “I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday so I can drive this ICE car alone today” bulls***
this is how these fools deflect all possibility of feeling shame. they choose to actually work at it.
(Adolf Hitler, before invading Poland)
Ah yes, robots...well known in media for being depicted as empathetic????
And, how arrogant does one have to be to believe that they are a self-appointed arbiter of the correct amount of empathy in the world?
So since we’re talking about bugs, is there something on that Y chromosome that’s a problem?
Also Musk: "I am going to plant a NeuroLink chip in your brain."
BTW, can’t grasp the congnitive dissonance of nearly half the American public — drugs are bad when poor, desperate people take them but so cool when rich people take them.
Most sociopaths know to keep their lack of empathy and remorse on the down-low. MAGA encourages flaunting it as good business, and, especially, masculine.
Is this what happens when entitled young men never, ever, have to work or feel any sort of hardship?
Then, as a reward, they are handed millions?
Where the fuck is the merit?
They were both accidents of birth.
The throwaway "I think empathy is good, but" is programmed for deniability. musk's
It's not just that he lacks empathy and remorse; he is sadism-forward. On brand for this admin. Implying that anything less is womanish. A "win-win" is for pussies. CRUSH.
That is as twisted as it gets.
Not a 'bug' nor a 'weakness' in humanity, but rather a strength & critical for our species to flourish.
“Within groups selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals.”
What a damaged person.