Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) tells local reporters in North Kingston, RI that people need to "chill" about news (first reported by TPM) that he's considering voting for RFK Jr's confirmation. Says not telegraphing his vote, will wait for hearing.
Whitehouse just fried all good will he ever earned from me. He can go fuck himself sideways if he's going to be this undependable.
Hey, if one of my insane alt-right friends was trying to get confirmed and I was on the body of people who were supposed to do that, I'd somehow be sick that day.
Read the room Shelly.
There are things that RI needs from the Trump administration
Of course there are vaccine questions that need to be addressed
Guess what, folks.
That's why he's hearing from everyone.
There is now 70 cases of TB in Kansas.
We don't need to "chill out"
Shame on you!
What an arrogant out of touch ahole.
Sorry dude, you and all of Dem Leadership have lost, nuked any and all "trust me bro" consideration
He is an "arrogant out of touch ahole"
Is the one you want
rfk jr is a dangerous egomaniac
We will not chill.
You MUST vote no on the Kennedy nomination.
A yes vote from any Democrat would be disastrous for any hope of retaking Congress in 2026.
RFK Jr. is patently dangerous and unqualified. If that is not obvious to you then you haven’t been paying attention.
RFK Jr. is a nut who will get many Americans killed.
Oh, but don't let your reported friendship with that conspiracist get in the way of doing the right thing of protecting Americans.
Weak Democrats are failing us.
you are talking about OUR HEALTH not your former classmate's ego,
time to get a grip,
this is the future of the country's healthcare system, not some sort of frat pledge
you know who he is, what he believes, what can he possibly say now that makes him qualified to lead the NHS?
We should say - you are not fully certain because you do not know what backlash you will cause. So we are trying to make sure you know what backlash you will cause.
Instead of telling us to "chill", he should be saying he will vote NO on RFK Jr so we can spend our time on better fights.
This is not the freaking time to “chill”.
Read the room Senator. Geez.
But even that would be too cute by half. The guy is an unqualified psycho, no need to pretend to keep an open mind.
He's the SCOTUS conscience, no one's dug more on dark money and their corruption in Congress than he has.
Politics as usual is long gone
Truly shocking.
If he votes for RFK Jr, every preventable death that happens is on Whitehouse's hands, too.
A leader of health should rely on the facts,
Not talk nonsense and baseless attacks.
RFK’s theories are crazy and strained,
Perhaps it’s the dead worm lodged in his brain?
STOP the virtue-signaling. This is OUR HEALTH.
Kennedy is a huge risk to national health. Even if he tries obfuscating, WE CANNOT TAKE the RISK.
Period. End of story.
There is nothing he could say or do that would diminish the risk he poses to us.
End up in the deep freeze at this rate.
Nothing. There's no need to "wait for a hearing" on someone we already know is unqualified (and whose appointment is illegitimate anyway).
of him
And, really, Senator? "Chill"? wth
It's disgustng & mystifying that you would put yr personal tie to a dangerous crank abv the safety of 330mil Americans.
Reject #RFKJ
#Kennedy is a crank
He's been a champion of the rule of law.Please tell me this is a lie
He’ll, he should resign if that is the case.
At least, that's how legacy media tells me this works.
There is not a single valid reason to vote for
Him or keep the vote hidden.
Any Dem that votes for him should be forced to immediately resign. , I am a RI voter, in Cranston. Supporting RFK, Jr. is unacceptable. He's dangerously unqualified and otherwise just dangerous! He may be your friend, but that doesn't make him qualified or capable. HIS. IGNORANCE. WILL. KILL. PEOPLE.
Pressure him. I mean, RFK Jr? Really? No.
RFK is a weapons grade idiot. There’s no need to wait and see on someone with such a public legacy.
He's talking so casually about a nominee who, if confirmed, will actually get children killed. He did it once, he'll do it again
And no one even tried to help Dick Durbin find a bloody verb!
At some point Democrats need to be democracy focused, not complicitly chill
Children die. That’s what happens.
H/T and