I have to assume in the days when Brazil was banned on Xitter that the account was probably spamming a lot of just unwanted and annoying pics and articles that ended up in a lot of new user's feeds.
Is there a way to get a list of top accounts by followers? Newsweek published one a few days ago, but these numbers change. (AOC was the top except for the platform itself.)
And there is something interesting: a lot of the other brazilian accounts with most blocks are kinda of famous and kinda annoying left-inclined influencers, so I would guess it's the number of alt right accounts that came here with the block. They all probably got back to X already tho
Well, I'm brazilian and I don't know exacly why XD The same goes for Felipe Neto, the 2nd most blocked there. They both are very famous brazilians and those numbers happened when twitter got blocked and most of us came here.
Felipe Neto is annoying as hell. He was one of the first people I blocked it lol most people that I know did the same. About Lula, I think it’s because people wanna have a bubble without politics… I follow him, but I know some people came here to have some peace. ✌🏻
Mueller was/is a Republican who let Trump get away with his illegal shenanigans during 2016. The person behind that account is also a resistance liberal grifter, who parrots the same failed corporate talking points that the Democratic Party pushes out
Wait, that's it? I was annoyed she said Biden had a better chance of getting elected than Harris after it was a done deal, but top 3 most hated alongside literal nazis? Priorities...
Look I have massive disagreements with Brianna, but all this performative "block the bad trans woman so that we're all safe" feels kinda tiresome.
At much smaller scale (and for way less controversial stuff) it happens again and again even to everyday trans women (see the constant blocklist drama)
Can't believe I went from hating her as a dumbass right winger (I am deeply sorry, it was how I was raised, and I've learned better) to standing up for her as a leftist (post-deprogramming) to now hating her again for her being a transphobic genocide supporter. Come on Brianna this is insane.
my favorite thing about this is how Wu got mad about this and tried to make herself a victim when in reality all she's done here is try to pick fights and post outrage bait.
Good Work, Mike!
If anyone deserves it, it's him.
A block has exactly the same power when used on someone who's annoying as it does someone calling for white supremacy.
rofl ok. Words written in that sequence absolutely should get you put on a list
At much smaller scale (and for way less controversial stuff) it happens again and again even to everyday trans women (see the constant blocklist drama)
Just because some trans women are unfairly silenced doesn't mean this one is.
It's been offline for the last week but it finally started coming back today.
still cant believe i recommended an album to her dumb ass way back in the day.