i'm not sold on this. the dems have tv networks, newspapers, all the celebrity endorsements they like. it's not that the right have some huge infrastructure advantage, it's that the message the dems are pushing is shit
Reposted from
Joshua Holland
These are problems but the problem, which dwarfs all others, is that they’re totally swamped by the right’s sprawling propaganda infrastructure.
Their inability to withstand the flood of bullshit contributes to their lack of spine. These things are intertwined.
Their inability to withstand the flood of bullshit contributes to their lack of spine. These things are intertwined.
Parties on the left need to be against billionaires and even capitalism; democrats LOVE billionaires, just "the good ones" and want to tax them a sad, sad 10% (much beter than any republican, tho).
After 9/11, a rich guy bought hundreds of local news channels with the express purpose of running more anti-Muslim broadcasts.
During the Hillary/Sanders primary, major news networks aired 30 minutes of Trump's empty podium instead of Bernie's speech.
453 local news channels and all the major networks are owned by like 6 people.
The media here is right-wing grifters or both siders who refuse to call them out on their lies
if the voters think (correctly or not) the dems support trans athletes and liberal media does a crappy job defending trans rights, then it's like nothing
Almost everything about the Harry Potter world and its desire to not make any meaningful societal changes to combat a fascist ruler rising into power is exactly what we're seeing with current day politics.
"The DEI's/SJW's are to blame for everything."
And instead of pushing back against that narrative, Dems are like "Oh, that's nonsense. Everything is fine."
The Dems are center right. Not far enough to resort to BS but far enough that staying quiet is a valid tactic.
To use a metaphor, I think people are sick of getting a robot when they call the bank and they want to talk to a person
Their only message is they are not the Republicans, so we have to vote for them, after which they will forget us all again and go serve capital. We have that loud and clear already.
People over 60 aren't watching CNN. By in large they aren't watching cable news, but the Dems stick to traditional media so rightly that they basically freely allow the Republicans and their messages to have infinity more reach
Besides, the “traditionally liberal (no really centrist (no really actually conservative))” media ecosystems have gone a bit more mask off lately.
But yeah, mainly the dem messaging is shit.
And neoliberal ideology is almost identical to Republican ideology.
If some Americans has to suffer so "America" thrives, so be it.
But the Americans who suffer are never the wealthy. They both believe in "natural" hierarchy.
It's why the Democrats today may call Trump corrupt, but will never question his competence or brilliance. To do so would be to admit the system is flawed.
It calls their own power & wealth into question.
Republicans say people are homeless because they made "poor life choices." Neoliberals say they "chose" to be homeless.
This is Kamala Harris we're talking about but people wanted change so badly they pretended
I'm NOT saying the Dems aren't shitting themselves in pure incompetence, but "just put out a better message" is not their only problem.
They have neglected substance/action, and redefined “fighting” as a sort of passive and predictable kabuki of self-adoring, defeatist decorum.