The next guest on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s podcast: Steve Bannon.
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The picture of Newsom next to Bannon looks like a before and after picture showing the deleterious effects of fascism.
Remember when moderates were saying he should run in 2028?
These look like the same guy, just one is mad + got his image widened 10%
They even have the same shitty haircut.
wondering about the circulating of an unaltered advertisement for the show?

aren’t we criticizing people who platform nazis? 😳
fuck these assholes
I'm so tired.
The problem now is we all live in media echo chambers. Do you think any conservative will ever hear from Newsom if all he does is skeet here and show up for CNN town halls?
I’ve lost all support for him.
Early clue
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No. Fucking. Way.
It's amazing how instantaneously my opinion of Gavin Newsom went from admiration to disgust. Or is this an early April Fool's joke?
Good chance so Republicans will finally hear another version than just Truth social or Newswire...
Oh okay so he’s just stupid
No, he's also a shitty Batman villain
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This is a picture that would be awesome if both the people in it didn’t suck
Two things:

1) Money is wasted on the rich.
2) Money doesn’t buy class.
#Newsome kissing on Bannon?
Now I get the whole #KimberlyGhoulfoyle thing.
That's the Trumpiest shit I've ever seen.
Kim Guilfoyle is really the only red flag we should have needed to see to know Newsom
What on earth is he thinking?
I’m so glad he’s removing himself from any political future.
You’ve Got To be 💩 me!
For what good remains in this country, I hope the DNC doesn't force this man through the 2028 Primary.
Next week's guest: A School-Used Rifle!
I really don't like the idea of Newsom sane washing Bannon. But, if he challenges him and convinces some, then this could be something. Dems don't engage or challenge the right enough - we wont even go on Fox News. Instead, we let them spew without challenging any of it.
Did he challenge his first guest Charlie Kirk? I hope so.
I don’t know either. I hope so. Otherwise I don’t get it.
Nope, he instead agreed with Kirk as Kirk went on a transphobic tirade, and continued being transphobic with his next guest Michael Savage (Guy fired from MSNBC for asking a caller if he was a "Sodomite" and telling him to go die of AIDS when he said yes, among many other horrific things he's done)
Yikes. Damn.
Disappointing. Wasn’t expecting this.
This has to be a punchline. What a loser
Good. I never trusted the man. Now we know.
Wait wait wait, is this real?!? No way.
It isn't real.
He's officially shit the bed
I mean, I'd be OK with these types of guests (though Bannon is getting offensively scummy) if it's a no-holds barred debate of real direct challenges, like a Jon Stewart interview, and not some "both sides" kumbaya looking to please right wingers.
The governor of CA should not be hosting a Nazi on his podcast.
like a john stewart interview?
Yes. If Stewart had someone like Musk on his show (the invite was extended), Jon would roll him. He'd be a gracious host, sure, but it wouldn't be like having a couple beers between pals. Musk would be no match.
That's not what this is. You're fantasizing. Check out his interview with Charlie Kirk.
So no he should not be platforming Bannon but if you can’t see the play here then you’re being willfully obtuse. He’s not switching parties because he’s been staunchly Dem on HUGE issues.

He’s softly entering the Republican-man-o-sphere for 2028 so people can say “I heard him, he’s not that bad”
Is this real?
We'll he can't run for reelection but lashing yourself to a sinking ship full of fascists seems an odd choice ...
bold strategy Gavin!
Can we stop reaching across the aisle to neo-nazis. Is that too much to ask
MAGA is a literal cult. If you give a higher-up in a cult a platform, without taking steps to mitigate their efforts to spread fear and confusion and recruit more people/speak to their people, you are helping the cult.
He's chasing away the entire non-Republican voting base.
This is fake right?
Hell run as a Republican next
Fucking idiot
Why would he do that? He can be as openly fascistic as he wants, as long as he still runs as a Democrat, he'll still win thanks to "vote blue no matter who" voters
I hate Steve Bannon but plan to listen to the podcast to try to understand why people voted for Trump. Or how they whitewash his nonsense. I have never listened to the right podcasts or shows ever.
My fav lib vs conservative interview was when John Stewart took down Tucker Carlson.
Please don't give Gavin clicks, there's zero reason to listen to either of these guys.
David Berkowitz next week?
GUARANTEED he’ll have Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Zuckerberg, Dana White, Elon Musk and the rest of those lunatics by years end
Wait, what? Jesus Christ, no wonder everyone hates Democrats! Flip-flop, flippy, flip-flopping ass bitch.
Let me guess, Elon Musk next week 🤦‍♂️
What in the hell...
Does he really think he can run for president as a democratic…fascist?
Unless he plans on poisoning him I’m not interested
Is this a joke?
what's next? nick fuentes?
Why platform a fascist and Nazi? I don't get it
This should be entertaining
Fucking #VichyDemocrat platforming literal Nazis. Fuck , piece of shit. is DOING IT WRONG. honestly how do you even make content when this is real
Just stop it
Every Democrat in your state
If you let Nazis into your bar, it's now a Nazi bar.
it gets worse
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And here we see the ‘marketplace of ideas’ at work.

Nice one America. You really do have all the bases covered when it comes to self immolation.
What should I say? I'm really not surprised because Newsom is just being... Newsom...
Gavin bout to be the twinkiest QAnon adherent in the game
Please say "sike"
Spill the Tea with Mussolini what the hell is this?
The Nazi? Cool.
Not sure this is real.
Can someone verify?
Sadly it is real. I was hoping it wants true.

Also, check #TheTimeline for California’s Nazi ties (from Nazi 1.0… before current Nazi 2.0). 😣
* And not to forget his first (I believe) wife was the pre-plastic-surgeried Kimberly Thebestisyettocome… 🙄
Jesus Christ...
I guess it’s better that we found out now. I’ve always said he has a knack for tone deafness but this tells me it’s more than that. I’m so done with him.
Don’t forget to rate it. He’s at 3/5 stars on Apple Podcasts, entirely too high.
I don't understand why Newsom is doing podcasts with these people. ELI5, please. Absolute "No" vote for me in 2028 if this is an election strategy.
What the heck is he trying to do
I actually don't mind this IF Bannon's audience is included. I wish more dems would engage with these guys so they can get in front of their audiences who may hear the truth about something guy the very first time. These guys think dems drink baby blood. Time to refute and push back on this madness.
No one is open minded enough at this point, I fear
Its literally "cool you agree with get out."

Something about the fires unraveled the guy. And i say this as a southern Californian it broke our governor bad. Like he was Harvey Dent but now he's like broken Dark Knight movie Harvey like bitter and about to die of an infection
Admittedly you are better equipped to speak about Newsome than I am as he's not my Governor and I don't hear or see him much.
Its giving "i have your children in a basement gavin" energy but also the man was a republican so I don't know anymore I mean. I am at a total loss and apparently he thinks Bill Maher is great so that's a major strike for me.
Its disappointing and strange because he spent a lot of time during the fires calling out trump and elon's misinformation and now he's platforming bannon.

Its such a 360 I have to wonder if somethings happening that's how weird it is. He was never gonna be president but holy *shit* like
At this point nothing would surprise me
That's just it, Bannon's audience isn't included. They don't care. Watch Gavin's X mentions. It takes a Bernie or a Jon Stewart. These guys heard him talk to kirk and still think he should resign.
If Bannon's audience (And Charlie Kirk's audience the other week) isn't included then it's pointless. If they aren't included then I'd rather Newsome and other dems spend more time talking to left leaning radio and TV outlets. Talking to people instead of running to Sunday shows.
Wow some one advised Gavin that the way to the WH is sucking off fascist on his podcast what a pos
Next episode is Elon Musk's mom so we can all discuss the dangers of bullying that middle aged men in America face. Sponsored by Space X, don't you want the thrill of not knowing if you'll explode on takeoff? (spoiler, your ashes will probably delay some flight out of Orlando).
Maaaaaan.. fuck this shit.
fuck gavin newsom that idiot thinks speaking with neo nazis on his podcast is going to win him the presidency.

he’s a fucking loser and always has been. the guy married kim guilfoyle after all.
So, is there another recall petition going around that I can sign?
Without comment.
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I’m sure I will get a lot of hateful comments back for saying this, but if Gavin Newson went on Steve Bannon‘s podcast, would this be the same reaction? Everybody is criticizing Democrats for staying in the safe place. Maybe we should all wait to hear The interview before comments are made.🤷🏻‍♀️
Seems like the governor of a state should be platforming good people in that state or problems facing that state.
Tough to say which would be worse: him going on a nazi's podcast or having a nazi on his. Neither is a good look, at all, nor serves the people of California.
Funny how no one said a word when Buttigieg kept going on Fox. In fact, Dems praised it. It makes no difference who hosts.
It'd have a different reaction because they're different situations: elected officials have a responsibility to engage with the public, which includes going into hostile spaces. They do not have a responsibility to take a side job or promote the personal brands of media personalities.
It could be an argument if we were talking about some milquetoast Republican but this is Steve Bannon. Nobody should be extending a hand or taking his.
This seems more like possibly testing the waters to swing right hard, I can't see another legitimate reason. It doesn't matter that he's hosting him instead of going on his crap, it still shows that dems in "leadership" positions still don't get trying to appeal to the right was a utter failure.
Yes. I would like to hear this.
Have you watched the War Room?
Last I checked Bannon isn’t a governor
if we're going this way, it is 100% mandatory to tell the sieg heiling nazi to kill themself and otherwise piss them off and invalidate them enough they whine about it on twitter for the next few months or years
That’s a good thought experiment. I do think the question is always, are you talking to their audience or are they talking to yours? (And what are you telling yours about how to understand the scale of threat?) I’d guess Newsom’s podcast is more his own audience, but I do think it’s a good question
Back in my days in the student antiwar movement, we were occasionally invited onto right-wing talk shows. A group I was in settled on a rule that we’d do it live but not prerecorded; they couldn’t edit us

But we’d’ve only brought them to anything we ran if their audience were MUCH bigger than ours
what the hell could any of these right wing lunatics he keeps having on his show say that would be at all new or helpful in our current moment
It feels like he’s pandering and it’s so icky.
Right! And these aren't good-faith folks with differing policy opinions.
Not a single thing.
Gavin is exceptionally strong on detail and a fine debater - so maybe he'll duff Bannon up a treat? (Verbally, that is, though physically would be... newsworthy!)
I think it's more about him reaching THEIR audience than giving them a platform.
honey, none of the nazi fanboys are going to listen to Gavin Newsom's podcast. I guarantee it. The whole idea is to get the left wing cozier to the fascist side.

Fuck that. Burn it down.
If you want someone to listen to you don't call them 'honey'. Seriously..
i don't care.
If the point was "get Newsom's message in front of Bannon's audience", I'd be okay with it. But it seems like this only accomplishes the opposite.
Maybe there will be a lot of Bannon fans who listen because he’s on… I don’t know. I’m just thinking out loud…
Fair point
I think this is the most charitable explanation, but Bannon does hours of podcasting everyday -- do his fans need to follow him around to other shows, and are they actually persuadable?

A less charitable explanation is that all these right wing edgelords are good for clicks and listens.
What kind of message does Newsom have for a group of literal Nazis…? Is that really who we need to be convincing right now — and if so, of what?? Based on his Charlie Kirk interview, he mostly seems to be nodding along, not, like, debunking naziism.
IMHO, the simplest explanation is the best one: he’s planning to take a shot at being trump’s heir.
Yeah, we’re well past the point where any sort of “common ground” isn’t just as toxic. The well has been poisoned for awhile.
My understanding is that the point is to get people that would otherwise not listen to his podcast to hear things from a Democrat that they never would without this person on the podcast.
Right, because someone who regularly listens to people cheering on an attempted coup and the pardonings from Trump would suddenly be swayed by a corrupt neoliberal Democrat, since that’s worked so well over the past three decades 😂
Maybe to try and see how they think and convince their dummy to ignore what Trump is doing
It'd be one thing if he stuck to his principles and challenged them. But as was seen with Kirk, he just goes along and makes nice.
Yes. With the possible caveat that it might be *slightly* better the other way around, if only because in that scenario the fascist is only reaching their own audience on a platform they already had.

With Gavin inviting Bannon, he's giving him his for absolutely no reason.
It seems not a single person has actually listened to this podcast
When you interact with these people, you legitimize them, you normalize them, you give the hate space to grow. There is no common ground to be found. There is no understanding to be learned. They are not interested in hearing the opposite of what they believe.
That’s a fair point and to be honest I’ve never listened to his podcast before because I don’t give a shit about Gavin Newsom. He’s never gonna get elected president . I just thought maybe there was a different perspective to look at, but this is becoming a Twitter kind of conversation so peace out.
okay the fact you understand the consequences of your action but not why you're getting that consequence means that explaining how fascism is bad and should be fought at all fronts is wasted on you

we should not wait. capitulation is an alliance.
I don't think those criticizing the dems for staying in a safe place mean they really want the dems to platform more nazis, hth.
there is nothing that these pieces of shit have to say that is worthy of an actual platform.

Democrats suck. This is known. But not for the reasons that literal nazi salute-throwing fucks like Bannon have any views worth hearing.
The first two interviews were laundering right wing propaganda but with that signature, sleezy, smug smile.
What's the expression after "fool me thrice?"
I would in fact have the same response if the sitting governor of California was going on Steve Bannon's podcast. No one is criticizing Democrats for not becoming BFFs with Nazis.
You can't bond with fascists.

8 years of this magical thinking & there are still people who think "if I just listen to them lie, I might find that one nugget that we both can agree is a rock and civilization will have been advanced." Shake my effin head.

This is why Canadians can's trust you guys.
That is not my rationale and again this is becoming a very Twitter like attack on somebody who was just voicing their opinion…
You are advocating the normalization of people who want to bring my country to its economic knees until we beg to taken over as your 51st state. You are, of course, entitled to your opinion. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
I understand how it feels like an unpopular opinion. I'm waiting until after the interview to make judgment. I was always proud of Pete Buttigieg after his interviews on Fox. I admired his ability to articulate the inaccuracies the news hosts were throwing at him. I hope to see this from Newsom.
Yeah, why didn't FDR interview Hitler? I'm sure it would have helped amplify his message to a few hundred million more people
what's the difference between the two scenarios?
Nothing…that’s the point…going to uncomfortable places and we have no idea what the outcome will be…maybe wait and see before criticizing….
I don't see any sign that he's uncomfortable doing this.
He hasn’t discussed it with me so I guess I don’t know. this sounds crazy but maybe some people aren’t familiar with how extreme Bannon is and This could help wake people up. just voicing my opinion I’m gonna save my outrage for after I hear what happens.
He cosigned part of the last dipshit extremist he had on's agenda. He got walked like a fucking dog. This COULD have been useful if Newsome had the guts to go for the throat and force these people admit their rancid project or look like cowering fools. There's a way to do this it isn't Gavin's way.
nit everybody is criticizing Democrats for staying in a safe space. talking to fascists is bad. newsom doesn't push back. he is a coward
Not every viewpoint should be entertained and validated. Having the governor of CA interview traitors like Bannon and Kirk is not being open to new ideas. It's normalizing hatred and anti-American zealots.

It's not like we don't know what opinions these degenerates have. What's the purpose of this?
Where is the safe place? They are invisible.
Kirk vid was informative and he humiliated newsom. My best faith answer is that newsom is tryin to learn how to create what the right did.. but if he cant find a 1 single democrat that can explain it, then democrats are completely lost. Ill even do it for free since Im in this culture.
The bigger issue is that we shouldn't be platforming fascists - they have nothing to say that deserves a conversation.
When Newson puts them on, it's more than giving them a platform like people here are saying.

It's giving him a platform in front of their followers to show them that he's not the wacko that he's being painted.
(They'll still think he's a lib commie pinko wacko). No amount of bashing trans people will make repubs think he's good, it just throws trans people under the bus
Can’t tell what’s parody and what’s real any more. Who’s next? Enrique Tarrio? Walt Nauta? Sergei Lavrov?
This is real. Check Newsoms insta.
Thanks, yeah, I just did and am considering no more internet for the day.
So I'm like ok is he pretending to go for "balance", like someone liberal, someone right, alternating? But last one was Micheal Savage, who I initially thought was Dan Savage. But it's not.
Eichmann was booked
Why give a fascist a mouthpiece?
Agree, both shouldn't be allowed to speak
Is this for real?
Is this the moment where the Democrat who makes enough money transitions into a Republican to try increase his millions via fraudsters.
You know, Gavin... If you're trying to paint yourself as a prospective "Meet In The Middle" candidate in 2028, it helps to associate yourself with guest that are... I don't know... ACTUALLY IN THE GODDAMN MIDDLE
At this rate is going to re-marry Kimberly Guilfoyle and have a threesome with Don Jr., isn't he? 🤮
You read my mind.
Thanks for this visual
Sorry. I had to share the misery. He sucks so bad.
Yeah, this is Gavin Newsom.
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Wait this is real?! Lmao we’re cooked.
Does anyone out there have any idea what Newsom is doing/what he's trying to accomplish with all these magat right wingers he's interviewing??
Serious answer: Hold power in California & set himself up for a presidential run.
It might accomplish the first but the second is doomed for any one of several reasons.
This is his second term, so he would be termed out anyway. It looks like he's decided that this is the path to run for President, and I would fire whoever advised him to do so (coz that ain't happening now)
I have a suspicion that person was Gavin Newsom, so I heartily endorse your proposal that he fire the person who advised him to do this.
This is a really funny bit
Is this real? Can't find anything confirming. Not that I disbelieve, particularly after E1, but Bannon is a literal Nazi ffs.
It's real. The episode is showing up on my Spotify.
Fucking hell
So is Charlie Kirk.
I don't think he's in the same league as Bannon, sorry. Kirk is a run of the mill christo-fascist out for his own enrichment.

Bannon is an identity purist seeking to burn the world down to remake it in his own image.

Platforming Bannon is a whole different level of fuckery.
Is he soft launching a party switch?
Maybe it doesn’t seem so out of character that Newsom was with Kimberly Guilfoyle who’s now aligned with the GOP.

Not the first Republican in a Democrat suit.
His term as gov is up and he can't run again, no reason to lie anymore
Soft? This looks like quicker switch than that of Tulsi Gabbard
"when someone tells you who they are believe them"
- maya angelou

-michael scott
Hey,, what in the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Is this real?
I don’t think the governor of a major state should be platforming someone who did a nazi salute 3 weeks ago but what do I know
Exactly. Why is he platforming anyone other than Californians or people doing work with or for California? This in no way addresses any problems that CA needs to solve, nor highlights people doing great work in CA.
The "Let's Hear Out Both Sides" Democrats seem to really want to hear the N*zi side of things more passionately...
counterpoint: he's super cool with that salute and all it represents.
No it’s not that.
We can keep our morals and hold strong to our values and have something to offer the ALL Americans.
We can do both things but we need to work on our messaging.
Many Bernie voters ended up voting for Trump.
Americans from all over have many shared concerns.
Lean on those.
They're just Nazis at this point. It's a very clear line - you either denounce Nazis and treat them like the cancer to society they are or you're a Nazi. Gavin is a Nazi. Fuck him.
The dems are showing their position is just 3 steps to the left of repubs, no matter where the repubs stand.
Anything that keeps the next Trump out of power is currently a get. If the left is going to finally start seriously participating in US politics this certainly seems like an opportunity. Otherwise Gavin Newsome is a clearly preferable Presidential candidate to Trump IMO.
Gavin is the next Trump, buddy. He's showing it with these shenanigans.

Fuck that guy and fuck anyone who'd even think of supporting him at this point.
If he's just gonna do all the same stuff with the same people, why is it preferable?
No steps, I don't see any distinction
Trump dragged that Overton Window off the cliff and the Democrats hopped on and rode it right up to Dick Cheney.
Still Nazis. Still fascists.
Well the conservatives who were screaming about how racists the dems were last century can see the Southern Strategy in reverse now.
This is at least his second nazi hes had on his pod cast.
His first guest did a nazi salute like the day before his podcast. He still platformed him. Gavin just is a nazi now. Not even hiding it.
Is Newsom going MAGA? Does he have some super-genius plan in mind? What is going on?
Oh HELL no
Is he planning to bring back Hitler’s ghost??
I'd only watch if they had to jerk each other off while telling the other person how much they hate each other and the first one to cum loses
I still wouldn't but i considered it for s minute
Nah I probably still wouldn't either--I probably wouldn't even be able to finish 😔
Hey Yashar, quick question. What the fuck is Gavin Newsom doing?
So glad this guy showed his true colors before I was dumb enough to vote for him in a primary.
I have not listened to his podcast. Has anyone figured out why he is doing this? At the very worst, it's complete capitulation, at best, curiosity.
He said it was to offer an alternate podcast for his kids to Joe Rogan.
So, probably, these are people his kids like to listen to.
It’s better for parents to be able to interact with things their kids like.
If that's the case, I can't see why he'd host the likes of Charlie Kirk or Steve Bannon, the most toxic figures out there today. Just mind-boggling to me.
So when my kids try to run out into a busy street I’m not going to yell after them to run faster. This is a bullshit take on parenting. He’s using that excuse as a cover to promote his own political self interests.
I could care less his “true” motivations, the optics so far scream, utter.bloody.sellout.

No doubt there. I can't get my head around it.
Episode FOUR? He could only find THREE other people before going to Bannon?
I have bad news for you about his previous guests as well.
Charlie Kirk.
Michael Savage.

He's purposefully bringing on right wingers for reasons that I don't want to dignify with my speculations.
‘Newsom was so much better than Kamala, he would have won for sure!’ 🫠
He wasn’t better than Kamala, but he would have won because he’s a white male and he’s better than Trump
he’s trying to start an alt-left pipeline. that or make sure the fed doesn’t halt money for california.

or he’s gonna run on the republican ticket. really so very hard to know lol
As the old saying goes, keep your friends close and your Nazis closer.
That is quite sad.
A political consultant got paid big bucks and told him to do this.
Well, lost me as soon as he invited Charlie Kirk, of all people, onto his show.
Maybe Gavin is just trying to find common ground with MAGAts.

I know I have nothing in common with them nor do I want to interact with them at this time as I’m still way to pissed off.
As you should be.
I don’t think she realizes how much she has pissed off CA democrats. In fact, I feel like she and Newsom might be using the same consultants.
Wait, what did Katie porter do? I thought she was cool and smart. What did I miss
She 1) decided she could run for the senate and thus put her house seat at risk (D didn’t loose it but that was more down to luck rather than anything else) and 2) she’s now decided she will run for governor.

The truth is - she’s pissed off at lot of CA voters with her apparent misplaced ambition.
She pissed off Dems by trying to not have the Senate be red and now she's pissing them off by trying to get rid of a poseur? Sounds like they're the problem

Disclaimer: not endorsing her
Note - Newsom (if he is the poser/poseur you are referring to), can’t run again. So no one it that contest will be “getting rid” of him.
No, she pissed them off by running against Diane Feinstein and trying to take Adam Schiff's Senate seat Pelosi promised.
gavin is at his term limit, he can’t run again
This protectionism of Feinstein was ridiculous. She was near catatonic at the end when we needed her vote. She became an embarrassment to herself. We could have had a woman 13-14 years younger than Schiff with more liberal views on corporations and confirmations. What a waste.
Neoliberals are revealing who they are, they attack Porter because they prefer fascists. See guests of Newsom’s podcast as further proof.
lol nah, fuck CA VC funded Dems and acting like it’s their turn for every seat

this is how we ended up with losers like Schiff
Have you listed to all of the Newsom Podcasts so far?
I have.
The Kirk one was hard to listen to but I could see what Newsom was doing.
The intel he got has value regardless of what you think about Kirk.
I cringed but listen to the whole thing and I’m glad I did.
The one yesterday was good.
This does not mean I agree with these guys but we need to bring more people into the party.
Any politician on the left should listen to these podcasts.
If we are the party for ALL Americans we need to know what their concerns are as well.
Believe it or not we have a lot of common concerns.
Do NOT mention her in the same breath as Newsom.
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Why not? She seems as opportunistic as he is. I didn’t use to think so, I thought she was great, but either she isn’t the person I thought she was or she is getting appalling advice,
If you are saying that Porter believing that she would make a good senator/governor and acting on that belief by running is somehow comparable to Newsom hanging out with a nazi for 3 hours and putting it on Spotify then I'm afraid you may not be grasping the situation we're in right now as a country
Don’t get me wrong, I think she would make a good governor. She’d be better than that quisling.

But, she isn’t the right person at the right time, and she wasn’t the right person at the right time for the senate seat. Which means she’s not as bright as I believe she is or she is getting bad advice.
Yeah, they were so mad that Schiff had to prop up the Republican nut job so he wouldn't have to face her in the general.
Ummmm ... no. Next. Good LORD, what are Democrats doing?!
sorry what about her platform is objectionable
Katie all day every day
Tate brothers next week?
Why not? Can't get much worse than the slimebags he's had on so far. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Platforming scumbags is how we got in this mess.
We unfortunately can't stop scumbags from having a platform. We did a piss poor job of countering their messages and impact. Gavin will do the same old things. Dems think that intellectual supremacy is effective... it is not. But he'll go in that direction or just not challenge them at all.
Bannon seems worse than Tate to me -I think his plotting has done a lot more harm and he's certainly a more dangerous person to platform.
Andrew Tate is a literal human trafficker.
That tells you how bad I suspect Bannon is. Bannon's been travelling the world promoting fascism.

I may be underestimating Tate's influence but he seems like a *comparatively* minor threat.
He’s really not. That rightward swing among men under 35? A huge part of that is Tate and his ilk.
I'm not so sure about that. Andrew is very influential with boys and young men. That kind of damage will be felt for generations. They're both very dangerous to platform, I'm in no way denying that fact. #OppositionCoalition #Patriot
gulags for all of them
the only thing I'd do with someone who came to my platform who threw a nazi salute would be to put a fire extinguisher through their skull.
Apples to oranges. Bannon is the modern version of a Karl Rove. Smart and calculating and knows what to do for the right-wing takeover (which Karl Rove very successfully started). Tates are just evil morally-deficit trafficking demons who should be shot after a short trial.
Watch this space
He thinks this is going to make him the much-ballyhooed "Joe Rogan of the Left," doesn't he?
My generous take is that he is trying to pull in right leaning listeners who will stick with him when he (hopefully?) pivots back to at least center?
I don’t think that’s realistic.
Is this real? It’s as if Casey Anthony was giving children’s swimming lessons.
This is HORRIBLE. What the fuck.
Most serious people will immediately dismiss him now. Bannon is the disappearing potion as far as Im concerned.
Next: he remarries Guilfoyle.
I have Kirk and chance I will not dignify Bannon with a click.
When people say California elites are "out of touch" with regular people I want to bristle but it's very very true.
Gavin wdf dude!
This Is Gavin Normalizing!

and this is enabling fascism
Alright yall. Time to find another dem to run against Gavin because holy shit dicks.
You can’t and SHOULD NOT try to normalize Bannon.
After Bannon, it’s a medium who communicates with Hitler
That is the worst “before and after” comparison I’ve ever seen.
Please ask Steve if he thinks its OK if Democrats win, should they follow his guidance and put Republican civil servants heads on pikes?
“I’d actually like to go back to the old times of Tudor England.

I’d put the heads on pikes, right, I’d put them at the two corners of the White House as a warning to federal bureaucrats,” Steve Bannon said.

“You either get with the program or you’re gone.”
Well, isn't that special
Yep, everybody who interviews Steve Bannon should be asked about that question and ask him is he cool with doing it to his side when the Dems win because fair is fair?
Ummmmm. What?
I’m going to put my head through a car.
David Duke will be on his podcast in the future just to get his perspective on race issues
beyond parody
So gross.
I feel I've been hoodwinked by
I thought he was better than this.
He personally robbed homeless people of their belongings.
Just did a quick search on that. Thank you for the heads up. Another strike.
I'll accept the apology from Dems who came after people for the transphobic Charlie Kirk episode.
This looks like a graphic depicting what Newsom will look like in a few years as he is slowly pickled by evil from the inside out.
Fuck him.
I’m truly lost on what Newsom is trying to accomplish. Bannon really doesn’t deserve any platforming.
Not lost to me! 😂 He clearly wants to be president—probably aiming to be another Biden. He seems to believe that being a straight white man will work in his favor, unlike Kamala.
He’s likely betting that after a Trump presidency, disappointed Trump voters will rally behind him because he’s a white man like them and they feel validated by what he’s saying on his podcast. His Presidency will lead to President Trump 2.0 guaranteed.
If he’s running in a GOP primary sure but if he runs in the Dem primary he will get skewered.
Newsom is not an intelligent man. There is no master plan on his part, at least not one that makes any sense. The Democratic party has been an excellent place to fail upwards in the last decade, and because of that we have an excess of legitimately stupid people that have risen to the top ranks.
Independent or R run 2028
I remember Bannon throwing a Nazi salute at CPAC so I guess the Governor is cool with that now?
So the dino is going to interview the wino?
What the fucks wrong with him? Does he podcast exclusively with Nazis?

So has he been critically questioning them or is he being a fuckhead simp? Cos I ain’t listening to any of these dipshits.
Next up, sit down with the Tate brothers to discuss women’s rights.
This platforming would be problematic enough if he were just a major voice in the party, but the fact that he’s currently serving as the elected governor of California makes it unconscionable and likely downright scary for many of his constituents.
If this were episode #1 there might be ppl wondering is he is inviting this creep to hammer him in debate at least? What's he up to?

Unfortunately after his performance with that other extreme right-wing squirrel whose bigoted bile he agreed with, we know the answer.
Too late!
Good Lord, why do Democrats think inviting an invasive species of snake into their homes is a good idea?
The snakes seem to feel pretty at home in the Democrat's house already.
because they think that the Right is some untapped source of power that if they can just sink the right kind of messaging that they like in that they'll win their vote.

Unfortunately, the messaging they like is literal nazi shit.
He could use this podcast to highlight cuts to Medicare, Veteran's benefits, etc and position himself as a fighter. Instead, he's doing this s*!t.
Gavin Newsome is running for the Republican Nomination in 2028
Neither party should trust him!
Who’s next?
Nick fvcking Fuentes!? Alex psycho Jones?FVCK!🤯😠
You beat me to it
Has he done Giuliani yet? Cuz he could really use the money.
Is this a joke? I can never tell anymore.
What the FUCK?

Is he going to try to run for President as a MAGA Republican?
honestly, impressive troll job.
As I said (of Newsom) last week after the Kirk fiasco, fuck that guy.
Next guest Alex Jones?!
This Is Gavin Newsom, And This Is [Yet Another White Guy]
Looks like Steve’s giving Gav the feels, here.
Hahahaha damn this sucks
Oh no…I thought this was when I saw the poster. It’s real?!?
Newsom is either seriously mentally unwell or hellbent on destroying his future in the Democratic Party. Either way, he's losing credibility by the minute.
His debate w/ DeSantis created a lot of good will so I think he's combining that with the belief among neo-liberals that the Harris camp did too much to appease leftists (false) and thinks this crossing the aisle junk will benefit him but it only proves he's just another delusional wealthy person.
Or maybe he just really does not want to be President so he’s doing everything he can think of to torch his campaign before it can get started.
I think he lost in his Fantasy Football league last year and this is his punishment/public humiliation.

No other excuse.
Oh... it couldn't be that he is ramping up for his bid for '28. No not that at all.

But I get it...jokes!
I'm a liberal, but I'm also Canadian, so take my view on US politics with a grain of salt. We live in divisive times. Has Bannon done plenty of terrible things? Yep. But if Liberal and Conservative politicians can no longer cross the line to try and understand each other, then we're all screwed.
What is it you want to understand? Why he's nazi? Does it matter? He's a nazi and talking to him gives him and his ilk more oxygen and more credence. You cannot reason with someone like him and you won't change him.
I'm not looking to change him, but in understanding him we can learn how to avoid it in others. We thought we conquered these beliefs after WW2 and yet here we are. Why? How is it happening again? History will repeat itself unless we do what we can to learn from it as it's happens and evolves.
Who thought that we conquered Nazi/fascist beliefs after WWII? Where do you think all those people suddenly vanished to? Do you think racism disappeared as well after slavery was abolished or equal opportunity laws were introduced?
No, of course not. Obviously these problems are still rampant.

Anyway, all I'm saying is if we can try and understand why, which means getting to know the people behind these beliefs, maybe we'll get a bit better at avoiding it and mitigating it in the future.
One doesn't haven't to platform a Nazi on a podcast in order to "understand" him. That conversation could happen in private.
That's very true. That's a point I can agree with. I appreciate you making it without trying to assault my character. Thank you.
Oh, shut up with this "thank you for being civil" nonsense. You aren't owed civility. You're simply lucky I didn't dress you down like everyone else is going to do, because you deserve it.
When you start normalizing racism and you don’t even have a clue how bad racism is in America ask the British during the nazi regime how having a dialogue with Hitler worked out
I agree, but I think it's a tricky grey zone. Let's say Bannon is the enemy, and given what he believes that makes sense. If we don't understand him, and WHY he believes what he believes, how can we ever defeat it and learn how to avoid it or interrupt it from developing in the future?
There's no mystery about Bannon though. He's made plenty of content explaining himself.

Given how the Charlie Kirk one went, I have no confidence that Newsom is capable of giving effective pushback or probing what makes Bannon tick in any new way.
Odds are Bannon will just get to sound like there's room for reasonable disagreement and get Newsom to concede some points.

It's possible he'll be more hostile, guess I'll hear about how it went later.
That's a good point.
I'll give an honest good faith answer if you tell me which of these squares contain traffic lights
Comment image
The two squares in the second row.
Bannon seeks mainstream, respectable platforms because views he spouts from these platforms will appear mainstream and respectable by association.

He is not an elected politician. He's a fascist private citizen grifter and nobody owes him a stage.
Thanks for explaining. That makes a lot of sense to me and I can agree with the concern that having him on such a platform will elevate his destructive, fascist position and opinions.
I'm not against liberals and conservatives having conversations. It might even be vital. But last I checked, Bannon was a proud hater of liberalism. What you need to understand is that these fashy types take a special kind of glee weaponizing liberal ideas to destroy liberalism.
I think history has conclusively proven both what happens when you platform Nazis and how far craven bootlicking and pleas for unity get their victims.
🤮 there are really 2 schools of thought. One where we can appeal to and woo republicans and one where we tell them to f@_k off and be as progressive as we want to be. Newsom has chosen his path.
These attempts to woo them are doomed to failure anyway.
Agree! I want to see Bernie-like politics in a 45 year old candidate. Wooing doesn't work. Turns out that isn't Newsom.
Well, Newsom is finally coming out of the "closet".

He's so politically dead at this point.
Gavin Newsom's Nazi Hour sponsored by TESLA
Awful decision
Is this for real?
I assume Gavin will have George Lincoln Rockwell's grandson on the pod next week.
This…this isn’t photoshop?
Me before and after Covid
Can we hear from some child molesters too? I’d love if he had on some people who abuse animals for cash as well 👏👏👏
Jesus Christ
That would be the Tate brothers. Wouldn't be surprised if he invites them on his show soon.
He wants to hear “both sides” of all things political