Musk is an absolutely depraved and evil man. Defending Stalin, Hitler, and Mao in order to justify firing VA nurses and park rangers? How does one come to hate civil servants so much? Insane, and dangerous.
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He hates government because it gets in his way. Damn those pesky regulations for the "common good" and the people who enforce them. Lord Commander Elon should be free to enact his will in all things!
Maybe we really need to look at the nature of resentments, as I read this as Musk's resentment at some admin state person telling him "No" in something. Probably why he and other broligarchs fit into the sort of resentful tear-it-down template with arrested development.
And my DOGE bros will seek out and find those individuals in government who we think might do the right thing if we need them . We will add contract providers if we can't find enough that can be bent to my will.
This also signals to any of his employees, and any cops/ice agents, DOGE people etc that he would throw them under the bus as soon as any blame is pointed towards himself. (not that there would be any doubt this would happen beforehand).
To the extent he's right, it was "civil servants" analogous to Musk and RFK pushing counterproductive and malicious policies.
It's impossible not see the parallels between failed agricultural policies causing famine and failed health policies causing disease, or callous withdrawal of lifesaving aid.
All billionaires are - that is how they became billionaires. If they had ever had a conscience or a moral compass, they would have never gotten that wealthy.
"How does one come to hate civil servants so much?"
Well, it's a combination of them getting in Musk's way, say the SEC or the FAA, and the simple fact that government bureaucrats are an easy target for the voter base who don't understand or appreciate what they do.
The trick is, you can't. Hate is a finite resource, and at the end of the day it demonstrates you care. What is at play here is indifference (to everything but himself).
And this is absurd. So many of the murderers in these regimes were not career civil servants, but political toadies who jumped over existing cadres of civil servants because they could implement their dictator's will quickly.
Yes! And it was generally secret police doing the bulk of the murdering (unless you count starvation!) because they were personally loyal to the leader and didn’t have the pesky codes and hierarchy of the military. Paramilitary forces ≠ civil service. Yikes, Elon.
Wildt is very good at examining how the SS drew in a variety of disaffected young professionals and one of the draws was service in the SS allowed them to leapfrog ahead of a traditional career path.
I’m less well-versed in the CCP, but same general mechanic in Peronist Argentina and some iterations of Soviet enforcement. It’s enough of a playbook—boosting zealous, young “disrupters” for your own ends—that I can only imagine Elon’s aware & is trying to muddy the waters early with doublethink.
I remember a time when tweeting, or just re-tweeting, something like this would be an absolute career killer. Now? MAGA doesn’t care. That makes it clear it isn’t about morals or the welfare of others. It’s about power.
What he and Trump and Bannon hate is that these people collectively have some power. They can slow down the plans of a dictator. That's why they want to fire everyone they can and staff every position they can't with a loyalist. They want the entirety of the admin to express the dictator's will.
What’s going on is class hatred. Musk and his like have a class hatred of public workers and academics. And they pursue dekulakization of the class enemy or, indeed, a Maoist cultural revolution, driven by feverish hate.
Musk is nazi scum! His family were Nazis that fled to South Africa after they lost the war. I wonder how many workers his family killed in their undafe mines.
I believe the promise from Trump was every dollar you cut from government can go towards tax cuts. So the math in Musk's head is just would I rather this money go somewhere else or to me?
Elon Musk grew up in a country in which the highly corrupt government of his childhood had one overriding goal -- to serve him and people like him, and to oppress everyone else, who made up the vast majority of the nation. That's his framework for how government should work.
Sometimes the tweet really is mightier than the sword. As unhinged and detestable as he is, there's still enough angry ignorants in this country for him to amplify his voice. He's dangerous. And the longer we give him a platform, the more trouble we're breeding for our future selves.
The depravity deepens every day. US standings in the world is sinking everyday. This is not going to end will if the racists in charge of the government is not stopped.
Without context, I interpreted this so differently. I thought of this post defending legitimate civil servants, when compared to the likes of Musk, the DOGEbros, and all the MAGA loyalists who are replacing them.
Here is the interesting bit. On Twitter this snapshot is hard to find, and there are no comments. On Bluesky easy to find. I guess that is what Musk meant when he said he wants free speech.
Their viewers are fully inculcated. For them, federal workers are AT BEST worthless, at worst actively trying to destroy America/conservatives/Jesus/etc
Tbh he knows absolutely fuck all about them or the evil they bestowed on the world because…. HE DOESNT CARE. He just likes the big tough guy autocrat approach. Masculinity they call it in America
He doesn’t hate them. They are just useful scapegoats to his end. For decades the right wing media has spewed this “government is evil and responsible for your miserable lot in life” crap to win elections. Now they’re channeling that to loot the government. Don’t think Hitler; think Hans Gruber.
Replace ‘public sector workers’ with ‘cops’ in the original tweet though and you get a great illustration of horseshoe theory. Musk’s coming awfully close to tweeting ‘ACAB’ here.
And it's a lie. The SS wasn't part of the state military. It was an organization of the Nazi Party. They typically relied on parallel institutions loyal to them which competed with the state institutions. Musk is paving the way for these parallel institutions. The way he is a parallel president.
My layman's sense is that like Trump, Musk lacks the capacity to feel compassion. Since the majority of us do have compassion, we don't recognize that lack in other people.
Does that mean 1) if he doesn’t pull the trigger and only orders his cronies to do it, he is innocent? 2) is that a not-so-veiled threat against resisters? And yes the obvious denialism
Because not a single iota of his being understands anything about being of service to others. He is pure, hateful narcissism. It is an incurable personality disorder.
My theory is that the MAGA construct requires an enemy. Now that they own both houses, the presidency and the world’s richest men, there is no one left to vilify.
Nothing Musk has done shows any regard for the welfare of others. From racist harassment at his companies to known defective launch blast shields that pollute wildlife reserves to cars that are put together with masking tape … the man is garbage
It's worse than that.
He doesn't hate these people. He doesn't care about them one way or another.
This is just a fun way for him to assert his power.
Remember, this is a creep who whispered "I am the alpha" in his wife's ear during their wedding dance.
It gives me a lump in my throat, remembering all the independent contractors that stormed the beaches of Normandy to defeat those public sector employees, too.
We owe those boys everything that is specifically stipulated in their contracts and not a penny more...🫡
This pbly is part of the Gleichschaltung effort, intimidating civil servants so they don't dare to dissent.
Those firings look very much like what Hitler did with his "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service".
His privilege and wealth means he views anyone not in his "class" as being staff, the hired help, replaceable underlings to be abused and treated with contempt like some British aristocrat shitting on the servants in their Downton Abbey-like home. He's imported that corporate ethos to government.
So having a repost is now how Musk is able to roll with continued 24/7/365 everyday? Again this man is running on fumes and even Nero on his best days (he had many of those) could orate for 3 hours including singing, then run a Chariot race standing-up with 8 horses running full throttle. Musk heh
So ET are going to do it with private sector workers? Already have private sector prisons.
(ET=Elon Trump; when they launch to Mars, it will revert to extra- terrestrial.)
And yet, inexplicably, the very minute that Stalin, Hitler and Mao croaked, the crimes stopped, whilst the public sector workers, again inexplicably, went on to flourish in their respective countries...
If I may, "How does one come to hate . . . so much? Insane, and dangerous.", it's a combination of neurobiology and factors in environmental child & adolescent development.
Ok, let's paraphrase it: Elon & Donald don't kill millions of people themselves. It's all with the willful compliance of their minions whom the appointed as public service workers killed on their behalf.
It's very simple
Fascist regimes need an internal enemy to blame for all their problems. A hatred that can unify their poorly educated supporters.
Illegal immigrants are a dodgy one for Musk as he once was one, so he shifted the blame onto Federal Employees paid out of taxes that people hate paying.
Also a dog whistle to Holocaust deniers. Specifically the intentionist kind.
“There was never an intent to systematically kill Jews. It was bad actors in the East who exceeded their authority “.
He does not hate them he simply has no personal need for them and therefore will shut off the oxygen to that part of the Mars base for maximal efficiency.
He scares the hell out of me, my mom was a special ed teacher and had kids like this so far on the spectrum that they lacked empathy or other human conditions.
Just setting up the excuses in advance that he, RFK and Trump aren’t responsible for any consequences of their own directives. “We were just issuing orders!”
Like Trump, Musk is an inveterate liar. His lies about migrants voting are one example, and trying to smear public servants is another. His deflection notwithstanding, it is MUSK who is ignoring the law and victimizing people all over the country, exactly like authoritarians Stalin, Hitler and Mao.
I mean.... He does have a point. People just following orders committed all the atrocities. This is important. Trump and Musk can do nothing without the compliance of other people - and they're getting it from those who agree with them, and all they need to succeed is "for good men to do nothing".
A glib but STUPID attempt to drown someone in a saucer of water! Yes, it's factually true that Stalin, Mao & Hitler didn't themselves murder millions, but as the heads of their governments, what did they do to stop the wholesale massacres of citizens? Or is that not a government's responsibility?
To the extent that the post is true, it's because they fired all the public sector workers who would obey the law or even common decency and replaced them all with lackeys who would do whatever they asked. It's a good think Musk/Trump aren't doing tha....Oh, wait!
It's placing the blame on the people carrying out the orders. It's Elon's way of turning the hate and anger at his actions to those doing as he tells them to. Which is a HUGE sign the doers need to STOP. Those carrying his water will be prosecuted when this insanity comes to an end.
He will be too, unless he takes a page from his idol, one Adolf Hitler. Based on past behavior though, I suspect he will go the way of Stalin (he is a huge coward).
It is embarrassing that so many people on the lefts only real problem with fascism is what color armbands they are wearing. Mass murder is bad when anyone does it, people.
Elon Musk is a classic sociopath. Zero empathy. He will literally destroy the lives of millions just to achieve his ends.
Feeling really guilty about, but DAMN.
Hope you're happy with your clickbait.
It's impossible not see the parallels between failed agricultural policies causing famine and failed health policies causing disease, or callous withdrawal of lifesaving aid.
Well, it's a combination of them getting in Musk's way, say the SEC or the FAA, and the simple fact that government bureaucrats are an easy target for the voter base who don't understand or appreciate what they do.
It's been clear for a long time that he has no decency, but something like this?
Dass der kein Anstand hat ist schon lange klar aber sowas?
Just like DOGE
The DOGElings fit this profile in too many ways for comfort.
Who are Ukraine's neo-Nazi Azov Battalion? | The Independent
It is like a Evil trap
| |
`<----------It was the leader<------------'
Add to that his threats to cut-off Starlink, and he's got nothing.
Unless he completely reverses all of this, he's done. Just a matter of time now.
I've long seen the "good German" defence of they were just following orders.
But this is the first time I've ever seen the inverse of they were doing it in spite of their leaders.
Obvs you don’t consume RWM
Listen to RW talk, pods, Fox
They’ve been banging this drum for YEARS
Their viewers are fully inculcated. For them, federal workers are AT BEST worthless, at worst actively trying to destroy America/conservatives/Jesus/etc
What an insane thing to post and for neo Nazi to repost.
But you wouldn't know anything about that
People are saying…” did that”..
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
He doesn't hate these people. He doesn't care about them one way or another.
This is just a fun way for him to assert his power.
Remember, this is a creep who whispered "I am the alpha" in his wife's ear during their wedding dance.
We owe those boys everything that is specifically stipulated in their contracts and not a penny more...🫡
Those firings look very much like what Hitler did with his "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service".
(ET=Elon Trump; when they launch to Mars, it will revert to extra- terrestrial.)
How is this the person that the media held up as the smartest man in the world?
Fascist regimes need an internal enemy to blame for all their problems. A hatred that can unify their poorly educated supporters.
Illegal immigrants are a dodgy one for Musk as he once was one, so he shifted the blame onto Federal Employees paid out of taxes that people hate paying.
“There was never an intent to systematically kill Jews. It was bad actors in the East who exceeded their authority “.
JFC how is anyone willing to continue to advertise on his site or do business with him?
— signed, a federal employee who chose to sacrifice income in order to serve the greater good
They were all crazed idealist rebellions, sort of like those Twitter culters.
“Hitler didn’t kill millions of people, the public sector employees did. I’m Rudolf Hess, and I endorse this message.” And Blue Lives Matter, right??? Life lives mostly in the nuance.