Little Damian is the one he’s fought Grimes in court over…he’s spent money grooming this one. Grimes must feel like shit seeing her kid out there like that but she kind of fucked herself with her poor relationship choice:/
Trump and his mob cronies are now equated to be the State, so any attack on anything they're associated with must be considered "domestic terrorism".
Welcome to the Reich of the Orange Felon, fellow members of the Volksgemeinschaft.
I know domestic terrorists when I see ‘em. They wear all black, sunglasses to hide their drug addled eyes and have a absurdly long red necktie hanging to hide their micro gonads.
Does anyone else remember Cal Worthington the car dealer from Washington state? He ran outrageous TV ads in the 80's.
To paraphrase...."I'm President Musk and this is my dog Donald"
Next he will declare people with allergies domestic terrorists since they also boycott certain products as well as anything containing those products….
so the same "drain the swamp" crowd is A OK with ALL of the out in the open corruption & f*ing over of good working people across the US by rich well connected people....I guess they're so brainwashed by Fox they don't even see whats happening...
Teslas are inanimate objects. What a tool Trump is. Yet he thinks it's all right to grab women by the you know what and to grab them in other intimate places.
My first spouse measured my worth by the amount of furniture in our house. As soon as I understood, I got the hell out. When the inanimiate is valued more than the animate you know there’s a big problem.
In other words: "Fuck the police who defended the Capitol, protecting cars is where it's at. And not just any cars, the cars of the guy who bought me the Office."
Now Trump is re-labeling any behavior he chooses as “terrorism” - a federal crime - punishable by imprisonment or deportation
He is setting a precedent that cannot be stopped
This is what felon 47 is spending his time and our resources on? It’s not like our economy is tanking or food prices are out of control or a major outbreak of measles is happening 🙄 He is a total buffoon!
They will treat this just like they treated BLM, so I’m not sure if lol is the right response. They will use force to protect Elon rather than citizens rights. I hope I’m wrong…
I was thinking about that too (and in contrast to that group of WHITE guys out in the Pacific NW (Oregon, Idaho?) armed wtih AK whatevers to the teeth and allowed care packages that were in FACT domestic terrorists, but of COURSE were not called what they were) someone jog our memories about that?
What an effing joke. He,muskrat,lil johnson( vance)& lilltler johnson(speaker)& every house republican that is aligned with orange musselini,are the terrorists!
Whatever. The best way to show Donald he’s a fucking nobody is by doing exactly what he says we should not do. It’ll drive him nuts and, hopefully, it’ll give him a stroke or a heart attack and he’ll die.
I label violence against our democracy as domestic terrorism. E-knob and his little failing company are private, not government. We can say what we want about it & he just needs to grow a pair or get some engineered since he doesn’t have any. He chose to be a public figure. This comes with it.
"Violence" is doing some heavy lifting here. Just like protesting for Palestinian rights has been persecuted, I suspect their definition of "violence" will encompass everything from spray paint, to egging, to speaking badly of, to looking at a Tesla funny.
WTF is “violence against Tesla”?? It’s a thing! Domestic terrorism on a piece of shit vehicle, especially the cybertruck?? Besides, it is the job of Congress to make the laws, not this guy making shit up everyday.
Why are you so scared then, huh?
Welcome to the Reich of the Orange Felon, fellow members of the Volksgemeinschaft.
Like a Mel Brooks plot…
To paraphrase...."I'm President Musk and this is my dog Donald"
He is setting a precedent that cannot be stopped
but it will say something something terrorism national security on the papers.
This could get much, much worse rather than better.
Smearing feces inside the Capitol Building = Patriotism
Got it.
Those two gotta go.