We need to wear them down before they wear us down! Stop shopping Maga supported corporations, don’t buy cars if at all possible, don’t spend tourism money, don’t fly unless absolutely necessary, and KEEP continue being LOUDER than them!
Peaceful protest by students in support of their sciences departments at my university today. Wish it were safe to post a picture. Made me smile. Young people are going to get some of the very worst impacts of the destruction of public institutions. We need to protest for them.
Trump, Musk, Doge, Vance, ETC who do not love the United States and the well being of American ppl need to vacate IMMEDIATELY! We need to take back the country we love and these low life’s need to vacate. They have shown they have NO LOVE for us. The only thing they love is lining their pockets!
🚨 Thousands at the Lincoln Memorial fighting for SCIENCE & FACTS!
💥 Truth matters – and Americans are DONE with lies!
🤯 Will the White House listen, or keep ignoring reality?!
⚠️ SHARE & FOLLOW – Don’t let them silence the truth!
I love protesting! I love the speakers, the camaraderie, the energy, and meeting new, aligned friends. There is real safety and security in real numbers. Proudest of those who do it alone or in tiny groups. They’re the committed brave ones.
I was at a beautiful march for science and a couple of researchers were holding a walking lab meeting the whole time. I think they designed a full experiment while standing up to the dick billionaires. #efficiency #scienceforthewin
We have learned a valuable lesson. No more free from prosecution in the oval office. You are an American citizen elected to a term. That person should be held to the same standard as any American citizen.
Wonderful but at what point will this be in mass? I've done 2 & will do more but protesters will grow tired. Dems are worried about violence if it's too organized in advance & martial law if it becomes violent. Either way they win. I'm glad they are there. Hopefully it inspires others.
Amazing to see so many passionate advocates for science and truth gathered at the Lincoln Memorial! Standing up for science is crucial in today's world, where facts are often disputed and research is underfunded.
Stunning Timeline of Felon47/fElon normalizing Brazen Corruption. Firing and gutting of any and all regularory oversight protecting the rest of us-all at a dizzying rate. Daily shock and awe, just like Hitler. WAKE UP, AMERICA.🤬
If you cannot make it to the march, get on the phone, get on e-mail and tell your reps in DC to support science. It only takes few minutes and it doesn't cost any money. We don't need money in politics. We just need people participate. https://www.nationalfinancialplan.com
Mind-boggling. Science, technology, engineering, medicine have made such unimaginable leaps; yet Trump's administration is so regressive, stupid and ignorant that people are compelled to demonstrate to discourage dismantling of scientific study and application.
Trump is a termite in a wooden house.
I'm glad to see young people there. Last election made me lose hope in my generation due to a large portion of them, specially the frat type of bros, becoming MAGA.
YES! But remember Rallying & marches have little effect, random boycotts even less. General Strike! It’s the ONLY way to get noticed & effective https://generalstrikeus.com/
Thank you to all of the wonderful
fellow Americans that show up to protest. I wish I lived closer to DC and as I am near retirement I would have the time to show up frequently. I still send thanks to those doing this important work.
( I am retail boycotting from home)
Scientists made America what it is today. Without scientists, where would this country be? Think about it, everything we use started up as an idea and scientists made and evolved those products through R&D to make it a reality. Now many scientists may leave the USA as a hostile environment.
What's disturbing to me is that I rarely hear a peep about any demonstrations from the mainstream media. The big name outlets seem fairly closed-mouth when it reporting on stuff like this. It feels like a miracle they gave the anti-Vance protests in Vermont any attention.
Hi there, stand up for science put this particular protests out. Protests are not publicizing protests in mainstream media as they don't want us to see them. 50501 does protests, https://mobilize.us does local protests and Reuters live streamed this on youtube
If these would happen in front of the White House 24/7 the orange turd would be cowering in the bunker the entirety of the run of it's current infection.
Science is the foundation for many things in our lives: healthcare automobiles roads bridges planes weather forecasts food safety packaging economy farming and MUCH MORE…
People spent years studying to become proficient in STEM fields. Now they are being made the bad people.That's just wrong. Glad to see all the protester standing for science. It isn't always about making money . Read MICROBE HUNTERS PAUL de KRUIF as a kid. Instilled a love in science forever.
How sad has it become that we need to have "Stand up for Science" demonstrations. You know the rest of the world would be getting a really good laugh out of how stupid we've become if we hadn't also become so dangerous and unhinged.
We have to be diplomatic, because Musk rules the www with his satelites. I guess friendship between Trump and Musk will not last very long. Guess what will hapen?
DC is littered with white and pillared memorials, but I’ve gotta say, the Lincoln was my favourite by a mile. That huge sculpture of the man. Breathtaking. My second favourite was the vast bust of JFK in the Kennedy Centre. Now known as the KFC (Kennedy Fucked Centre) for one obvious reason.
Fellow Americans! Remember, Trump is NOTHING without his spineless, traitorous, cowardly, corrupt, and self-serving Republican enablers—Senators, Congress members, and Supreme Court justices.
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
Covid, bird flu, rsv, norovirus, measles, tuberculosis. The CDC guidelines have long since abandoned reality. These things can spread outdoors, especially in crowds.
Trump's alternate reality feeds on ignorance. The less you know, the more you'll swallow the lies fed to you. Science being in search of truth, it becomes an enemy for Trumpism. Since Trumpism values lies and subjugation over truth and freedom, you'll have to fight in order to keep liberty alive.
Wonderful turnout! We need to keep up the pressure against the onerous and horrific cuts to science and technology. Presently the US govt has abrogated its leadership role in promoting life saving drugs to others, and abandoning WHO. Can you believe China and Russia stepped in?
And this accomplishes what...does the Russian Asset, GOP Congressional Domestic Enemies who Putin give a shit...We need function action...to get Dem Leadership to fight back with a mandate to the military to follow the Oath to Defend the Constitution Against DOMESTIC ENEMIES.
Please sign and share.
We hold the power!
Hope we can continue ✊✊✊ by SIGNING/SHARING the declaration to #defendresearch from #censorship and erasure
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
🚨 Thousands at the Lincoln Memorial fighting for SCIENCE & FACTS!
💥 Truth matters – and Americans are DONE with lies!
🤯 Will the White House listen, or keep ignoring reality?!
⚠️ SHARE & FOLLOW – Don’t let them silence the truth!
Hope we can continue ✊✊✊ by SIGNING/SHARING the declaration to #defendresearch from #censorship and erasure
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
This is how democracies die.
Trump is a termite in a wooden house.
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
fellow Americans that show up to protest. I wish I lived closer to DC and as I am near retirement I would have the time to show up frequently. I still send thanks to those doing this important work.
( I am retail boycotting from home)
I was there!
We are in the dumbest timeline ever.
Say something..!!
Do something..!!
Hope we can continue ✊✊✊ by SIGNING/SHARING the declaration to #defendresearch from #censorship and erasure
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
Hope we can continue ✊✊✊ by SIGNING/SHARING the declaration to #defendresearch from #censorship and erasure
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
But glad these heroes were there to #resist
Congressman J Auchincloss gave a fabulous, short, clear speech:
If you want to do something, the most urgent task is to call everyone you know in Idaho and Louisiana
why ? Cause the Chairs of the relevant Senate committees , Crapo/Cassady, ar from those states
When will they ever learn?
Next time you VOTE, choose leaders who serve the public, NOT THEMSELVES. #VoteWisely
Bwahahahahaha! That will go over so many red hats 🤣🤣🤣
Hope we can continue ✊✊✊ by SIGNING/SHARING the declaration to #defendresearch from #censorship and erasure
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
Hope we can continue ✊✊✊ by SIGNING/SHARING the declaration to #defendresearch from #censorship and erasure
Join us and share widely #standupforscience: https://tinyurl.com/3bwuc38f bc #scienceforall is the only kind of science worth doing.
We are so screwed.
He lost, Harris won
When it matters, we really can unite.
I am 75 so don't break my chops, it ain't easy, but I would come out for "Fuck Religion"
Calling all veterans!
Time to suit up, so they shut up!