Every person on Bluesky should know:
* Every post on Bluesky is PUBLIC forever
* Every post on Bluesky is archived by ICE, NSA, and many other agencies
* Even if you delete a post, it’s already been captured
* Judges don’t care if you were “kidding” or being ironic
* Every post on Bluesky is PUBLIC forever
* Every post on Bluesky is archived by ICE, NSA, and many other agencies
* Even if you delete a post, it’s already been captured
* Judges don’t care if you were “kidding” or being ironic
This is a platform that is run by a private company. Free Speech has not ever been a thing on any private company's platform. Not any bulletin board, not any social media. None of it.
If it were run by the government it would be a different thing.
* “Everybody knows that!” No they don’t! Or they don’t think about it
* “I’m not gonna censor myself!” Okay? Great? I don’t give a shit; go phone the FBI directly
* You’re trying to scare people!” No? Information is not scary.
People don’t choose violence as much as oppressors avoid peace.
Be more specific. Try something like this (or not. Free will and shit).
Don't advocate violence. Ever.
We are for nonviolent resistance and democratic change in response to the Trump kakistocracy.
See "Why Civil Resistance Works," by Chenoweth and Stephen.
It wasn't sit-ins that made Hitler turn to a Walther lobotomy.
But yeah, anything I've posted since 1981 used to be available
Brb, off to remind my teenagers who *already know this* but I don't give a damn and will continue to remind them.
Thank you, Anil.
And that’s fine! You weren’t saying they shouldn’t/couldn’t!
But people SHOULD make informed choices.
Let people decide for themselves.
This applies to protestors, not only those talking about removing fascism from our government.
It also applies to anything the fascist regime wants to hold against you, for example if you say you voted for Harris & they don’t approve of it.
Welcome to fascism.
And it doesn't just apply to social media—it's true about all communication channels.
There is a whole world outside the internet! Not everything needs to go on the internet!
It’s like how smart parents don’t post pix or personal info of their kids online, and their kids are better off and safer as a result.
"Sounds like somebody could be a plant that's trying to scare people for the orange melons."
He's talking about promoting violence against him.
If the company TOs says that we can call him names and curse his entire lineage for a thousand years or even wish him dead that's cool. But no company gives permission to death threats or promoting those.
This app is going to be ground zero for his retaliation against his political "enemies from within."
We are IT.
That said I don't make any violent comments ..
But do you think that psycho jack o lantern will care?!
Nope, all he will see is a democrat that hates his fucking guts.
I am more concentrated on becoming a Canadian in the future.
Shitler has compromised judges , politicians, and the military. You're on your own, unfortunately.
This is this an authoritarian regime. This is not business as usual.
Bluesky is so much more thoughtful than Twitter. I like you people way more 🩵☺️
It will have a chilling effect on modest users sharing their voices.
You’re amplifying a fear of speaking out
Not getting enough attention as a child could lead to becoming so narcissistic that you try inventing “watch what you say” online.
Lol nice shades
How many of these people are the same people who were melting down over AI scraping their posts?
If people are concerned about #privacy, they should be mindful of what they post, assume everything is permanent, and use encrypted/private platforms for sensitive discussions.
Are people that naive? Eeiishh!
I'm also not going to live like that for the rest of my life because I'm not a fucking insect.
They can destroy all of us and govern over nothing.
It's common knowledge, never post anything in a public web space that you don't want the world to know. The Internet has a long memory.
After you get done licking boots I got something else you can lick, fascist.
FUCK ICE, then! Seriously, fuck ICE and FUCK TRUMP.
If they can't pull stuff from the internet to justify my execution, I'm sure they'll make something up.
The death toll will be horrific.
It’s not illegal to protest, it’s not illegal to show ppl how other countries are standing up against their oppressors, it’s not illegal to criticize the government…
They should be denied service in cafes restaurants and shops
ICE are acting like the Stasi and Gestapo
I'm not going to stop speaking out though.
The US is not the world, and I reserve the right under 1A of the US Constitution to call the Dayglo Wankspangle an inept cunt, and Musk a moron.
Why are you trying to muzzle free speech?
My country spent 800 years being told what to think. I won't have it happen to anyone else.
It's guaranteed in the#Constitution.
It also tells you how derided (note I didn't say "Unpopular" your government is).
Be aware, by all means, but don't pretend that your laws, agencies, and functionaries apply to us.
Regards. The Rest Of The World. XXX
Your co-nationalists seem to think that they do.
The point of the post is not to "muzzle free speech" it's just trying to say "hey, don't say stupid incriminating shit on here if you don't want to get in trouble"
Is forever.
Will be there forever
It always feels like when the cops run those scam sign up events to catch outstanding warrant evaders. 😳😆
Hard pass.
Worrisome, too.
I also think it’s important to keep yourself safe.
Those of us living in a safe place - in my case, Europe - have a responsibility to advocate for those who have to remain quiet for their own wellbeing.
Stay focused, stay strong - together
I’m trying to find community support 😭
Please 🙏🏾 help share if you cannot contribute.
This is my last hope before I face a mental break down
( OP & links on my pinned )
Methinks something is going wrong in the USA
How did that work out, chucklehead?
#EndFascists #EndOligarchs #EndNeoliberals
throw caution to the wind and our internet traffic flows through the US..they will look at your data
I don't care about that bunch of racist pigs.
They say they are defending the citizens jobs, but they go against the immigrants instead of going against the companies that contract them
Is saying you would not mind someone dying of unjust violence the same as advocating for unjust violence?
Whatever conclusion you draw here, if logically consistent, reflects how you feel about the distinction between being indifferent to something and advocating for it.
Something I tolerate is not something I WANT, but it is something I can ACCEPT.
I don't think anybody should tolerate unjust violence, much less those who advocate for it or cause it themselves.
The moral permission to kill someone is proportional to their willingness to live under fascism.
The moral imperative to kill someone is proportional to their willingness to die in the name of fascism.
I do not have any desire to cause violence myself, but I cannot guarantee that everybody else here will not lack that will.
Heroes don't post shit, they do shit
When it comes time to answer for your worthless posts, or the fact that a majority of ppl would rather sit behind a screen while innocents are rounded up, detained, or killed, it speaks VOLUMES about how 🌎 is run by pussies who fear Death
Everybody thinks they're willing to fight, til they're not.
Everybody thinks they'll take a bullet, til the 🔫 come out.
Stand the fuck up, do ANYTHING more than nothing, or sit the fuck down, and forever hold your BS useless "peace and love" crap
I KNOW the FBI are a bunch of pussies. I know the Nazis are scared they might have to fight n 💀
And Society can't be silent exactly because of what you pointed out.
Cis woman, born with poor production of melanin here! I feel it's essential to add numbers to those who are able to not shut up.
The signers of the Declaration knew it was public and would be considered treason.
See how easy that is?
In my opinion they have better things to be handling like the felons at the heads of state. Going after the "little fish" because we know when we School up we're more dangerous.
They can get fucked.
We are Anonymous
We do not forget
We do not forgive
We are legion
Expect us
Honestly tho they can just make up whatever they want about any of us and call it domestic terrorism. Not too hung up on such trifling things as FACTS.
What are your own concerns, and how will you deal with them ?
Yes, I'm aware that whatever opinions I share here may be monitored by govt agencies, and used later in some way.
Or not.
Most of us who followed the intel leaked by Edward Snowden in 2013 know this is possible, or even likely.
To be honest, I don't care.
oh, it will be a glorious day.
Fuck 45
I didn't flee here from Twitter. I don't feel comfortable on Facebook.
To be clear: I mean
a cancer cure!
For many people/countries this is already an existential fight.
Should we pretend this is somehow going to be won with words alone?
It's been fascist since before the large orange one got in.
FUCK TRUMP the useless criminal piece of shit.
FUCK this ignorant wannabe Nazi regime and all the delusional brainwashed idiots that support them.
An ACTUAL patriotic American.
Even long before the age of the internet all lefty activists had a mantra about this, “If they are pushing violence, they’re probably a cop”
cointelpro is still alive & (un)well.
fk pete hegseth
fk tulsi gabbard
fk vivik ramsa wamsa ramsa weeeee
fk donald trump
fk ICE terrorist faggots
fk the musk
fk their families, their friends, their kids, their citizen status, fk their intelligence and their bloodlines.
and fuck you
he sure hates our 1st Amendment press rights & …
I am unafraid. Like Amanda said, we will not eat your shit sandwich and beg for another bite.
Once again Tyler fascism wasn't defeated in a courtroom.
Also, Tyler was supposed to be a comma. But voice to text changed the comma to Tyler for whatever reason.
Hearing other people speak out encourages others to speak out.
I said what I said.😎
And every Intelligence agency that has archived what I’ve said should know:
Because I meant it.😏
No memes
No videos
No cartoons
No personal posts
I do not condone any of it and will not repost or click like.
They don’t care what most of us think or say bc they think they are omnipotent.
I am Freedom Forall Earth, and I am the voice for the voiceless.
If you’re not a target, it’s because you aren’t saying anything that matters
I did Nazi this coming.
Not that it'll make any difference when they do, given how they worship him and all.
-Clarence Darrow
... oh, and Fuck Musk and his poo poo pants nanny, Donny Dimento.
This IS the Fanta Fuhrer.
think this one is satire of “Saturn Devouring His Son” 🪐
Probably typed some iffy rants since Jan... Obviously advocating violence is wrong, hoping for a demise? Something entirely different 👍
Think it’ll be a while before Reform get a foothold over here 🙏 Starmer, … hopefully not into the Big Brother/Black bagging of non-entities like me?! ✌️✊💙🗽
Scare them into self regulation of their RIGHT to free speach...
UsA is russia 2.0
Thanks to trump and his Muppet Musk.
Save that for the archives!