I'm afraid it's just another women-being-killed-by-unhappy-men series. Is it more than that? The books were enough to make me unhappy about my fondness for serial killer series.
Buahahahaha. Minus a plot discrepancy or 2 (ahem, people from DC don't just be hanging out at Ben's Chili Bowl like that!) it's well worth the listen (i.e., watch) 🙃
I have to say that I tried to watch it this weekend and failed. I am huge fan of Hodges from his days on Leverage and I realised that I just can’t deal with the serial killer themes these days plus it started too dark
They are affraid of taking a stance on lighting. 😞 Or they are very proud to take a stance on lighting. And that is their stance. Most show runners agree on that stance. It's a stance. Nvm
I keep finding myself raising the brightness of my tv, and then everything is slightly washed out but it must be how they want me to experience the show!
I don't understand this at all. There are so many ways to convey darkness while still providing enough lighting. A classic example is the Battle of Helms Deep in LOTR. It's a battle, fought in the night, yet there is clarity of all that occurs visually. It's great.
Closed captions let me know of dialogue that I never could hear/understand. Unfortunately, nothing adds more light to poorly lit scenes. Does it really matter if I know who was just assaulted in that scene? The directors clearly think that often I don’t.
Right? What is that all about?? I understand that they don't have to utilize a certain amount of light to expose film any longer, but it would sure be great if your audience could see what is happening!
I think the actors were phenomenal. I think the twists were exceptional. But for some reason, I can't give it an A or 4 Stars. A solid 3 stars and a B+ for me.
I trust dialogue confirms to modern standard and is delivered in mutters and whispers too? So you need to turn on the subtitles regardless of hearing ability?
That's why I stopped watching the original CSI. I couldn't understand their issue with light. They may have actually found more evidence if they hit a light switch every now and again...
I used to get irritated when people would be lying in bed sleeping and you could see them so clearly. They'd turn off the lights and it was still bright. Then shows started showing darkness realistically and I TAKE IT BACK. PLEASE BRING BACK THE FAKE DARKNESS.
The other thing annoys me on some shows/films is the bad sound mix for dialouge. Are directors not telling actors to enunciate..there is a lot of mumble..mumble..mumble..
I get it, directors have a new toy and they can get away with cheap sets if they film in the dark, but if I want to watch it in the middle of the day and can’t get the room dark I’m going to turn it off If I can’t see anything!!
Working on a 12-step program to cure Amazon Prime addiction in all forms. I live in a place where shopping options are slim. Dear God, do I have to walk into a Costco?
I truly believe they have fired all the LIGHTING DIRECTORS. Because they didn’t want to pay them. Just like they fired all the illustrators and replaced them with CGI designers to avoid paying THEM
Does it get any better than the 1st 15 minutes? I couldn’t get over the tropiest of tropes with a dying wife and a racist white guy in the interrogation room. The dialogue was so bad I had to go. I’ve loved Aldis Hodge for years but couldn’t watch this 😭
I thought of your previous tweets about dark shows when I tried watching it for this very reason.
I was so excited for a series with Aldis Hodge!
For the first few minutes I thought 'Oh, this must be a flashback' but the lighting never changed. The lighting never changed...
Enjoying it. But yes..another show that just allows entire scenes to be in darkness. But at least it is a show, where I can actually hear the dialogue in above special effects & incidental music. Some shows are just impossible that way
I watch everything with descriptive audio and closed captions now. Tired of not being able to see or hear anything. Granted, my hearing is going, but my eyes are 20/20.
I've read a bunch of the Patterson novels so I'm not sure if this story is based on one of the books - don't think so. It's a good series so far - 2 more episodes to watch. One thing that is cool to me - it was filmed in the city where I grew up - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada! #hamiltonontario
It was it tied up loose ends but still left meat on the bones for a season 2. All the twist and reveals were legitimately shocking. Well done all around
I've restarted the first episode four times. I already use closed captions so I don't miss words, but I need something to tell me what I'm trying to see.
Good to know. I thought for the longest time my vision was just bad and then other people started confirming it just wasn’t me. I saw the movie “Zero Dark Thirty” at the Drive-Ins and after 40mins in I never saw another thing lol .
I jsut read about Amazon promoting the whole facts thing of there being only two genders and that he is gonna pay to round up all the mentals with their make believe stuff and put them away
I thought it was me! I kept saying aloud "What's up with the lighting?!". Outside scenes were barely better than inside scenes...dim yellow bulbs everywhere.😐
I've long suspected that the darkness issue is directors and color designers working to produce streaming friendly films and shows. A reduced color palette makes it easier to aggressively compress the video thus optimizing it for streaming. Reducing the number of colors makes for boring art!
I’ve been retired for over 4 years, so I’m a bit out of the loop with advances in lighting tech, and I never worked on features, so my knowledge of those types of lighting rigs is sketchy, but nothing in the world of feature/top end TV drama is cheap when it comes to kit, be it lighting or cameras
Thanks for the insight! Shows are becoming unwatchable over this lighting issue. The Sopranos found a way to let us know they were dark and gritty while still allowing us to see the characters and setting.
Ugh, this is like the cinematography version of a kid getting a new box of crayons with a spectacular new shade they utterly fall in love with and they make EVERYTHING that color, whether it fits or not
I call it the CW effect.... all their shows were shot so dark that it was basically a radio drama... also fitting the CW effect are horrible actors that are very pretty..
Director: The mood here should be dark.
Lighting guy: (Turns off lights)
Director: I was talking to the actors.
Lighting guy: Sorry, I'm on my lunch break.
I did watch it over two week days, during the day, though.
Cause otherwise it's subtitles and darkness!
My money my ONLY choice
do they not think we don't want to see what is happening????
i don't understand 😫
I was so excited for a series with Aldis Hodge!
For the first few minutes I thought 'Oh, this must be a flashback' but the lighting never changed. The lighting never changed...
(See what I did there? 🤭)
Me, last week: Cross is too dark, I'm just going to start Midsummer Murders over, again, again.
Making it hard to watch makes it hard to like
I am not into it.
Great story, can’t see shit.
Lighting guy: (Turns off lights)
Director: I was talking to the actors.
Lighting guy: Sorry, I'm on my lunch break.
More recently, any of the Harry Potter movies will knock me out.
At least I think it was the lighting bc I liked the books.