right wingers are like "you must never forget what The Left wants to do to you." and the thing they want to do to you is give you healthcare and make sure there isn't sewage in your drinking water
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in miami they had a sewage leak into our drinking water, we didn't get a notice until months later, and they never fixed it. They still have sewage in their water. People drink it and throw up then wonder why they're getting sick. Like don't you taste the SEWAGE??
When did progress become a bad thing? They hate progressives.. like yo- Donald trump wants to bring back COAL. Fucking coal. Love the taste of fly ash in the mornings??
right wingers are like "you must never forget what The Left wants to do to you." and the thing they want to do to you is Let Males dominate Women sports and make sure there isn't fire you for not taking experimental vaccines.
Little man... First off, you know you're ridiculous. You're trying to feel self-righteous so you can ignore the dissonance over hating a group of people for literally no reason. Second, if that was the ONLY problem with the left that we had to fix, I'd fucking take it over this shit show.
Yes let’s throw a fit over the what 2 people in woman’s sports . Fear mongering is old as fuck now. Experimental vaccines have saved lives maybe try a few days int eh iron lung and see how u feel after
And here lies the very crux of the fascist takeover. How can you reach voters who've been brainwashed to the point they are entirely disconnected from reality?
You remember as a kid being told that if you turn off the lights and whisper some ghost's name 3 times into a mirror, that the ghost appears behind you?
Your comments are full of this, but instead of a name you called out social ills, and instead of ghosts it is sexist dudes.
If you look back historically, it has been conservatives who have been violent--McVeigh bombing the federal building in OK City, Rittenhaus killing protesters in WI--the guy who ran over the protester in VA...
Ah, the trick of tyrants is to paint progress as chaos! They fear equality because it threatens their power. In my day, Tories said the same—calling liberty dangerous while clinging to privilege. Speak truth, expose lies, and fight for justice! #Resist #GuardLiberty
they're also always like "well would you say the n word if it would save a child's life? checkmate libs" but they're having the opposite hypothetical posed to them for real: "would you stop saying the n word if it would save society?" and they're like "absolutely not" lol
Wait, I thought we had reached a consensus that if saying that word was part of the procedure to disarm a murder device, the morally correct course of action is to produce the sound combination and then beat up whoever set it up that way.
And often overlooked portion of the problem to be quite frank. Someone had to have established this scenario and, after making the horrible decision we were forced into, we beat the shit out of them even if just for the catharsis of realizing people like that deserve it.
I always think the only correct response to a ridiculous bad-faith hypothetical on the internet is to troll the crap out of it
But between the gun control discourse and the basically-on-purpose measles outbreaks and this it's like dead kids are some kind of twisted fetish for these people...
It’s so weird that they think it’s a checkmate, too. Like obviously I would, but there’s no possible scenario under which that might occur. Other than one of them holding a gun to a child’s head and threatening to shoot if I don’t say it, I guess. Really doesn’t come up very often.
But like, is the checkmate supposed to be that I’d let a child die for my principles, or that there’s a situation in which I’d say a word I normally refuse to say? It really makes no sense. Rules can have exceptions. That’s like really basic preschool level ethics right there.
I mean, true, but also they lean on the freedom of speech for that so they do have that right but then so does everyone else. So I can call them fucknugget douchebag pieces of shit just as well
If only that were true. Had their chance in 09. What did they do? They saddled us with Obamacare and the world has been effed ever since. Mitch told Obama he would open up Medicaid. Obama Couldn't pass up the chance for the dems to loot 25% of the economy told him to eff off. Michigan run by dems.
Yeah but we make them feel like idiots for wanting not to have healthcare and to have sewage in their drinking water. So really, aren’t we the baddies here???
Neither the left or right care about you, or your health and quality of drinking water
They're all in the uniparty and the only people that care about you are people you know. Everything on TV is fake, acting
Oh it's so much worse. They want women to have rights over their own bodies! 😱 They want the disabled and POC to have equal rights and opportunities. 😱
Everything good in this country is a result of the left: social security, Medicare, 40 hr work week, child labor laws, etc.
Americans are really stupid - uneducated, ignorant.
The LEFT is brainwashing our children with marxist thought control conditioning in public schools, we're actually supposed to be drinking chunky toilet sludge in our tap water, it's natural just like jesus said when he wrote the bill of RIGHTS. Not WRONGS or LEFTS.
The problem is that they vehemently believe that the lives of others are worth less than a slight inconvenience to themselves. That’s really all there is to it. It’s literally a difference of paying a dime to allow people to live or not and let them die because they “earned that dime.”
Property over people. They value stuff more than the lives of literally anyone else. It is the cornerstone of conservatism. Individual "success" over all. If it helps anyone else, they won't do it. If it helps them and hurts others, who cares? Certainly not them.
Sad thing is, it’s not even property over people. People are just another form of property to them, but cheaper and they believe that if it doesn’t produce the thing they want it to it’s defective and deserves to be trashed.
Chuck Schumer: I too am afraid of those people we should work together! No? I can go fuck myself, you'll never vote for my party and you're going to try and kill my family? Haha ok sounds great
There was a video of drunk frat guys jumping on the roof of a car in my college town. A commenter said “they must be upset since our town is now an official safe haven for trans people, don’t blame them.”
No. Right wingers don't want your views pushed down their collective throats. Examples would be CRT, DEI, LGBTQ, ESG, etc. They do not want your violence when things don't go your way. Your party FORCES people to accept your views which is why we will always be divided. Stop lying
You forgot accusing Jews of being baby killing genocidal colonizers [somehow of our own homeland] and refusing to vote for a meh but moderate candidate (Harris) because of those false accusations, and allowing a racist, fascist right wing tyrant (Trump) to win.
Sounds like a terrifying agenda—clean water and not going bankrupt over a doctor’s visit?
Better watch out… the next thing they’ll want is education and snacks!
Not only that, we want that for EVERYONE, not just the left. But no, they'd rather stomp the whole idea into dust and keep paying out the ears for things the rest of the world doesn't have to, and all the while laugh about "owning the libs". Nah, my dudes, that's a big self-own right there...
And force women to admit men into their single-sex spaces. And release criminals back onto the streets. And replace white people with brown people. And admit endless numbers of illegal aliens. And, and, and...
I voted for Harris and abortion was a big reason, but I've got schadenfreude for the panic of the woke, and I can enjoy the things he's doing that I like. Republicans are bad. Wokeness is poison and death.
Of course. The worst of the trans activists are rabid misogynists, furious and resentful at women because they can never be women, and therefore seeking to push them out and take their places.
There is a big (50') sign on a rural 1.5 hours outside Seattle fence describing how Democrats are enemies of the American people. Literally every thing this moron wrote applies to the Trump party. These are the stupidest people alive and I look forward to them being immiserated by their Dear Leader.
Every diehard Trump fan deserves losing their SS, healthcare, ability to pay bills, everything. They wanted this for everyone else and it's one small measure of justice that at least they'll also feel the pain they're so desperate to inflict on others. My disdain of these people will never end.
My favorite is when they send me flyers like “the democratic candidate will …” and it’s like a list of my wildest dreams.
Then we elect that guy & literally nothing changes
right wingers have no solutions but the left people keep making mistakes. here in Michigan we had the Flint water crisis describe as a fight between a GOP governor and Dem mayor. There was a repair in place that would have protected people but Dems wouldnt let outside company take the contract.
It's also important to remember we don't have a perfect solution. I don't know how to describe this in so few characters, but think of our trajectory like a bus route. We're not getting to our destination immediately, but each stop should be taking us to a better place.
That said... Yeah, the Dems are only "left" in comparison to GOP insanity. And that drinking water situation should've been fixed YEARS ago and I'm so pissed you're all still having to deal with it.
Stop falling for this fake left right garbage. It’s .01% vs the other 99.99% of the rest of us. It’s all one uniparty. They want those on bottom red rung of the ladder fighting to keep those on the blue dirt fro getting on the ladder. As long as it keeps any of us from trying to climb the ladder
Republicans vote to make other people worse off.
That’s it.
Your comments are full of this, but instead of a name you called out social ills, and instead of ghosts it is sexist dudes.
you receive: bird flu prevention
idk seems like a fair trade
Similarly, the real solution to lifeboat problems is supplying the thing well enough for the population that will need it.
But between the gun control discourse and the basically-on-purpose measles outbreaks and this it's like dead kids are some kind of twisted fetish for these people...
GOP: Would you say the N word if it would save a child's life? Checkmate libs
LITERALLY everyone else: Would you use the correct pronoun if it would save a child's life?
GOP: I can identify people however I want
Me: Fair, but then you can't be mad when we identify you as a bigot
They're all in the uniparty and the only people that care about you are people you know. Everything on TV is fake, acting
Freedo Madvocate.
Americans are really stupid - uneducated, ignorant.
Conservatism is a mental illness.
Conservatism is a mental illness.
The fundamental trutg of reactionary politics is that people below you in the hierarchy are subhuman, and must be treated as such.
It is the one thing they believe in.
Sounds like a terrifying agenda—clean water and not going bankrupt over a doctor’s visit?
Better watch out… the next thing they’ll want is education and snacks!
#FlavorOfFacts #StayHydratedStayHealthy #OHYEAHH
Next, they'll want functional infrastructure.
You know the ones.
Funny you care about misogyny while supporting a regime that is actively taking women's rights away
Wokeness isnt slashing funding to disease research
Wokeness isnt planning to raid social security, food programs and medicine for the most vulnerable of us
I'll give you 1 guess who is
The horror of everyone having their needs met and human dignity and equal rights.
Ffs. These mediocre, old, white men suck.
Opposite sides of the same coin.
Then we elect that guy & literally nothing changes
I also wanna make sure you have free education and food.
Also, already no sewage in drinking water so 'The Left' is halfway there!
Me: I wasn't planning on it. In fact, I'd rather prefer we go back to what they wanted to do to me over this garbage.