One of the people who got their sentenced commuted by Biden was one of the Kids-for-Cash judges who accepted kickbacks in exchange for sentencing over 2,500 kids to a for-profit prison.
Some of the kids ended up taking their own lives.
These sentences had a devastating impact on them.
One of the people who got their sentenced commuted by Biden was one of the Kids-for-Cash judges who accepted kickbacks in exchange for sentencing over 2,500 kids to a for-profit prison.
Some of the kids ended up taking their own lives.
These sentences had a devastating impact on them.
They had to tone it down because it was too absurdly evil and people wouldn't believe it.
Please consider slinking back into whatever cave you hid in during your public humiliation
Biden commuted the sentences of about 1500 people who were released on house arrest due to Covid.
So I guess how much do y'all think he paid?
I understand this take, it just seems like accepting it w/o evidence makes no sense. A politician pardoned someone, risking backlash... on accident? 🙃
This was not an individual decision but a categorical act of clemency.
Ali is dishonestly omitting that context to farm outrage.
The judge has served 13 yrs of a 17.5 yr sentence; he was on home confinement before Biden took office; and he would have received a lesser sentence if charged under today's laws and policies.
All those pardoned meet criteria set forth in a WH stmt.
I'm not interested in defending the merits of the pardon, I was just trying to pass along some facts from the article that perhaps add context.
Regardless of the facts you note, this was a dreadful decision by the administration.
The idea that his sentence would be shorter under today's laws and policies really doesn't matter to you?
Liberals usually support pardons/commuting sentences for weed offenders now that policies changed, for example.
The principle that "it's not fair to treat two defendants differently just because one got sentenced later" is easy to see with weed cases, but there are lots of others. I'm just using it to establish the principle.
A principle exists in two cases. It's easy to see in one. I mentioned weed offenders for the principle.
Fairness means you treat old defendants like new ones. It's about the system, not him.
And he has been living at home since 2020. What punishment are we really continuing to inflict?
B) Some of those children were messed up so bad they took their own lives. Few will ever be the same.
C) He is an absolute monster. Not everyone deserves to be rehabilitated.
Fuck this pig. He was entrusted with institutionalized power, and destroyed the lives of many, many *children*
He should have been sent to his God
The guy who's about to take office is a child rapist. He was Epstein's best friend, 67 pictures of the two together, etc.
And a woman accused him a few years ago of raping her when she was 13, but she dropped her suit due to death threats.
I say no. So I'm not really sure what more is actually lost here. The horse was let out of the barn during COVID. 🤷🏾♂️
It's not like we had the guy in Gitmo and Biden made us stop waterboarding him.
I think the home confinement detail is significant if you care, as I do, about retribution.
Biden goes and DOES this with the whole UHG thing still at the public forefront.
Democrats prove energy that they are no better than republicans
I'm waiting for some (D) pundit/apologist to explain why this was the right thing to do.
What the actual tap-dancing Jeebus fucking fucking fuck the fuck Biden?
All those people were facing returning to prison.
This was not an individual clemency decision.
But yes, he was eligible under a broadly instituted program is response to COVID.
This sometimes happens when you institute broad programs, some shitty people benefit.
Every term, every president gives out the wildest pardons to the most evil and unambiguously guilty people without any pushback. We never question why and there's zero chance it's not shady every single fucking time.
When the (admittedly awful) judge was sentenced, the guidelines recommended x years. The guidelines have been revised and the commutation reflects the updated guidelines.
We want sentences to reflect updated guidelines, not just for people we like.
Justice applies, even to people you don't like. And if you don't like Biden signing this list, feel free to curse at the ACLU.
They still opt to only help themselves and their friends.
Biden is gonna ensure nobody wants to vote for Democrats ever again.
that would be justice.
but yeah I absolutely trust you and others with similar experiences and opinions as yours to find the right kind of punishment for this fucko
Fuck off, Yashar.
Go back to X dumbass!
JFC we fucking warned yall....
The sentencing guidelines were revised since the original sentence was given, and the commutation applies parity.
Justice isn't just for the people we like. Remember that when Trump starts.
Btw, your mention of vaccines is a red herring since Bernie has never been anti vaccines.
Are you able to read?
Harris could never shake the terrible positions she took on 19 trying to appeal to Bernie Bros.
GTFO of here with your revisionist, baseless bullshit lmfao
Also, you're falling for ragebait.
You should read the article.
Aaaand into the trash your idiotic opinions go, lmfao
The Bernie Sanders fan club would be better off if they stopped pretending he and Trump are outsiders. They have secure jobs and healthcare for life.
In reality you're just another ignorant dumbass spouting bullshit and then strutting around like you won something. Go away lol
Any chance that you’ll back off?
The damage is done.
Biden had to bow out.
I’m sure you were delighted.
Maybe slow down on the bashing.
Salt on the wound.
You won.
He will never be in politic again.
I am a never-Republican voters but Biden is a piece of shit for this and I hope his son gets re-arrested.
He was not exactly serving hard time here people.
We want consistency here and going forward.
An adequate sentence for him would have to include at least as much total jail time as he sentenced them to, in addition to any financial compensation and his co-conspirators paid the victims or their families.
And jailing kids isn't nonviolent.
His sentence was commuted because the sentencing guidelines were revised.
It’s yes or no, any additional words = no.
Come on Yashar. This was a broad good that, yes, benefited some shitty people as well.
That's the price for implementing broad social good policies.
It's the same mentality "We shouldn't do this good thing because some shit people may benefit."
Yeah, that happens sometimes. It's one of the risks.
2. Going through 1,500 individual situations would take months. Biden has less than 6 weeks left in office.
If you implement a broad policy for the social good some shit people may benefit.