The only way this would have worked is if he’d also given a platform to equivalent leftists (which there aren’t really- but be imaginative). Had he done that I would have been interested. But he’d never do that because being critical of capitalism and oligarchy doesn’t sell ads.
nah it's definitely an old-school centrist democrat that thinks the current Democratic party is too left (it's not lmao) and thinks appealing to the right is what's needed ('s not lmao)
I'm aware, they had 8 years to learn but never did. Especially after the last year when the mythical "anti trump Republican" was shown to be just that. A myth
JFC Leave Gov Newsome alone.He is actually a good damn governor.This is why Dems can't move forward, you're narrow minded + extremely biased
Instead of being petty, maybe concentrate on the fact that you sat around whining + allowed a facist fuck criminal to become Pres.
Now 🫵 better get rid of him
Yes. Bad enough to platform these people and not call out their b.s.
But even worse to do it at a time when the country most needs a powerhouse economy like California to stand up and lead.
The guy whose own policies toward pro-Palestine protestors (he compared them to the KKK!) greased the wheels for what Trump is doing. Another centrist doomed to lose to the Right. No thanks
It’s helpful to know Republicans still overwhelmingly view Newsom as insincere, calling him “fake” and “pandering” — exactly what we heard five years ago during the pandemic.
At first, I thought Gavin might be able to accomplish something. With Kirk, he was trying to find a way to communicate with the younger generation on that side. But the platforming and praising, with lack of push-back on lies & propaganda went too far. Bannon was the last straw.
I like this because it's another data point in support of the idea that if Fetterman or whoever loses a Democratic primary, they're not going to be able to peel off enough Republican votes to have a credible shot at pulling a Joe Lieberman
I'm still trying to get through the episode with Charlie Kirk. It's unbearable. Charlie will say something like, "the wokes were trying to codify racism as the law of the land." and Newsom will be like, "Mmhmm. Yes, yeah. And no one in my office– well maybe one time only, ever said 'Latinx'"
The funny thing is Newsom's podcast was the perfect distillation of the nakedly opportunistic advice the DC consultant class were giving to Democrats right after the election - "Dems need to renounce 'woke'! They need to do more unconventional media!" It worked out about as well as you'd expect 😂
He should never interview anyone whose opinion differs from his. That's a sure loser. Best bet is to embrace the echo chamber and have guests on who agree with him wholesale. Even if the voices are trapped inside with no one to hear them, at least they'd be saying all the right things.
all right-wing opinions are just "i hate [insert minority] and everyone should purge their existence". there's no variation between them and they switch targets
Californian here. Not me. This is exactly what I hoped for. I knew he was a smarmy opportunist. I’d prefer a Pritzker- or Walz-type to take a strong lead.
He’s still our governor until Jan 2027. I would like to see him stand up to this Admin on California’s behalf while he is still governor. He tried appeasement to get fire funds, but hasn’t.
He started thinking he could do no wrong after he survived the recall. I'm 30 years an SFer, and imo he's been pretty good to us. But that recall effort really went to his head. And to think, just a few short months ago, he was all "Mr. Tough Nuts" about the trump agenda.....
I'm delighted that Newsom effortlessly destroyed his shot at running with a single brain-dead idea.
Leaves plenty of room for to take up the mantle!
By "not talking to them and calling them names" you mean "a decade of extremely soft and sympathetic coverage from major news outlets who should have known better"?
Nothing surprising here. Voters across the political spectrum value sincerity and authenticity, even if they don't always agree with that person on the issues, and they can sniff out phoniness and insincerity in a NY minute.
Did he honestly think that Republicans start flocking to him after decades of propaganda that California is a Communist hellhole? Did he hope they'd forget what his day job is? This shouldn't surprise anybody.
If it did work, surely it would be by going to right wing spaces and spreading your message ala Pete Buttigieg on Fox News, not platforming right wing freaks on your podcast
Legit worried he is going to send ignorant moderates down the radicalization pipeline by validating these fuckers and encouraging people to listen to them. People who stay tuned in might think *he's* too far left by the election...
Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks Democrats need to find common ground with bigots and "move to the middle" (compromise on trans people's right to exist) in order to win. Nobody wants this.
I'm a native Californian who used to be a Newsom supporter, but I now consider him to be a fascist collaborator. It is unfortunate that this once-upon-a-time talented and charismatic politician has been destroyed by his moral vacancy and blind ambition. He coulda been a contender.
Totally predictable results for anyone paying attention. Political consultants and weak/inauthentic politicians will be the death of the Democratic Party.
I lost all respect for him. And up until then, I considered him one of the very few I believed could and should be leading the party because he “got it” and knew how to properly message and attack Republicans. Now, he’s a clown and has lost all credibility. Amazing how tone deaf he is.
(Gavin Newsom watching a video of himself turning a knob marked PANDERING and checking the reaction on an adjacent applause meter over and over, writing little notes on how to jazz up his knob handling technique.)
Newsome is doing this so when he leaves his current position, he will be appointed to a number of conservative company Board of Directors and make a cool 7 figures per year.
It has dawned on newsom that there is never going to be another president from the Democratic Party. This is his way of sneaking into republican party.
Definitely. And if he can't get through to him, then wait it out. I haven't been a GN hater but I HATE this. I'm horrified because, at least to me, it seems out of character. There was nothing to be gained by having Charlie Kirk and Bannon on a podcast. And certainly not by agreeing with them.
as the father to 2 teen boys my response to this is "man the F*** up and set your son straight." I'm not saying my boys need to totally align with my political beliefs - they don't - but you better believe when it comes to people like Charlie Kirk I make it clear that he is a monster and pure evil.
Not sure this survey amounts to anything. Too soon to tell. If nothing else, Newsom is pragmatic. I don't have to agree with him -- and I don't agree with him -- to consider this an interesting experiment.
More Dem messaging failure. Why are they all so bad at this? Appeasement never works. Strength and courage do. A recent article said it best: America likes fighters.
The idea sounded good, to confront the other side with facts - like he did in the DeSantis debate.
But instead just gave MAGA another avenue to spew their BS.
What a colossal failure.
If activists in the Democratic party really force everyone in the country to declare that it is evil to not believe and feel that a woman with a penis and a woman without one are the same thing as a condition of being given the opportunity to oppose Trump they will not like the results.
Yeah. Lots of people are bigots. The existence of trans people in public life doesn't affect your life one bit. You could be fighting against a government deporting legal residents and tanking the economy. Instead, you're worrying about which bathroom a tiny minority of people uses.
For the record i am fine with people using the bathroom they want, dressing how they want, taking the hormones that they want and being called whatever name they want. It is also a fact that the "trans issue" really is mostly about other things than actual trans people.
you can have someone other than trump and the right wing in office or you can make it your public position that it is evil to not feel like someone with a penis is a woman but you cant have both
A thought experiment for you. Trans folks in the US make up ~1% of the population. Coincidentally, also roughly the percentage of Jewish people in 1930s Germany. Did letting the Nazis have *some* discriminatory laws against them stop the fascist rise to power? Would it have been worth it if it did?
What is with this weird obsession with trans people among some? Nobody brought this up but you. Dems never bring it up, only Republicans and various bigots
as far as trans right specifically democratic politicians need to do what Newsom did and not be criticized for it and not have attention called to the issue. As I said though, transness itself isnt really the issue, it is a stand in for something broader.
stop claiming that everything women dont like about men is a conspiracy and accept the fact that men dont see things the same way women do. In legal and policy terms there isnt much except that the concept of sexual autonomy should be extended to women accepting money to induce them to fuck someone
Beyond the sin of platforming Nazis, Newsom has demonstrated a level of stupidity that we cannot afford in democratic politics. If he thought this was a good idea he is too dumb to run this country.
Huh. It’s almost like pandering to the right gets you worse than nowhere: the right still doesn’t like you and now the left doesn’t either.
Which is the *exact thing* the Democratic voters have been trying to tell the Dem leaders for months but they keep ignoring thinking “this time it will work”.
I understood the idea of the podcast, the problem with the execution is it’s not a back and forth conversation. It Gavin allowing his guest continue to spew their ideological views without an equal counter narrative. The producers of this podcast need to be fired immediately.
That *is* the idea of the podcast: that there's something to be gained by having "good faith dialogue" with people who believe doing so makes you a beta cuck.
No no they’d love to have a real sincere first amendment discussion, it’s just that sadly every possible interlocutor is a pervert, criminal, terrorist, or communist and so must be silenced. But they really do believe in free speech for the people that matter.
There has been a goddamn decade of talking to Trumpers in diners and getting their side and being sympathetic to their "economic anxiety". Where are the huge, well funded podcasts talking to people trying to get asylum or keep their clients from getting deported or losing their jobs to DOGE idiocy?
Want to know how you can tell he doesn't have any Black friends? they wouldn't have advised him to hang out with fucking racists evangelical college drop outs on a podcast and expect it to go well.
In all fairness, only 3 episodes are out, limited data to claim failure. I am sure his consultant sees the need for a discussion space with the other side. But it surprises me they didn’t do focus groups with different audiences, groups are very divided, not receptive to different views.
He should try to customize discussion topics for specific audience, maybe even start by inviting democrats progressives and moderates first, before jumping to discussions with GOPs. Successful podcasters use the same language as their main audience to talk to the guest. Find an identity first, Gavin
“So. We still supporting Newsom?”
Instead of being petty, maybe concentrate on the fact that you sat around whining + allowed a facist fuck criminal to become Pres.
Now 🫵 better get rid of him
Gavin 4Pres. t-shirt.
Never used.
But even worse to do it at a time when the country most needs a powerhouse economy like California to stand up and lead.
Plus he didn't date Kimberly Guilfoyle 😆
Crazy clout miscalculation.
Actually, Kirk was too far for me too, but I was willing to give Newson a chance to correct his error.
He did not.
It's over.
His hair line is really that of a basketball coach or salesman.
Maybe talk to Warby Parker?
Glad it is a political failure.
Also extremely expected once he announced his guests
Unless you’re homeless
Leaves plenty of room for to take up the mantle!
But instead just gave MAGA another avenue to spew their BS.
What a colossal failure.
Which is the *exact thing* the Democratic voters have been trying to tell the Dem leaders for months but they keep ignoring thinking “this time it will work”.
Who is going to tell him?
But no worries, he can always go back to rallying support from the Democratic voters... Oh, wait.